Low Volume Irrigation and Crop Management Technologies Value of SDI Combined with CMT National Sales Meeting June 13-17, 2005 1/6/2003 Identify Identify Issue/Need Relate Product or Feature that Solves Issue Communicate Gains in productivity, performance or economics Convert Benefits into gain or pain eliminated Translate into economic terms Translate Convert Relate 7/1/2016 Communicate Economic Squeeze Low Commodity Prices Jim Phene -- Netafim USA 7/1/2016 Increasing Input Costs Identify Identify Issue/Need Relate Product or Feature that Solves Issue Communicate Gains in productivity, performance or economics Convert Benefits into gain or pain eliminated Translate into economic terms Translate Convert Relate 7/1/2016 Communicate Dr. Claude J Phene--Retired USDA-ARS Copyright 2005--used by permission 7/1/2016 Identify Identify Issue/Need Relate Product or Feature that Solves Issue Communicate Gains in productivity, performance or economics Convert Benefits into gain or pain eliminated Translate into economic terms Translate Convert Relate 7/1/2016 Communicate Discovery of High Frequency & Fertigation Effects Average Yield @ 29 Tons 1st Year: 40% less water & “N” Injected-- 48 Tons 2nd Year: 40% less water & “N & P” Injected-- 75 Tons 3rd Year: “N-P-K” Injected-110Tons 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 Mike Bartolo--CSU Extension Equal Yields of 1500 Bags Furrow requiring @6.9 ac-ft Drip requiring @13 ac-in @ Over 5 acre foot difference... 7/1/2016 What Makes Drip Work? Low volume water application Frequent irrigation: every day or several times a day Application of nutrients through system Wet only soil about roots Low operating pressure: 7-15 psi Highest efficiency & uniformity possible 7/1/2016 Water Use Efficiency Evapotranspiration or ET E T 7/1/2016 Water Use Efficiency Best Described as Unit of Production/Unit of Water E T Typically see 30 to 50% 7/1/2016 Improved Yield, Quality & Earliness Optimal balance of water, air and nutrients enhances top growth over root growth Plant doesn’t wilt so more sugars for growth 7/1/2016 The Benefits of Drip- Fertility Nutrients in solution & readily taken up by roots Meet crop nutrient demands P,K NO3 NO3 7/1/2016 NO3 P PK P NO3 NO3 NO3 K NO3 K NO3 NO3 Less NO3 loss due to deep percolation Typical Irrigation Methodology “TOO WET” “TOO DRY” 7/1/2016 High Frequency Irrigation Theory 7/1/2016 Typical Fertility Methodology 7/1/2016 High Frequency Fertigation Theory 7/1/2016 High Frequency Fertigation Method 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 The Benefits of Drip: Fertigation Majority of Inputs Injected P P K K NO3 NO3 pH pH CHEMIGATION 7/1/2016 SDI on Farm Advantages +No evaporative losses +More Flexibility +Less Labor +NPK in root zone 7/1/2016 +Dry Soil Surface +Mitigates Weeds +Controlled Root Zone +Less Compaction +Permanent SDI Macro Advantages Lower Salt Accumulations No evaporative losses More Flexibility Mitigates Surface Runoff Mitigates Deep Percolation 7/1/2016 Dry Soil Surface Decreases Herbicides Decreases Erosion Highest Efficiency Permanent Solution Identify Identify Issue/Need Relate Product or Feature that Solves Issue Communicate Gains in productivity, performance or economics Convert Benefits into gain or pain eliminated Translate into economic terms Translate Convert Relate 7/1/2016 Communicate Crop Management Technologies Creating Value or Why do our Customers Need It? National Sales Meeting June 13-17, 2005 1/6/2003 7/1/2016 Continuous Measurement 12” Shallow sensor = when to start Deep sensor = how long 36” 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 Used by permission--Dr. Claude Phene Copyright 2005 Available Water - What does it mean? Total Volumetric Available Volumetric Water Content Water Content 50% 100% 100% 50% 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 Used by permission--Dr. Claude Phene Copyright 2005 7/1/2016 Volumetric vs. Matric Potential 7/1/2016 Used by permission--Dr. Claude Phene Copyright 2005 How We Use GP Sensor 7/1/2016 Used by permission--Dr. Claude Phene Copyright 2005 Tools to Help with Scheduling 7/1/2016 Soil’s Description Program to provide guidelines for AWC Consider effects of Matric Potential Consider effects of Osmotic Potential Leaching Fractions SPAW Soil - Plant - Atmosphere - Water Field & Pond Hydrology SPAW is a daily hydrologic budget model for agricultural fields and ponds (wetlands, lagoons, ponds and reservoirs). Included are irrigation scheduling and soil nitrogen. Data input and results are graphical screens. Developed By: Dr. Keith E. Saxton USDA - Agricultural Research Service in cooperation with Department of Biological Systems Engineering Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-6120 Voice: (509) 332-7277 FAX: (509) 332-7277 Email: ksaxton@wsu.edu Homepage: http://www.bsyse.wsu.edu/saxton Register and Download SPAW Revised: Mar 3, 2005 7/1/2016 http://hydrolab.arsusda.gov/SPAW/Index.htm 7/1/2016 Soil Water Characteristic Estimates by Texture and Organic Matter for Hydrologic Solutions". By Dr. Keith Saxton Email: ksaxton@wsu.edu 7/1/2016 Start-up of Automation (Shafter) 7/1/2016 High Frequency Irrigation (Shafter) 7/1/2016 Frequency of Irrigation (Shafter) 7/1/2016 Frequency of Irrigation (Daily) 7/1/2016 IrriWiseTM Weather Station 7/1/2016 High Frequency Fertigation Method 7/1/2016 Management by Exception 7/1/2016 Introduction Netafim assembled a professional team with the aim of creating a reliable modular and open control platform These products are the beginning of a new concept in which automation products function as a decision support tool 7/1/2016 Summary NMC-64: User friendly controller consisting of: Large graphic display Flexible hardware structure Suitable for Irrigation and climate application NMC-15: Advanced, simple irrigation controller. Suitable for small to mid-range applications NetaJet dosing units: Ensures outstanding accuracy, homogeneous solution and simplicity 7/1/2016 Identify Identify Issue/Need Relate Product or Feature that Solves Issue Communicate Gains in productivity, performance or economics Convert Benefits into gain or pain eliminated Translate into economic terms Translate Convert Relate 7/1/2016 Communicate Economic Squeeze Low Commodity Prices 7/1/2016 Increasing Input Costs 7/1/2016 Economic Analysis Spreadsheet from Kansas State University Spreadsheet Showing Updated Inputs 7/1/2016 This template determines the economics of converting existing furrow-irrigated fields to center pivot sprinkler irrigation (CP) or subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) for corn production. Versio n 2, mo dified by F.R. Lamm, 4-9-02 Field description and irrigation system estimates Total Suggested Field area, acres 160 160 Non-cropped field area (roads and access areas), acres 5 5 Cropped dryland area, acres (= Field area - Non-cropped field area - Irrigated area) Irrigation system investment cost, total $ Irrigation system investment cost, $/irrigated acre Irrigation system life, years Interest rate for system investment, % 8% 8% Annual insurance rate, % of total system cost Translate Production cost estimates Total variable costs, $/acre (See CF Tab for details on suggested values) Additional SDI variable costs (+) or savings (-), $/acre 30 $58,000.00 $464.00 25 0.25% Suggested 155 0 $45,114 $155,000.00 25 $1,000.00 25 0.25% Suggested 200 Suggested 155 125 Additional Costs CP $2.50 $32.50 SDI Suggested 125 CP Suggested $342.91 $342.91 Yield and revenue stream estimates Corn grain yield, bushels/acre Corn selling price, $/bushel Net return to cropped dryland area of field ($/acre) CP 200 0.25% $122,016 15 0.25% SDI Suggested $318.19 $318.19 $0.00 $0.00 SDI Suggested 250 200 $2.28 $32.50 Advantage* of CP over SDI, $/total field each year -$18,941.80 Negative value m eans SDI has positive advantage $/acres each year -$118.39 * Advantage in Net returns to land and management You may examine sensitivity to Main worksheet (tab) assumptions on three of the tabs listed below. 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 7/1/2016