The Kendall County Expansion & Review Committee Minutes
May 18, 2009
Attending: Kayla Bissonette, Mary Church, Tim Kellogg, Bev Rehberg, Tom Thomas,
Kim Eisnaugle and Linda Fitzgerald
Absent: Scott Brummel, Natasha Lehrer, Pat Van Riper
The meeting opened at 7:06 p.m. Mary moved to accept the minutes as presented. Tom seconded the motion. Motion passed.
An interpreting Art/perspective puzzle was enjoyed to relieve the stress of the day and get our minds restarted.
We reviewed a 4-H Program Fee Fact Sheet that Council was given. We discussed several ways to come up with extra funds to cover scholarships for 4-H families that could not afford to pay the $20 per youth fee implemented in 2010, next 4-H year. We discussed giving a break to families with four or more youth. $20 is the cost per youth with a cap of $60 per family so a family of 4 youth will still pay the $60. In that case,
Extension funds will be short $20 and has to show $20 per youth collected whether they get the family break or a scholarship. The group thought we could use money collected at the pork chop dinner basket raffle to start a fund in the Foundation. Other ideas included contacting alumni for donations, have a spot at the Fair to collect funds for this purpose.
The booth at the fair would highlight 4-H programs with a slide show or power point.
Expansion and Review members would volunteers to operate the booth at least on Friday and Saturday of the Fair. If booth were in Smith 4-H Hall, it would be free.
Members were invited to Linda Fitzgerald’s retirement open house on July 2 from 3-6 p.m. She will be greatly missed by all and everyone encouraged her to volunteer her time at the fair etc.
The members Tom, Tim and Kayla decided to meet to write the letter/article that would be included in the Fair Times newspaper that advertises the fair and goes out to the whole county to inform the public of the new fees and possible Extension Account shortage.
From there the committee will use this information to develop the slide show or
PowerPoint to promote 4-H and develop more awareness. This will then be available for the 2009 Kendall County 4-H Fair and to take to area groups, like the Lions Club,
Optimists’ etc.
Kim Eisnaugle
Acting Secty.