PREMIUMS (Subject to funding by State of Illinois General Assembly) "The Department of Agriculture shall use its best efforts to secure sufficient appropriations to fund premiums. In any year for which the General Assembly of the State of Illinois fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such premiums, premium amounts may not be accurately reflected in this Premium Book." Tax Implications for Prizes, Gifts or Awards Program Participants (including minors) will be required to provide their social security number or foreign national tax ID number prior to receiving a prize, gift or award to ensure proper IRS reporting as required by law. This sensitive information is kept confidential and handled through security protected software (PEAR). Participants will not be eligible for prize, gift or award if social security or foreign national tax ID information is not provided. ONLY ONE PREMIUM PER CLASS NUMBER may be paid according to rules from the Bureau of County Fairs. Premiums will be paid on the "X" factor basis. Below is an explanation of why we are using the "X" factor; how it works; and a listing of projects. Premiums will not be listed throughout the Show book. By utilizing the "X-factor" for County 4-H premiums, 4-H is assuring itself of using all money allocated to premiums without giving out more money than 4-H has. Premiums MAY BE capped at $100 maximum per exhibitor. Basically, the "X-factor" system means: # of 4-H members eligible for premiums times the amount allowed for members by the State, divided by the total number of "X's" accumulated from the county shows and guesstimated for fall crop projects. For example: if Steer Project was paid $5 for blue, $4 for red, and $3 for white ratings, the ratings now are 5x, 4x, and 3x. 5, 4, 3x Beef & Steers Dairy Swine Horse Sheep Goats 4, 3, 2x Cats Dogs Rabbits Poultry Small Pets Woodworking Welding Electricity Robotics Aerospace Video/Film Photography Shooting Sports Sewing & Textiles Computer Science 3, 2, 1x ALL Foods and Nutrition ALL Natural Resources Animal Science Displays Shopping in Style Fashion Revue Crops & Soils Interior Design Visual Arts Visual Arts: Scrapbooking Visual Arts: Cake Decorating Small Engines Child Development Communications Entomology Horticulture & Floriculture Welcome to 4-H Geospatial -3- Health Geology Bicycle Citizenship Consumer Education My Financial Future Forestry Intercultural Leadership Plant & Soil Science Service Learning Small Engines Tractor A-D Theatre Arts Workforce Prep Vet Science All Others Not Listed