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University of Illinois Extension
Kendall County Unit Council
Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2007
Members Present:
Connie Emery
Diana Hester
Belinda Hill
Ted Mathewson
Janice McCann
Aaron Morris
Wayne Mundsinger Pat VanRiper Dr.
Jeff Wayda
Brian Watkins
Shawna Watkins
Also Attending; Margaret DeNard-Boyd, Cindy Worsley, Financial Sec. from Kane
Members Absent:
Esther Agyemfra
Jake Lambert
Katie Brummel
Mark Petri
Louise Cernekee
LaDonna Redmond
Cheryl Johnson
Staff Present:
Sandra Davis
Linda Fitzgerald
Kim Eisnaugle
Deidra Cody
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Wayne Mundsinger.
Secretary Minutes
The minutes of the September 19, 2007 meeting were reviewed by the council members.
Motion to accept the minutes of the September 19, 2007 meeting:
1st –Janice McCann
2nd – Ted Mathewson
Action – Approved
Financial Reports
Dr. Wayda went over the September Trust Financial Report.
Motion to place Trust Financial Report for September, 2007 on file.
1st –Aaron Morris
2nd –Diana Hester
Action – Approved
Staff Reports:
Sandra Davis – as written
Linda Fitzgerald – as written
Kim Eisnaugle – as written, talked about Silent Auction of birdhouses that the 4-H Clubs
decorated. Auction will be held at Achievement Night on November 16, 2007 at 7:00
p.m. at the Fine Arts Center of Plano High School.
Deidra Cody-as written, introduced herself and briefly told what she does.
Other Reports
MG-Wayne reported on garden clean up at the Extension building. Report stated MG
volunteers and number of years involved.
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Northeast Region Advisory CouncilWayne reported about funding avenues in non-traditional ways. Sandra is looking into
how we might get staff and volunteers to take programs to community for donations.
She also discussed matching funds.
Fair Board-Aaron and Wayne attended one meeting and an orientation meeting. They
learned about how the board is funded. Fair was $8,000 in the red and the Fair board is
looking for ways to make additional money. They are working on budget for the year.
Master Gardeners-Wayne reported help desk is closed for the winter, but MGs are
available on-call. MG training was attended. As a national push, programs are allowing
MG volunteers to address questions on line. Fund raising and activities at county home
DeKalb, marketing brochure available were discussed.
Old Business:
Funders Appreciation Luncheon, Jan. 15 Pat Van Riper presented for Connie Emery.
County Board thought January was better than the Nov. date last year. Belinda offered
the meat, for the meal, Pat passed the list for donations for the meal. Possible MG share
the program with Science & Tech camp. Belinda Hill’s daughter attended and would be
thrilled to talk about what she learned. Emerald Ash Borer presentation will be put
together by Wayne. Linda and Kim E. will do individual decorations. Final plans will be
discussed at January meeting.
Environmental Partnerships/Ted Mathewson. Passed handout (The Extension
Environmental Initiative – A Proposal) around and discussed Extension being the ideal
instrument to get information about environmental issues. Ted talked with the following:
Bill Sullivan, Director of the Environmental Council, U of I and Dick Warner, Asst.
Dean, Extension Program Coordination, U of I. They will do what they can do get help
through the University.
See the handout for information about an interactive website with automatically updated
information, for business, teachers, students, etc. that is being discussed. Ted is looking
for funding. According Margaret DeNard-Boyd, Susan Grupp from DuPage is working
on Green Home at the Museum of Science and industry through the environmental
council. Ted showed interest in talking or working with that group. Wayne is aware of
another idea for funding and will get more information for Ted. Computer center would
be involved in setting up and shouldn’t cost much money, maybe a grant would cover
costs. Is this something that Extension should be involved in? Many were excited to go
this direction. The following list was made for what can we do.
 What 4-H projects would be involved in this study?
 We need lessons plans on environment or global warming
 We need training
 Host a Science & Tech camp for youth who have completed 3rd, 4th , 5th grades
and get funding from major financiers-we need curriculum
 We need marketing data
 Educate homeowners: phosphates on yards and villages requiring mowing, short
grass etc.
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Renewable sources of energy
Need contractors who are knowledgeable about environmental friendly, cost
effective, “green earth friendly” See second handout “The Environmental
Way to decide on alternatives
Horticulture position. Interviewed three diverse candidates for the Educator position and
evaluated them. Committee members took into consideration their presentation of
“Integrated Pesticide Management for the Homeowners”. Joe Toman is the head of
committee. Dr. Oliver is doing background check on one of the three.
New Business
Wayne Mundsinger appointed Belinda Hill as Council representative to the Kendall
County 4-H Foundation.
Marketing/Margaret DeNard Boyd, Extension Specialist Public Information. Worked for
4 mayors in the City of Chicago, and knows Obama. The client determines the value of
their needs. Sometimes we need to market their needs, not what we are promoting with
our Extension programs. Clients want to know “What’s in it for me?” Margaret showed
several ads, and noted that quality of life represent our programs. Capital “I” or the
Clover is our brand, quality, unbiased, research, represents us. It is important to know our
programs and our target audiences. Many places are increasing in competition with us:
Hospitals, clinics, Sr. Service providers, boys and girls clubs. How do we assess the
needs of our community? Margaret was specifically asked to come because it was
determined that a marketing committee is needed. Networking is important to market.
3-9-27 means 3 points in nine seconds, 27 words. Distribution is the key. Get your
information out to the public.
Margaret showed the sizes of Annual reports available, voted on size Opt. 1 no takers,
Opt. 2 no takers, Option three unanimous. Marketing – website, urban website 7 Million
hits a day. A picture is worth a thousand words. Give a ways available. Thank you is also
good way to be memorable.
Sandra passed a sign-up sheet around to have individuals sign up for committees.
New Volunteer Program for weather observers.
Do we want to offer training for rain, hail and snow measurements takers? $22 is cost of
gauge. Seminar is free. Kane offered training and 60 people signed up, 8 bought gauges.
It is a daily on the web program. Wayne and Ted liked idea. Sandra will contact bill
Morris from the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow network to set up a
A motion to adjourn the meeting by Ted. Second by Pat Van Riper.
Adjourned at 8:58 p.m.