4-H Ambassador Coordinator Role Description

4-H Ambassador Coordinator
To provide leadership and direction to the Unit 4-H Ambassador Program.
To achieve increased awareness of 4-H in the unit. To increase membership
in the Ambassador Program and 4-H.
Success Criteria:
The development of a plan with objectives and a schedule for the
Ambassador Program for the year. Training program for Ambassadors at all
levels conducted during the year. Completion of Ambassador promotion
projects, community service activities and leadership roles at 4-H events.
These activities will provide the Ambassadors an opportunity to develop
their communications skills, to become involved in leadership roles at unit
events, and to become involved in community service, which increases the
public's awareness of 4-H.
Regular and timely communication will be maintained between the
Ambassador Coordinator, Unit Office, Ambassadors, club organizational
leaders and other volunteers involved in the program.
• Meet jointly with Unit Extension Youth Staff to establish objectives for
program for year
• Identify volunteer roles; plan for recruitment and screening of volunteers
and implement volunteer roles with the Ambassador Program
• Solicit input from existing Ambassadors to discuss program needs and
plan activities for the year - including a risk management analysis of
planned activities
• Review or establish program guidelines
• Prepare budget for Ambassador Program in cooperation with the Unit
Extension Youth Staff
• Work with 4-H Foundation and Unit Leader to secure donations for
• Submit plan and budget to 4-H program committee for review prior to
beginning of year.
• Secure teachers, location, date, and time for sessions
• Determine content and prepare materials for training sessions
• Assist Ambassadors as they develop individual plans for the year including
promotion project and leadership at 4-H and community events
• Secure assistance to critique Ambassador presentations and conduct
scholarship interviews
• Work with Ambassadors to make present promotion projects or programs
with media, businesses, schools, clubs, civic groups etc.
• Work with Ambassadors to present "4-H The Fun Starts Here"
presentations at schools and "Find Out" parties following the presentations
• Help Ambassadors get organized for county 4-H events including fair
judging and events, auction, 4-H Night, 4-H Recognition Banquet, Public
Presentations Contest, etc.
• Help Ambassadors get organized for community service activities
• Make presentation of Ambassadors at 4-H Night at the fair
• Arrange for presentation of scholarships by donors at 4-H Night of the fair
• Prepare publicity to recruit and select new Ambassadors
• Prepare training schedule for the year and meet on a regular basis
• Prepare publicity for media outlets and 4-H newsletter during the year
• Prepare correspondence to Ambassadors and volunteers during the year
• Keep file of all correspondence and materials for year
• Prepare written report at end of year
Time Required:
10 hours per month
Target Dates:
September through August
Monthly training sessions – Oct/Mar
School presentations - Sept/Oct and Jan/Feb
Spring - evaluation sessions and interviews
Week of Fair
Resources Available:
Past files
Ambassador notebook
4-H The Fun Starts Here Ambassador Guide and Script
Current Ambassadors
Unit Extension Youth Staff
Training Opportunities: Consultation with Extension staff
Report To:
Unit Extension Youth Staff
For Questions, Contact: Unit Extension Youth Staff
Date: 02/03