SCHOOL OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY RISK ASSESSMENT FORM 1. Location: Responsible person/Supervisor: Project number: 2. Brief description of work activity: 3. List the MAIN HAZARDS associated with the above activity: 4. HAZARD RATING: (on the scale 1 (slight) – 3 (major)) 5. List any control measures currently in place: 6. RISK FACTOR: (on the scale 1(low) - 3(high)) 7. EXTENT (number of people affected 1 (1 – 10 person/s) - 3 (whole department)) 8. HAZARD x RISK FACTOR x EXTENT = : If HAZARD x RISK FACTOR x EXTENT <= 3 No further action required If HAZARD x RISK FACTOR x EXTENT > 3 Detail any preventative/protective measures to be taken to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, the workers undertaking the activity must be made aware of these measures (continue on a separate sheet if necessary). If HAZARD x RISK FACTOR x EXTENT > 6 The Safety Officer must be consulted 9. Signed (assessor): Date of assessment: 10. Countersignature (responsible person/ supervisor): Review Date: July 2013 Notes on completion of RISK Assessment forms 1. Enter the name of the research group, teaching laboratory or workshop as appropriate and the room number. Enter the name of the person responsible for the work i.e. academic supervisor or line manager and Project number (for UG lab). 2. Give a brief description of the work activity. The main problem will be how finely to sub-divide particular activities. The following suggestions should act as a guide: In teaching laboratories assess individual experiments or projects. It would be reasonable to describe a laboratory technician’s job of setting out experiments, maintaining equipment, clearing up etc. as a single work activity. In a research lab, activities may include: (i) sample preparation, (ii) operating the experimental apparatus and (iii) building and maintaining the equipment. 3. Hazard is the potential that lies in any thing or situation to cause harm to people, property or the environment. Obvious hazards include: Electrical, high voltages, lasers, very high or low temperatures, rotating machinery and so on. (Chemical hazards are already covered under COSHH there is no need to reconsider these). Refer to these by adding a note “see COSHH assessment” and attach the COSHH assessment to the risk assessment form. Note: physical hazards such as flammable, asphyxiant, explosive or radioactive are NOT covered by COSHH and must be included on this form. 4. Grade the hazard on a scale 1-3 where: 1 = slight (injuries require no more than first aid treatment) 2 = serious (injuries requiring medical treatment or more than 3 days off work) 3 = major (very severe injury or death) 5. If any preventative or protective measures are currently being taken then summarize these. List engineering controls, administrative controls e.g. you may refer to any existing documentation such as standard operating procedures or local area rules and attach these to the form, and finally the use of personal protective equipment 6. Risk factor is a measure of the chance that the hazard will actually cause harm to people or property. It is best to make a qualitative assessment based on common sense and experience and then grade it on a scale 1-3, where: 1 = low risk (event will seldom occur) 2 = medium risk (event will occasionally occur) 3 = high risk (event will frequently occur) It is clear that the risk will depend on such factors as the training and experience of the worker. 7. Extent (number of people affected) 1 = 1 - 10 person/s carrying out the procedure 2 = larger group of people within the vicinity 3 = whole area or whole school affected 8. If the product of the hazard x risk factor x extent is ≤3, then no further action is required except to sign the form to certify that the assessment has been carried out. If the product is of the hazard x risk factor x extent is > 3, then some other measures will have to be taken to reduce the risk as far as is reasonably practicable. It is better practice to use preventative rather than protective measures. If the product of the hazard x risk x extent is >6, then the safety officer MUST be consulted 9. Do not forget to sign and date the form. The assessment is not valid if this is not done. Remember to review your assessments regularly. 10. A counter signature by the responsible person / Supervisor for the work is also required for all Forms.