POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: Bridging Business with 4-H Young people go through a lot while growing up, and those experiences need to be positive so they can be prepared for adulthood. University of Illinois Extension and Illinois 4-H honors emerging research in youth and adolescent development that indicates the need for eight “critical elements” in youth development programs to ensure positive outcomes for participants. One of the elements that needs to be provided is: OPPORTUNITIES FOR SELF-DETERMINATION Youth need to feel they have control in their lives—that they can make some personal decisions. Young people can practice self-determination by making choices based on individual likes and dislikes, interests, and skills. Encouraging youth to try new things and experiment with new projects or subjects strengthens their autonomy and sense of control. Here’s what business employees can do to help: Teach a workshop at a 4-H meeting where 4-H members can choose what they do, say, or use to complete the activity. Involve your co-workers to offer a variety of learning experiences for 4-H members—let the members choose in which ones they participate. Explain to 4-H after-school program participants how your likes and dislikes, interests, and skills influence your job and career choices. Share your personal hobbies with a 4-H group. Arrange for your place of employment to adopt a 4-H club pairing each employee with a 4-H member based on mutual interest in learning about a specific 4-H project. Why provide opportunities for self-determination? For youth to develop a sense of who they are, they need opportunities for independent thinking and taking on personal responsibility. They need opportunities to experiment with different choices, evaluate what happens because of them, and consequently learn to improve the quality of their decisions. They can be resources for themselves and for others too! Want to find out more? Contact your local county Extension office to get involved with 4-H today! Authors Christine Hill (Extension Unit Educator, Youth Development, Gallatin/Pope-Hardin/Saline Unit) Steve Wagoner (Extension Educator, Youth Development, Edwardsville Center) Eric Werge (Extension Educator, Youth Development, Chicago Center) 2005 University of Illinois U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Local Extension Councils Cooperating University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.