New Club or Group Organizer Role Description

New Club or Group Organizer
To work with youth, families and other interested adults in forming new 4-H
clubs or groups.
Success Criteria:
One or more new clubs will be formed to accommodate youth interested in
4-H following recruitment activities in a school or community.
Leadership roles will be filled and members and leaders enrolled.
• Attend recruitment activities that are conducted in areas targeted for new
clubs or groups.
• Visit informally with adults who attend recruitment activities to identify
their experiences, interests and availability to provide leadership to newly
formed club/group.
• Seek out and follow up on leads for potential adult leadership in the
• Schedule time, place, and person to help conduct an information meeting
for youth, parents and others who are interested in starting a 4-H
• Develop agendas for information meeting and organization meeting,
providing activities and information for both youth and adults.
• Make arrangements for facilities, supplies and refreshments (if desired) for
information and organization meetings.
• Develop a risk management plan for the information and organization
• Assist with screening procedures for youth protection and volunteer
placement as agreed to with unit staff (completing applications,
interviewing prospective volunteers, contacting references and sending
applications to CANTS and Illinois State Police for a criminal conviction
check. Check name against registered sex offender list & copy driver’s
license & insurance card if volunteers will drive as part of roles). (Must
sign a confidentiality agreement to perform these functions.)
• Involve New Club Mentor Leader in the organization meeting and assist
with the transition to his/her follow up with the club's leaders.
Time Required:
Estimated 8 - 20 hours per new club over a 4 - 6 week period.
Target Dates:
Peak periods for new club organization are September-November and
Resources Available:
Helping You Help Youth - 4-H Volunteer Leaders
Helping You Help Youth - Organizing a New 4-H Club
Information about Local Programs and Clubs
Child Protection Procedures and Forms (Unit Management Handbook)
Risk Management Forms
Training Opportunities: Training on Organizing Clubs
Youth Protection Training
Volunteer Recruitment Training
Risk Management for 4-H Meetings Workshop
Report To:
Unit 4-H Youth Development Educator/Unit Extension Youth Staff
For Questions, Contact: Unit 4-H Youth Development Educator/Unit Extension Youth Staff
Date: 05/04