MSEG 803 Equilibria in Material Systems 9: Ideal Gas Quantum Statistics Prof. Juejun (JJ) Hu Ideal gas: systems consisting of particles with negligible mutual interactions Classical ideal gas (Maxwell-Boltzmann MB statistics) All particles are distinguishable Quantum statistics Indistinguishable particles: interchanging two particles does not lead to a new state Particles with integral spin (Bosons in Bose-Einstein BE statistics) Particles with half-integral spin (Fermions in Fermi-Dirac FD statistics): one single particle state can only be occupied by one particle (Pauli exclusion principle) Microscopic states of ideal gas systems Example: a 2-particle system with 3 single particle states Single particle states are different from microscopic states of a multi-particle system! MB Statistics State 1 State 2 BE Statistics State 3 AB State 1 State 2 FD Statistics State 3 AA AB AA AB B A B A A A B B A A B B A State 2 A A A AA A State 1 State 3 A A A A A A A There is a greater tendency for particles to bunch together in the BE case Classical case: Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution Take an individual system in a canonical ensemble as one single classical ideal gas particle. The probability of finding the particle in a specific single-particle level with energy Er (in this case also the energy level of the system) is given by the canonical probability distribution function: e Er 1 Er Pr e Er Z e r Assumptions: no interactions between particles (ideal gas), all particles are distinguishable Two methods of deriving distribution functions Model the systems as canonical ensembles Fix temperature Calculate partition function Z Calculate average particle # which minimizes Z Model the systems as micro-canonical ensembles Fix internal energy Calculate # of states W Calculate average particle # which maximizes W Quantum statistics: problem formulation Quantum states/levels of a single particle: r, s Energy of single particle levels r or s: er or es Number of particles in state r or s: nr or ns Quantum state of the entire ideal gas system: R Energy of the system in state R : ER n1e1 n2e 2 n3e 3 ... nr e r r Canonical partition function: Z exp ER exp n1e1 n2e 2 n3e 3 ... R R Mean number of particles in a single particle state r : nr 1 1 ln Z nr exp n1e1 n2e 2 n3e 3 ... Z R e r Fermi-Dirac distribution ns = 0 or 1, n N ; define: s s Z r N ( r ) exp n1e1 ... nr 1e r 1 nr 1e r 1 ... R n exp n e n e ... exp n e n e ... Z r nr 1 1 0 exp e r Z r ( N 1) 2 2 R 1 1 2 2 r ( N ) exp e r Z r ( N 1) R ln Z r ln Z r Z r N 1 Z r N exp N N ln Z r ln Z ~ In macroscopic systems: N N exp e r Z r ( N 1) 1 nr Z r ( N ) exp e r Z r ( N 1) exp e r 1 ln Z r N 1 ln Z r N Fermi-Dirac distribution: alternative derivation The different number of ways to distribute ni particles over gi degenerate sub-levels of an energy level ei : i gi ! ni ! gi ni ! The total number of ways the set of occupation numbers { ni } can be realized: W i i i gi ! ni ! gi ni ! Maximizing W subjected to the constraints: n i ne N i i i E i d ln W d ln i 0 i ni 1 nr gi exp e i 1 Partition function of Fermion ideal gas Z ( N ) exp ER exp n1e1 n2e 2 n3e 3 ... R R n N Z N ' exp N ' Constraint: r r Define sharply peaking at N’ = N N' exp e n exp e n 1 n1 0,1 1 n2 0,1 2 2 ... 1 exp e r r ln Z N ' exp N ' N ' ln ln Z ln Z 0 N N ~ ln Z N exp N N ~ ln Z N ln Z N ln N ln 1 exp e r r Properties of Fermi-Dirac distribution At T = 0 K, FD distribution is a step function and the chemical potential defines the Fermi surface Electrons in metals When e r kT , FD distribution can be approximated by the classical MB distribution Electrons in the conduction band of semiconductors or insulators Bose-Einstein distribution nr can be any positive integer, nr n r N r 0 exp e r Z r ( N 1) 2 exp 2 e r Z r ( N 2) ... Z r ( N ) exp e r Z r ( N 1) exp 2 e r Z r ( N 2) ... Z r ( N ) 0 exp e r 2 exp 2 e r 2 ... Z r ( N ) 0 exp e r exp 2 e r 2 ... n exp n e 1 exp n e exp e 1 r n r r n Chemical potential is determined by nr N r For a system comprised of conservative Bosons, is always lower than any single-particle energy level Partition function: ln Z N ln 1 exp e r r Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) At low temperature, Bosons tends to cluster at the lowest energy quantum mechanical state Velocity-distribution data of a gas of Rb atoms. Left: just before the appearance of BEC. Center: just after the appearance of BEC. Right: nearly pure BEC. Photon statistics (Planck statistics) Photons are Bosons The total number of photons is NOT conserved: = 0 In equilibrium: dG SdT VdP dN 0 0 dN 0 1 1 nr exp e r 1 exp h 1 Note that the condition = 0 only applies to photons in thermal equilibrium with a blackbody! Statistics of blackbody radiation Blackbody: an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation L Wave vector quantization condition: kx k L nx 2 nx Z 2 kx k y kz 2 2 nx 2 n y 2 nz 2 L Photon energy: E kc 2 c nx 2 n y 2 nz 2 L Statistics of blackbody radiation (cont’d) The volume each state occupies in the phase space: 1 2 L 2 L3 2V 3 Vstate 3 L ky E + dE 3 E Photon Density of States (PDOS): 1 4 E c dk W E dE 8 Vstate 2 1 4 E c dE VE 2 2 3 3 dE 3 8 2V c c 2 kx E c Statistics of blackbody radiation (cont’d) Total # of photons with energy between E to E + dE : 1 VE 2 nr W E dE 2 3 3 dE exp E 1 c Total number of photons with frequency between to + d per unit volume: 8 V h 1 8 2 1 d h h kT d 3 3 3 exp h 1 hc c e 1 2 Total energy of photons having frequencies between to + d per unit volume: 8 h 3 1 u , T d d 3 h kT c e 1 Planck’s law and the Stefan-Boltzmann law Blackbody spectral irradiance: 8 h 3 1 u , T d d 3 c exp h 1 Total energy emitted from a blackbody per unit area per unit time: I T u , T d 0 8 5 k 4 4 4 T aT 15c3h3 a = 7.57 × 10-16 J·m-3·K-4 Heaven is hotter than Hell – a thermodynamic proof The Bible, Isaiah 30:26: “Moreover, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven days.” Theaven Tearth 7 7 1 50 Theaven ~ 525 C 4 The Bible, Revelations 21:8: “But the fearful and unbelieving... shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.“ A lake of sulfur (brimstone): Thell TS ,b ~ 445 C Appl. Opt. 11(8), A14 (1972). Classical limit of quantum distribution In a dilute ideal gas, nr 1 nr exp e r n exp e r r r kT ln r exp exp e r N r exp e r N nr N exp e r exp e r r r Partition function Maxwell-Boltzmann partition function ln Z N N N ln N N N ln exp e r r ln Z MB N ln e e r ln Z ( N ln N N ) ln Z ln N ! ln Z r Thermodynamic properties of ideal gas: MB classical treatment Internal energy of monatomic gas: E Ekinetic p2 N 2m 3 3 1 2 d q1 ...d p N Z MB ... exp p 3N 2 m h N 0 1 2 3 3 N exp p1 d p1 ... exp pN 2 d 3 pN d 3q1 ... d 3qN h0 2m 2m N V 3N h0 2 m 2 3 exp p d p V 2 2m h0 ln Z MB N 3 3 2 m N ln V ln ln 2 2 2 h0 32 N N : Single molecule partition function Thermodynamic properties of ideal gas: MB classical treatment (cont’d) Partition function: ln Z MB Pressure: P Internal energy: E 3 3 2 m N ln V ln ln 2 2 2 h0 1 ln Z MB 1 N NkT V V V Ideal gas equation ln Z MB 3 N 3 NkT 2 2 cV 3 S k ln Z E Nk ln V ln T Entropy: MB MB 0 2 3 2 mk 3 where 0 ln 2 2 h0 2 3 R 2 Thermodynamic properties of ideal gas: classical limit of quantum statistics Partition function: ln Z N ln N N N ln exp e r r V 3 3 2 m N ln ln ln 2 1 2 h N 2 Internal energy: E Z N N! ln Z 3 N 3 NkT 2 2 V 3 Entropy: S k ln Z E Nk ln ln T N 2 3 2 mk 5 3 ln S Nk ln V ln T where MB S 2 h2 2 2 Gibbs paradox Mixing two parts of ideal gas of identical composition Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics Before mixing: S MB ,i 3 2 Nk ln V ln T 2 After mixing: S MB , f 2 Nk ln 2V ln T S MB ,i 3 2 Quantum statistics in the classical limit V 3 Before mixing: Si 2 Nk ln ln T 0 N 2 After mixing: S f 2 Nk ln V 3 ln T 0 Si N 2 Vapor-solid phase equilibrium Equilibrium condition: s v Partition function of vapor: Z v Chemical potential of vapor: N N! Different from MB ! kT Fv ln Z v v kT kT ln P N v T ,V N v 2 mkT 2 h 32 Chemical potential of solid: Fs ln Z s s kT N N s T ,V s ln Z s T E 2 ln Z s s Es kT ln Z s ln Z s T0 dT 2 T T 0 kT Vapor-solid phase equilibrium (cont’d) Chemical potential of solid: Es Es T0 N s c T dT T T0 T dT T Es T0 1 1 ln Z s ln Z s T0 Ns c T dT T0 kT 2 T0 k T T 0 ln Z s T0 ln Z s Fs T0 kT0 Es T0 kT Es T0 kT0 T0 0K dT T Ns c T dT T0 kT 2 T0 T T dT T Es T0 ln Z s s kT T c T dT T0 kT 2 T0 N Ns s Vapor-solid phase equilibrium (cont’d) Equilibrium condition: s v kT kT ln P 2 mkT 2 h 32 T dT T Es T0 T c T dT T0 kT 2 T0 Ns Equilibrium vapor pressure: 2 mkT P kT 2 h 32 Es T0 1 T dT T exp c T dT 2 T T 0 0 k kT kTN s Saturated vapor (equilibrium): the rate of molecules impinging on the solid/liquid surface = the rate of vaporization from solid/liquid Density of states for single-particle levels Consider ideal gas occupying a volume V Plane wave solution time-independent Schrödinger equation: 2 2 k Lx A exp ik r p k e 2m Periodic boundary condition: x x Lx Quantization of wave vector k : k x Density of states: W k V 2 3 d 3k W e V 4 2 2 nx Lx 2m nx Z 32 3 e 1 2 de