Chartering a path to the B – belonging I – independence G – generosity M – mastery University of Wyoming 4-H Program, June 2009 Mission of 4-H What do you want young people to get out of 4-H? Mission of 4-H 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults. What is a 4-H Club? In the Wyoming 4-H Program, a club is defined as…. having at least 5 youth enrolled from separate families an adult volunteer who has successfully completed the screening process and provides guidance to the club Is 4-H only a county program or is it bigger than that??? Which of the following organizations is 4-H connected to? United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Land Grant University County Government All of the above Why is Chartering important? Chartering…. “a document from an organization or society that authorizes the setting up of a new branch” “a special privilege, immunity, or exemption granted to a particular person or group” It is the process by which a group is recognized as an official 4-H club Charter requirements 5 members from at least 2 separate families screened volunteer leader(s) team of youth officers support the county 4-H program yearly educational plan for the club Charter requirements…. adopt and utilize the bylaws in the 4-H secretary’s handbook UW Affirmative Action form Approval of application Follow the financial recommendations A Path to Success provides clear expectations for success documents the work you do in fulfilling the mission of 4-H you will receive recognition for the accomplishments you make in providing opportunities for youth to experience the essential elements – belonging, independence, generosity and mastery References National 4-H Headquarters Fact Sheet, Charters: The Key to Official Recognition, downloaded January, 2008 from University of Florida Extension, Essential Elements of 4-H, downloaded June, 2009 from Wyoming 4-H Philosophy Fact Sheet, Clubs, revised January 2009 Wyoming 4-H Philosophy Fact Sheet, Financial Recommendations, developed 2007/08 All forms regarding Chartering can be accessed at the State 4-H Web Site under Volunteer Resources: Presentation developed by Kim Reaman University of Wyoming 4-H Volunteer Development Specialist, 10/09 Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Glen Whipple, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071. The University of Wyoming is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.