Communications Contest

Tuesday March 22, 2016 at 7 p.m., Mercer County Farm Bureau, 206 SE 3rd Street, Aledo
Participants must pre-register by March 20 in the area you wish to compete in. To register, call the Mercer County
Extension Office at 582-5106. Top candidates in formal speech, illustrated speech, original works, and oral
interpretation are selected to compete in the public presentations at the Illinois State Fair (1 entry per class for a
total of five entries).
The only equipment provided (upon request) will be a podium, table, screen, LCD projector, and extension cord.
Requested items should be noted when registering for the contest. (NOTE: This includes the brand/type of laptop
that the exhibitor will be bringing so we have the appropriate adaptor for the projector.) No parents or supervising
adults will be
permitted in the staging areas or to assist with equipment being used in the presentation.
**Please indicate if the presentation will be a TEAM presentation (in approved classes only) when registering for
contest (noting who the team members are) when registering for team presentations.
**The content of any 4-H competitive presentation does not reflect the beliefs or views of the University of Illinois
Extension 4-H program. No live animals are allowed in speeches.
4-H Pledge Speaking (not eligible for state fair)
Members in grades 3, 4, or 5 will recite the 4-H pledge. Experienced pledge speakers will draw questions to be
answered following the pledge.
Demonstration (not eligible for state fair)
Demonstrations may pertain to any topic (Exception: Foods-Nutrition entries must enter through the appropriate
foods class.) Demonstrations may be given by an individual or a team of two members. Exhibitors are responsible
for furnishing all equipment and supplies needed. Demonstrations must be 8-10 minutes in length.
Food Demonstration (not eligible for State Fair)– Food demonstrations should be approximately 8-10 minutes in
length; however there will not be a time penalty. The time limit will be taken into consideration at the judges’
discretion. Demonstrations may be done by an individual or team of two members. Exhibitors are responsible for
furnishing all equipment and supplies. A stove, refrigerator, and demonstration table will be available for
demonstrator’s use. No
parents or supervising adults will be permitted in the actual demonstration space. However, an adult/parent may
help set up his/her demonstration area.
50276 Formal Speech: Formal Speeches (without props, costume, or aids) must be between 4-6 minutes in
length and done by an individual member. Formal speeches provide information to the audience. Note cards are
not considered a prop or visual aid and are allowed in this class.
50277 Illustrated Speech: Illustrated Speeches (with any type of visual aids) must be between 4-6 minutes in
length and done by an individual member.
50278 Original Works: May be done by an individual or a team of no more than three members. Member may
present any type of original works (i.e. comedy, storytelling, original poetry, radio segment, etc.) Works must have
been written by one of the members. Segment must be between 4-6 minutes in length. Original works
presentations are
designed to entertain an audience. “Costume” attire is allowed to enhance the presentation. All team members
must be registered for the class via the 4-HDMS process. All members of a team receiving a Best in Action rating
will receive a premium.
50279 Oral Interpretation: May be humorous or dramatic interpretation, oratorical declamation, prose reading
or verse reading. Material may be read or memorized. May be done by an individual or a team of no more than
three members. Musical presentations are not appropriate for this class. Interpretation must be between 4-6
minutes in length. “Costume” attire is allowed to enhance the presentation. All team members must be registered
for the class via the
4-HDMS process. All members of a team receiving a Best in Action rating will receive a