Tazewell 4-H Record Book Index
Name_________________________________ Club_______________________
Address________________________________ City, Zip___________________
Phone Number __________________________ Birthdate __________________
1. Attach firmly in a three-ring binder - using appropriate dividers
A. Record Book Index (orange)
B. Recognition for Excellence - Performance Standards (hot pink)
C. My 4-H Activities
D. Planning for My 4-H Project Work
E. Supplemental Information
2. Organizing the Papers
There are several different ways to organize your 4-H records. One of the
most important things to keep in mind when organizing your book is that you will be
adding records to it each year. You should always keep the records in chronological
order with the most current year on top.
Do NOT include Project Books in your record book.
The Hot Pink Recognition for Excellence sheet should remain in the front of
the record book, immediately following this page.
A section for the My 4-H Activities can follow. Keep them in chronological
order with the most current year on top.
The remaining sections are for your 4-H Project Records. You should have a
divider for each project. Alphabetize them. Add new dividers as you add new
projects. Keep them in chronological order with the most current year on top.
An optional section is a Leadership section. This is a section for supplemental
pages that are not directly related to a project area but are related to 4-H
leadership that you have had. For example, if you attended a 4-H conference or
taught a class at Clover Clinic or a Workshop, you may include the registration
letter or thank you letter in this section.
3. Supplemental Information
Be very selective in what supplemental information you include in your 4-H
Record Book. Examples of appropriate supplemental information are:
Before-during-after pictures of you working on your project (include picture
Score sheets
Special certificates or pictures of you with your awards related to specific
News paper clippings which report your participation in projects, activities
and the honors you received. Label each clipping with name of newspaper and date
the article or picture appeared. With a colored pencil, underline your name in the
4-H Correspondence - significant letters you have received in connection
with your 4-H membership.
4. Items that should NOT be included in your record book
Do not include materials that are considered “memory” items. 4-H members
are encouraged to keep separate scrapbooks or memory boxes for these items.
Do not include ribbons.
Do not include newspaper clippings, magazine articles, magazine pictures, etc.
that you have clipped for a project activity.
Do not include supplemental sheets or pictures for non-4-H activities - such
as basketball schedules, or music contest programs, etc.
5. Don’t forget….
Label your 4-H Records binder on the front and the spine
4-Hers write your own records. Do not worry about always using the same
pen or writing style. It is most important that the records are complete and
written by the 4-Her.
Work on them throughout the 4-H year.
Have your 4-H Leader and parents help.