National 4-H Conference is a working conference.
Delegates attend workshops and discuss issues in teams to suggest future programming for 4-H on a national, state, and local basis. Delegates meet with federal legislators on Capitol Hill to discuss the impact of 4-H and Extension programming in their areas.
Sightseeing is limited during the actual conference. Currently, the conference is scheduled to begin Saturday evening, March 28 and end the evening of April 1. We will be staying one extra day for sightseeing and return on Friday, April 3.
Once the Illinois delegation returns home, delegates and adults are expected to report to the
State 4-H Staff and Youth Leadership Team on the conference AND commit to one year of work on a special project. This project may be a carry-over project from previous years or may be a new project of the delegates’ design.
The Illinois delegation will consist of:
5-6 teens, ages 15-18. Delegates must be 15 by
January 1, 2009 and cannot be 19 by the trip.
(First consideration goes to State 4-H Youth
Leadership Team) Teen delegates should represent the diversity of Illinois teen 4-H members in ethnic origin, age, residence, and type of 4-H experience (traditional club, special interest, individual member, EFNEP, etc.).
Regional representation will also be considered.
1-2 adults
November 3 - Applications from State 4-H Youth
Leadership Team members due
December 3 – “Open” applications and recommendations due (postmarked by)
January 2, 2009 - $350 participant fee due
January 9, 2009 – Last day to cancel and receive participant fee refund
State 4-H Office& Illinois 4-H Foundation cover costs for:
Conference Registration & Room (approx. $800, includes most meals)
Air travel costs from Illinois to Washington,
D.C. (Approx. $350)
One evening’s dinner
Delegates pay:
$350 participant fee*
Ground transportation in Illinois & Washington,
3 meals during Conference + 3-4 others
Expenses for sightseeing**
Own incidentals
* If this amount poses a financial difficulty, alternative funding may be available. Interested youth or local Extension staff should contact the
State 4-H Office regarding concerns. If a delegate cancels after January 9, the $350 participant fee will
NOT be refunded. After a delegate has completed the obligations of the National 4-H Conference trip,
$150 will be returned to the delegate.
** This amount will include ground transportation and may include any special entry fees.
Two pre-conference orientation sessions will be held for Illinois delegates. These orientations will be held via Meeting Place, the University of Illinois teleconferencing network, at no cost to the delegates.
Delegates are expected to attend the pre-conferences, as well as any post-conference sessions to discuss and carry- out the group’s state plan.
I am interested in attending National 4-H Conference, March 28 – April 3. I realize that these dates include the conference and one extra day for sightseeing and the additional expenses will be at my cost. I understand that if I am selected and accept this trip, I will be expected to pay a $350 participant fee, plus my ground travel in Illinois and Washington, D.C. and 6-7 meals during the week. The $350 is non-refundable should I cancel after January 9,
2009. I also agree to serve a one-year commitment to the delegation’s “project” upon our return to Illinois. A portion of the participant fee ($150) will be returned to me a year after the trip, providing all trip obligations are met.
PLEASE type or print your information!
Street Address:
Telephone: ( ) Birthdate: / /
The following information is needed for Conference registration. (Should you be selected, I must have this information to register you for this event.)
Ethnic Origin: White African-American
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
Residence: Farm
Town/City, 10-15,000
Central City, over 50,000
Shirt Size: _____ S _____ M _____ L
Why do you want to attend National 4-H Conference?
Town, Under 10,000 & open country
Suburbs over 50,000
_____ XL _____XXL
What do you expect to do with the knowledge and/or experience gained from this trip?
(continued on back side of page)
List three words to describe yourself – and indicate why you selected those words:
Please list what you believe to be the four most important leadership positions you have held and indicate why you selected those positions:
Which words come closest to describing your personality style (Choose ONE):
Fun-loving, party-person, risk-taker
Organized, live by the calendar
Relationship-oriented, enjoy being with friends
Enjoy science, methodical, check out all the alternatives before making decisions
Why should you be selected for this opportunity?
A recommendation from Extension staff member MUST be attached to this application for youth who are not
State 4-H Youth Leadership Team members.
Applications must be postmarked by:
November 3 for State 4-H Youth Leadership Team members
December 3
Return to: Debra Stocker
State 4-H Office
for “at-large” delegates
1902 Fox Drive, Suite A
Champaign, IL 61820
FAX: 217/333-9287