UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network Themed Research Call Application Form and Request for Funds (£10,000 max) 1. Title of Project: What is the research question? Condition of interest (Include patient group, type of lesion, location etc.) What treatments do you propose to include or compare? What outcome measures will you use? (a primary outcome measure is not applicable if your intended application is for feasibility work only) What group of patients do you propose to study? (Include main inclusion/exclusion criteria and estimated patient numbers required. If you are able to provide the rationale for this study sample size please do so.) What existing evidence is there? (Supporting evidence is crucial to the marking system we use. Please provide references to 2-3 papers.) Has a systematic review been completed (or is ongoing) on your subject? If none, state ‘none’. UKDCTN Themed Call Application and Vignette for UK DCTN funds FINAL Version 1 Jan 2015 Do you have a research team in place? Please provide brief details here and expand on this information in section 2 below. If ‘no’, the UKDCTN can help you to find suitable collaborators. Please tell us what experience you have in developing and/or participating in clinical trials. Have you considered patient involvement to develop your idea? Please provide brief details. Why is this suggestion particularly suitable for study through the UKDCTN Network? Which funding bodies do you suggest should be approached if your preliminary pilot/feasibility work is successful? Are you, or someone else from your team, be prepared to be Principal Investigator on the potential clinical trial? If ‘no’, please involve someone else in the development of your vignette who will act as PI, before you submit the vignette. If you need assistance in finding a suitable PI with adequate clinical trial experience, please contact the UKDCTN, as we may be able to find someone suitable. Why is this research needed now? Please add here any further information or comments that would help with the discussion of this vignette. It is important that our Panel reviewer feedback and other UK DCTN support in the development of grant applications is acknowledged. Please tick here that you agree to add an acknowledgement of UK DCTN feedback and support on future funding applications/publications. If you would like us to submit this idea to the HTA through their affiliate members’ scheme, please also include the following: Why is this research important to the NHS? (For advice on this question please refer to the HTA website ( If this proposal has been submitted elsewhere, please give details. UKDCTN Themed Call Application and Vignette for UK DCTN funds FINAL Version 1 Jan 2015 2. Contact details Lead Applicant: Name Address Postcode Tel No Email Chief Investigator: (if different from above) Name Address Postcode Tel No Email Co-applicant 1: Name Address Postcode Tel No Email Co-applicant 2: Name UKDCTN Themed Call Application and Vignette for UK DCTN funds FINAL Version 1 Jan 2015 Address Postcode Tel No Email Co-applicant 3: Name Address Postcode Tel No Email Co-applicant4: Name Address Postcode Tel No Email UKDCTN Themed Call Application and Vignette for UK DCTN funds FINAL Version 1 Jan 2015 3. Purpose of Application for Funds Is your application for: Pilot/feasibility study Other 4. Brief summary of the Research Proposal please include how your feasibility or pilot work may contribute to inform the main intended trial including a brief outline of your future intended research (where applicable) (max 300 words): UKDCTN Themed Call Application and Vignette for UK DCTN funds FINAL Version 1 Jan 2015 5. Please explain the reason for your application to the UK DCTN for these funds and why the UK DCTN should award this money 6. Length of Project 7. Amount of funding requested: £ Please attach a breakdown of finances by item and amount below. UKDCTN Themed Call Application and Vignette for UK DCTN funds FINAL Version 1 Jan 2015 *NB* Item headings used in the table below are used purely for illustrative purposes and should be tailored and detailed to the activities proposed. Item Patient involvement Statistical input Research Team and Study Development- Equipment Consumables Other Direct Costs Unexpected costs Details Estimated Costs (£) e.g. travel, subsistence, Payment for time commitments and associated expenses e.g. any anticipated fees for expert member of team to be consulted e.g. Printing / photocopying Posting /Packaging e.g. MHRA or Ethics application fees e.g. travel, subsistence, Course and Conference fee attendance Additional costs TOTALS: 8. Signature and date of lead applicant: UKDCTN Themed Call Application and Vignette for UK DCTN funds FINAL Version 1 Jan 2015 PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM: By email to: or By post: F.A.O Margaret McPhee, UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network, Room A103, King’s Meadow Campus Lenton Lane, Nottingham, NG7 2NR Email: UKDCTN Themed Call Application and Vignette for UK DCTN funds FINAL Version 1 Jan 2015