UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EXTENSION VOLUNTEER REFERENCE FORM (Print on letterhead) _________________________________________________________ is applying to work with girls and boys through the 4-H program and has given your name as a reference. The mission of the Illinois 4-H Youth Development program is to help youth learn skills for living. Adult volunteers assist youth to learn by providing an informal learning structure through which they can establish learning goals, acquire knowledge, practice skills, develop new attitudes, and learn to apply these skills to new situations. University of Illinois Extension seeks your assistance in selecting the best qualified people to serve in leadership roles for youth. We appreciate your prompt completion of this reference form sharing your candid observations about the applicant. All comments will be treated in a confidential manner. Indicate how long and in what capacity or position you have known the applicant. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please use this checklist to evaluate the applicant’s leadership qualities. Use the following marketing system: E = Excellent G = Good F = Fair N = Not known Understanding of Children Dependability Flexibility Communication Skills Sense of Humor Patience Ability to Organize Sense of Fairness Initiative Respect for others Enthusiasm Resourcefulness _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ (over) Please share your impression and knowledge of the applicant’s qualifications for the position by using specific examples where possible. 1. Does the applicant have the ability to work in a leadership role with youth? Other adults? 2. What additional skills, abilities, and attributes does the applicant have that would be helpful working with youth? 3. Describe any experience the applicant has had working with ethnic minorities, low-income audiences, people with disabilities, or cultural differences. 4. Is the applicant organized in handling records and/or money? 5. How would you describe the applicant’s general outlook and stability? 6. Would you be willing to place your son or daughter, or any other child for whom you are responsible, under his/her leadership? ( ) Yes ( ) No Why? 7. Do you know any reasons why this person should NOT be considered for this position? ( ) Yes ( ) No Why? Signature_______________________________________________ Date ______________ Thank You! Return to: Date Received________________ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EXTENSION VOLUNTEER REFERENCE FORM FOR TELEPHONE OR FACE TO FACE INTERVIEWS Reference Name____________________________________ Phone ( )_______________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ Street City/State/Zip Applicant’s Name_______________________________________________________________________ Position(s) Applied for__________________________________________________________ Interviewed by ______________________________________________ Date _____________ The mission of the Illinois 4-H Youth Development program is to help youth learn skills for living. Adult volunteers assist youth to learn by providing an informal learning structure through which they can establish learning goals, acquired knowledge, practice skills, develop new attitudes, and learn to apply these skills to new situations. ____________________________________ is applying to work with girls and boys through a 4-H Youth Development program and has given your name as a reference. I would like to ask you some questions. Do you have a few minutes? Your comments will be kept confidential. 1. How long have you known the applicant? 2. What is your relationship to the applicant? 3. Have you ever worked with the applicant in another volunteer capacity? If yes, please describe: 4. What strengths would the applicant bring to working with youth? 5. What difficulties would the applicant have in fulfilling these duties? 6. Is the applicant dependable? Does the applicant interact well with children? Other adults? 7. How organized is the applicant in handling records and/or money? 8. To your knowledge, what experience does the applicant have working with ethnic minorities, low income audiences, people with disabilities or cultural differences? 9. How would you describe the applicant’s general outlook and stability? 10. Would you be willing to place your son or daughter, or any other child for whom you are responsible under his/her leadership? 11. Would you consider this applicant a positive role model for youth? Why?/Why not? 12. Do you know any reason why this person should not be considered for this position? If yes, please explain: Thank you. I appreciate your assistance in helping University of Illinois Extension select the best qualified people to serve in leadership roles.