University of Illinois Extension Kendall County Unit Council Minutes May 12, 2009 Council Members Present: Ted Mathewson Brian Watkins Dr. Jeff Wayda Janice McCann Wayne Mundsinger Aaron Morris Christine Rott Louise Cernekee Council Members Absent: Cheryl Johnson Belinda Hill Craig Weber Connie Emery Dick Whitfield Diana Hester Pat VanRiper Shawna Watkins Staff Present: Sandra Davis Linda Fitzgerald Kim Eisnaugle Anne Lietz Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wayne Mundsinger at 7:05 p.m. Secretary Minutes: The minutes were distributed and approved as submitted. Motion to accept: Ted Mathewson Second: Christine Rott Passed: Unanimous Financial Reports: March 09 Income $1,000 from HCE Expenditures: missing rent in March, posted in April April 09 Income: State matching funds, 4H premiums, general donations Expense: Rent double due to March rent posting Additional Info: Each county was required to establish a Revolving account with the University last July. The revolving account receives income from registrations and publications revenues. Current Income: $7552.98 Current Expense: $1,848.39 Motion to accept: Louise Cernekee Second: Ted Mathewson Passed: Unanimous Staff Reports: Reports were presented as written. April 4 Bunny Hop in Oswego reached over 1000 kids 109 of the Extension Online Surveys were completed ( 100 required ) Other Reports: Fair Board (Aaron & Wayne) Improvements for blacktop sidewalks in progress. Education building has a new ceiling put in for sound control. Demolition Derby Memorial Weekend. Only food booths will be open. $5 admission. Friends of Extension (Pat and Janice) Sign up sheet for Pork Chop dinner July 18 th 2009. Everything is going well. Tickets are available for selling. Donations are still needed for themed basket raffles. The committee is also seeking empty baskets. There was discussion to have a second raffle at the Fair to start the setup of scholarship fund for 4-H program fees. Master Gardeners (Wayne) - The help desk will be open 9:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. - Plant sale at Blackberry Farm on May 16 – there will be a mixture of annuals, herbs, perennials. - An excess of 300 plants are available - sold 5 rain barrels so far with 8 more on order ($75 each) - Plano community garden starting Nominating Committee – Person in Health Department is interested (only person so far) Environmental Initiative (Ted) – no report Programs 4-H Youth Development, Expansion and Review – Working on a feature article for paper. – Camp Clover still looking for Youth Volunteer workers (June 22nd-25th) Consumer Science – no report Horticulture and Natural Resources – no report Family and Nutrition – no report Old Business: Future Funding and Cost Recovery Master Naturalist would like access to 4-Seasons program that extension Master Gardner and consumers utilize (Teleconference that occurs frequently throughout the state of IL.) Discussion was had. Wayne: Proposal that Jan 1, 2010 five classes for Master Naturalist/Gardner are offered at no cost. After that they will be offered at a 50% rate for the 4-Seasons or other appropriate educational presentations or classes First: Brian Watkins Second Jeff Wayda Motion Passed: Unanimous Marketing Materials New materials have just arrived. Please pick up at Extension Office to determine if there is an interest. Reminder: Materials are available for members to take to local businesses/community centers to set out for local citizens to use. Fliers/booklets include: Successful Container Gardens, Getting Through Tough Financial Times, Where Your Food Comes From, 4-H What’s it all About, Nutrition and Wellness Programs, Spring at the Farm, Feeding Your Family – Feeding Their Family, U of I Gardener’s Corner, Horticulture Answers, Urban Programs Resource Network, Your Guide to Diet and Diabetes, 4-H International Night, Plan Well – Retire Well, and Dealing with Clutter, New materials include: Watch Your Garden Grow, Selecting Shrubs for Your Home, Living with Wildlife in Illinois, Hello my Name is… New Business Nominations for Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame – Need names to submit for this of long time supporters or prior members. 4-H Shooting Project – Letter was included that Illinois is now allowed to do this. Discussion regarding this if it should be offered in Kendall County. Decision to table this item to Fall meeting 2009. Linda Fitzgerald’s Retirement – July 2, 2010: 3PM – 6PM. A hiring freeze is making it difficult to replace this position immediately. It is possible a person may transfer from Kane County at 60% rate. (JoAnn Britton) 4-H Trophies - There was a vote to choose the style of trophies for the fair. The winner was the double bar trophy. FY10 Tentative Budget - Tentative budget was presented by Sandra. This is still in progress. Discussion of how to make 4-H affordable to families in need. - What can be used to determine if this is a need for a family - One consideration is to use 4-H Foundation to set up scholarship fund to pay back Extension 4-H Program Fee Fact Sheet - September 2009 a $20 fee per child will be applied. - We need a source to offset the cost for those families with multiple children. There is no longer a per – family cap on fees. - A committee will meet in July to make recommendations on how to provide assistance. Wayne, Sandra & Jeff to discuss. Motion to adjourn – Janice McCann Submitted by: Brian Watkins Second: Ted Mathewson Adjourned: 9: 21 PM