Report of the Payment Limit Commission Keith Collins Commission’s Statutory Charge • Assess effects of further limitations for direct, counter-cyclical payments and marketing loan benefits on: – – – – Farm income Farm land values Rural communities and agribusiness infrastructure Planted area of covered commodities and supply and prices of all commodities • Recommendations as Commission determines appropriate Commission’s Other Charge Report language: “Examine the feasibility of improving the application and effectiveness of payment limitation requirements, including the use of commodity certificates and the unlimited forfeiture of loan collateral.” Commission Members • 3 Members Appointed by House Agriculture Committee --Gary Black (Georgia); Gary Dyer (Arizona); Richard Newman (Texas) • 3 Members Appointed by the Senate Agriculture Committee --Terry Ferguson (Illinois); Ellen Linderman (North Dakota); Neil Harl (Iowa) • 3 Members Appointed by the Secretary --Alice Devine (Kansas); William Spight (Mississippi); Ed Smith (Texas) • Keith Collins (Chairman) Commission Timeline • Late January 2003: first meeting • March 2003: Commission solicited public comments --375 comments received • June 17, 2003: public workshop held on --9 invited speakers and several members of the public provided comments • August 2003: final meeting held --From January-August, 9 meetings held in which several experts were invited to provide information • September 2003: report released Current Payment Limitations • $40,000 per “person” for direct payments • $65,000 per person for countercyclical payments • $75,000 per person for loan deficiency payments and marketing loan gains Background: A Person • A person is the unit to which payment limits apply—it may be an individual, an individual in a joint operation, or other entity: trust, limited partnership, corporation • Under the 3-entity rule, an individual who receives payments may also receive payments from up to 2 other entities in which the individual has up to a 50% interest Background: An example of maximum payments an individual may receive Producer has own operation, 50% interest in trust A and 50% interest in corporation B DirectCC MLG/LDP Dollars Own farm A B Total Grand total 40,000 20,000 20,000 80,000 65,000 32,500 32,500 130,000 $360,000 75,000 37,500 37,500 150,000 Background: To be Eligible a Producer Must be Actively Engaged in Farming • Must provide: Land, equipment or operating capital and Active personal labor or active personal management • Contributions must be commensurate with shares and must be at risk Distribution of PFC Payments, 2001 $4.1 bil. Paid to 1.2 mil. Payees Payment size % of payees % of payments $10,000 or less 91 43 $10-30,000 8 39 $30,000 or more 1 18 Certificate Exchange Gains by State, 2001 State Gains (Mil. $) Arkansas 203 California 189 Georgia 146 Louisiana 113 Mississippi 256 Texas 300 Subtotal 1,207 U.S. total 1,700 Distribution of Certificate Exchange Gains, 2001 Payment size % of payees % of payments $50,000 or less 61 12 $50-150,000 25 30 $150,000 or more 14 58 Farms Receiving Government Payments 34% of all Farms in 2001 Of farms Rural Intermediate Commercial receiving residence farms farms (330,000) (123,000) payments: farms (273,000) Avg. net cash 2,256 17,961 124,220 income Avg. gov. 4,827 13,865 60,532 payments Share of: Farms 38 45 17 Payments 10 34 56 Production 7 27 66 Average Payments by Farm Type, 2001 Farm type Cash grain Oilseeds Rice Cotton Other crops Livestock Payments per farm* $31,900 $15,800 $116,600 $55,500 $12,100 $9,300 *For farms receiving government payments. About 20% of other crop and 40% of livestock farms received government payments in 2001. Current Limits Do Not Reduce Payments Appreciably Why? • Most farms are not large enough to trigger limits, although farms in 43 states hit limits in 2001 • Large farms have multiple persons (payment limits) per farm • No limit on marketing loan benefits Billion Dollars Effect of Current Limits on Payments 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 PFC Mkt loss Amount not paid out due to limits Loan benefits 2001 2001 Payment Reductions due to Current Limits in 2001, by Crop Crop Corn Wheat Cotton Rice % Reduction 0.6 0.6 2.5 1.1 Base Acres Needed to Reach $40K in Direct Payments Crop Base acres Comment Corn 1,636 1.5% farms harvest>1,000 ac. Wheat 2,623 Soybeans 3,565 5.2% farms harvest>1,000 ac. 1.9% farms harvest>1,000 ac. Upland cotton 1,176 Rice 416 10.1% farms harvest>1,000 ac. 19.9% farms harvest>500 ac. Number of Persons per FSA Farm 1-2 FSA Farms Persons 3-5 6-10 11-20 1.6 mil. 198,890 19,222 2,289 21+ 325 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 Bil. $ Marketing Assistance Loan Benefits LDPs MLGs CEGs Total Certificates • Used to facilitate marketing loan administration • Used to avoid loan forfeitures, gain not s.t. limits • Nonrecourse loan makes LDP/MLG limit ineffective • Use of certificates with nonrecourse loan has little consequence for taxpayers, slight increase in farm income, and avoids market disruption of forfeitures Effects of Further Limitations on: 1--Farm Income • Reducing direct limit to $30K, CC to $50K and loan benefit to $75K: Direct payments fall $255-275 mil. CC payments fall $400-425 mil. Loan benefits fall $400-500 mil. • Reductions: 4-5% of payments • Producers affected: rises to 35K from 12K • States most affected: CA, AZ, AR, MS Regional Effects of Further Limitations Percent of Producers Having Payments Reduced Under $30,000 Limit on 2000-Crop PFC Payments Zero 0.1-3 Percent 3 -10 Percent 10-20 Percent More than 20 Percent Percent Reduction in Payments Under $30,000 Limit on 2000-Crop PFC Payments Zero 0.1-3 Percent 3-6 Percent 6-10 Percent More than 10 Percent Effects of Further Limitations on: 2--Farmland Values • 15-25% of land values due to gov. payments, but many factors determine land values • Non-operator landlords rent out 41% of farmland • Reducing limits to $30/50/75K would reduce rental rate and land values. Modest national effect; possibly large regional effects Ariz. & Calif: 25% or more of producers would reach limit • Effects greatest in Delta, So. Plains, followed by Southeast and rural areas of Far West Effects of Further Limitations on: 3--Rural Communities & Infrastructure • 316 out of ~2,300 rural counties are farm dependent • Vulnerable areas: county income dependent on farm income, farm income dependent on payments, high proportion of producers affected • Short-run effects greatest in Delta, West Tex. , rural Ariz. & Calif., Western Kan., Eastern Neb. & So. Dak., Western Iowa – Lower acres, farm income & spending, but higher crop prices & lower rents. Effects diminish over time • Long-run effects largely unknown: farm structure less important than technology, economic diversity, natural amenities Effects of Further Limitations on: 4--Commodity Supply and Prices • Limits on decoupled payments expected to have minimal effect; main effect is limits on loan benefits • Planted acres decline: modest national effect but larger effect for cotton and rice – E.g., cotton: 0.5 to 1.2 to 2.5 mil ac. • Limited effect on F&V due to climate, lack of market outlets, need for contracts, investment, negative effects of shifts. Shifting to hay a likelihood • Effects diminish over time Commission Recommendations--1 • General: --Delay change until next farm bill or allow adequate phase-in time --Increase compliance resources at FSA/OIG --Avoid incentives to create business organizations for payment purposes --Avoid changes that force risk shifting from landlord to tenant --Changes should be meaningful, transparent and simple and sensitive to commodities, regions, existing infrastructure --Information and analysis Commission Recommendations--2 • “Actively engaged” should be strengthened by combining active labor and management and making it meaningful and measurable • Direct attribution would improve transparency, administration, efficiency – Attribute payments through entities to individuals – Entities still qualify for payments but interests must be actively engaged in agriculture – Landowner/share rent exemption would continue Commission Recommendations--3 • Commission divided on imposing payment limits on forfeiture and certificate gains • Key issue is whether to limit nonrecourse loans – Some see loans as fundamental to income stability and risk management and any limitation would reduce production, efficiency, and rural infrastructure – Others believe loan benefits should limited to production on family-size operations. They argue such a limit would reduce the income derived from economies of scale, lowering land values and slowing farm consolidation with associated benefits to rural communities