2016-2017 Girls Athletics Parent Meeting Info Welcome/Introduction of Coaches: Athletic Overview: Athlete expectations: good sportsmanship, pass all classes, good citizenship, Follow all Code of Conduct and KISD Student Handbook Coaches expectations: professionalism, Knowledgeable, Model positive character traits, Open communication with athlete and parent—every day of ISS=3 miles & OSS/DAEP=code of conduct violations-case by case Coaches: Expected to show professionalism, be knowledgeable in their sport, model positive character traits, and have open communication with athletes and parents. Parent expectations: Positive sportsmanship at games, Any questions or concerns--visit with the coach the day after, Committed to getting their athlete to all practices, Upholding and respecting that school sports take a priority over outside sport commitments. Sports: What is offered: Girls—Volleyball, Basketball, Cross Country, Track o Soccer & Swimming in the Spring but NOT during Athletics class period, only after school Must tryout in AT LEAST TWO sports—run CC if no VB and BB participation Seasons: VB: Aug-Nov; CC: Sept-Oct; BB: Nov-Feb; Track: Feb-May Practice Times: VB/BB 7-9am; CC 7:30-8:15 OR 3:45-4:30; Track 3:45-4:30 Game Days: Girls: VB/BB/Track: Thursday—Tournaments for A and B teams Must Dress Up or wear team shirt that will be available to purchase for each sport. CC: Wed & some Sat. Cut vs. non cut sports & numbers for cut sports: CC=NO cuts; VB/BB=30-35athletes; track= 3 people in each event go to meets but unlimited # can participate in running groups at practice. Mama Notes/Dr. Notes—if your child is hurt or sick you can write a note for them to sit out of athletics, it only lasts for 2 days. If they are still sick or injured, a Doctor’s Note is required or they will begin participating again. They are still required to dress out even when sitting out unless their injury prevents them from changing (ex: cast) Paperwork/Contact: Online Physical/Paperwork: link on TSMS athletic website for RANK ONE What to turn in/where/when: Physical from Dr. and medical history to front office at TSMS by JUNE 3rd …after JUNE 3rd to Administration Building @ 350 Keller Parkway FOUR ONLINE FORMS TO COMPLETE ON RANK ONE—MUST DO ALL OF THEM— EVEN THE HELMET ONE! Uniforms: Girls— visit the athletic website for the link to the “A Great Idea” store to order uniforms or you can purchase your own black shorts that are in compliance with the school dress code. Any Trinity Springs t-shirt or a plain grey t-shirt with no writing. Socks/athletic tennis shoes/hair in ponytail and hair out of face, and sports bras! 2 orders: One from July 1st-August 5th: Those will be delivered first day or two of school Second order August 8th – Aug. 28th…Will be delivered around Sept. 12th VB Tryouts: When: Tryouts are closed to parents to allow total focus of the athlete VB: o 1st round of Tryouts will be Wed (24th) & Thurs. (25th) at 6:50am o 1st Cuts posted Thursday at 6pm on the athletic website o 2nd round of tryouts will be Fri (26th) & Mon (29th) at 6:50am o Final Cuts posted on Monday at 6pm on the athletic website o Practice the rest of the week & scrimmage will help us decide teams…teams will be posted on Friday (Sept. 2nd) at 6pm on the website…teams are never solidified. Teams can change throughout the year. o 1st VB Scrimmage is Sept. 1st o Tues the 30th MS Night at TCHS--$5 for pizza/drinks/dessert Off-Season: What it is: for those who are not participating in a current sport, running, weight lifting, agilities, plyometrics, preparing for the next sport. When it is: during the class period; 8:30-9…no early morning practice Game Procedures: Bus: all athletes travel to and from games on a bus Sign Out: if an athlete rides home with parents from a game, they must sign out with a coach after all games are complete. Stay for all games: all athletes stay for ALL games, promotes teamwork and a learning opportunity. Run 1 mile if you leave early before the next game. Locker Room/Lockers: Girls: Will get lockers/locks on locker handout night in August or on first day of school. We provide a free lock at beginning of the year, if they lose this throughout the year it costs $8 to replace. Locker Room Policy: we issue you a lock and all equipment should be locked at all times, we are not responsible for lost/stolen items. Time allowed to change: 9am we let into the locker room, must be to 2nd period by 9:20am Showers: there are showers in the locker rooms: girls’ showers are individual with curtains. Provide your own toiletries and towels. LOCKER HANDOUT: o 7th grade Tuesday August 16th from 5-7pm in the TSMS Gym o If you can’t make it Tuesday we are doing 8th grade on Monday August 15th from 5-7pm and you can come then. First Days of School: Regular clothes on 1st day of school—we will go over paperwork, lockers, & expectations. NO BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL PRACTICE ON DAY 1! 2nd day—show up IN workout clothes to 1st period for off season OR at 6:50am for VB tryouts. Please refer back to our athletic website periodically over the summer for more important info!