Sportsfishing Project Coordinator Role Description

Volunteer Role Description
Role Title
Sportsfishing Project Coordinator
 Acquaint and teach 4-Hers fishing skills
 Organize fishing workshops for interested youth
 Organize fishing derby or attend established fishing derby
Success Criteria:
 At least 3 educational workshops and a follow-up fishing derby are held with a minimum of eight youth
participating in each event.
Time Required:
5-6 workshops plus derby (4-5 hours prep time; 2 hour workshops)
 Teach laws, techniques, tackle neeeds, water safety, specie knowledge
 Provide casting practice
 Coordinate fish fry
 Recruit additional volunteers to assist with workshops and derby (see that they are properly screened as
volunteers with U of I Extension)
 Determine workshops/derby locations
 Provide promotion material information for distribution by Extension office
 Create and implement a risk management plan for individual events (including securing insurance)
 Create and share budget with Extension staff
 Maintain regular contact with Extension staff
Target Dates:
Workshops spread over one-year period - perhaps bi-monthly
Fishing derby in late spring
Resources Available:
4-H Sports fishing Manuals and Leader Guide
State Parks
Area lakes
Local ponds
Local Pros
Sportsman Clubs
Memorial 4-H Fishing Camp by Curt Sinclair
Soil and Water Conservation
Pond Shocking
Training Opportunities:
Extension 4-H Staff
Extension Natural Resources Educators
Reports to:
 Extension 4-H Staff
For Questions Contact
Volunteer Signature
Extension Staff Signature
Volunteer Screening of all volunteers will be required.
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
University of Illinois • U.S. Department of Agriculture • Local Extension Councils Cooperating
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
The 4-H Name and Emblem are Protected Under 18 U.S.C. 707.