Please consider the following questions.
Academic Dishonesty -
1) My professor says he caught me with some answers to the exam written on my arm. Now he wants to flunk me. Is this really dishonest? What can I do? What should I do?
2) Earlier in the semester you got caught for having an illegal “cheat sheet”, and the instructor hammered you with academic dishonesty. You now have one dishonesty entry in your judicial record. What happens if you get caught again?
3) You are taking 18 hours of courses and this week you have three tests and a paper due for Scientific and Technical Writing.
The paper is supposed to be on a scientific procedure. You already have a paper you wrote for ME Lab that fits this description nicely. Can you turn this paper in?
4) You are doing your ES1060 homework with a group of students. You all turn in homework that looks exactly the same. Is this considered academic dishonesty?
Privacy -
5) My parents want to see my grades, but I don't want them to. Hey, I'm a senior , I'm 22 , and I've got my rights to privacy,
….Right? What if " senior " were replaced by " freshman " and " 22 " was replaced with " 18 ", how would this affect the answer?
Student Appeals -
6) I've been caught twice for academic dishonesty. What's left to do?
Attendance -
7) I am taking the world's dullest class. There is no homework in the class, the grades are based only on the exams and a report at the end of the semester. All the notes are available on the internet. Do I really have to go to this class?
8) You are enrolled in a chemistry class that meets MWF. About three weeks into the semester, the instructor decides that he will have weekly discussion sessions for all enrolled students. He says that these discussion sessions will have mandatory attendance and will be incorporated into your grade. You already have 18 hours and time is scarce, what should you do?
9) You are having surgery next week and will miss a test. Your instructor says that you will not be allowed to make the test up. What should you do to fix this problem?
Grades -
10) You are taking electronics class and had a 54% going into final exams. You got a "C" on the final and ended up with a
"D" overall. You take the class over again and get an "A". How will this affect your cumulative grad point average? What if you got a "D" again and took it a third time?
11) Based on your knowledge of the University of Wyoming’s procedures, calculate the following GPAs for this student:
Fall 2012 semester GPA
Spring 2013 semester GPA
Cumulative GPA at the end of the Fall 2012 and the end of the Spring 2013 semester
Fall 2012:
ES 1000
ES 1060
CHEM 1020
ENGL 1010
MATH 2200
Cr Hrs Grade
Spring 2013:
MATH 2205
ES 1060
PSYC 1000
ECON 1200
PHYS 1210
Cr Hrs Grade
Student Life:
Student Organizations -
12) You are a member of Tau Beta Pi (the engineering honor society) and you must go out of town to attend a national conference. You will miss a test and the instructor says that he will not allow you to make it up. What can you do to fix this problem?
Dorm Life -
13) The guy in the room next to me has been taking up a collection from everyone and is buying beer. All we have to do is go to his room and tap it from his keg. He's 22 and we aren't buying it or anything. Does the University have a problem with that?
Harassment -
14) Look, these two guys started telling me that girls don't belong in engineering, that they don't understand it and they shouldn't be here. Then, they started saying some really nasty stuff to me. I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now. Is there anything I can do about it?
15) You are the only guy in Women’s Studies class. The instructor seems to reference everything bad that mankind has done to you personally. You are tired of it and are finding it hard to go to class. What do you do?
Computer Resources -
16) Yea, I really like email. Man, you can write anything you want and you can send it ANYWHERE. It is so cool. My friends and I were sending some dirty jokes around and one of them went to this lady professor on campus. Now she wants to have my account dumped and have me expelled. She can't do that, can she?
Judicial Record -
17) On a Friday night, you find that the Laramie Police Department has a reason to "talk to you" and decide to place you into custody for your offense. How does this sequence of events affect your UW judicial record? What should the "Judicial
Record" contain? Will this document have any effect on your life after graduation?