Field Orientation 2015 PowerPoint

Liz Dole-Izzo, LCSW
Director of Field
Write down two question you
want to have answered.
If they are not addressed
during this orientation – we
will address them at the end.
Follow up questions can be
addressed to Shontay at
Develop and maintain field sites; recruit and support
field instructors and on-site supervisors
Match students and placements
Coordinate faculty liaison activities
Support field instructor through orientation and
instruction of field seminar (MSW and BSW)
Develop curricula
Manage and oversee all administrative needs of the
field program
Field Education is “an experiential form of teaching
and learning (where) the social work student is
helped to:
• consciously bring selected knowledge to the practice situation;
• develop competence in performing practice skills;
• learn to practice within the framework of social work values and
• develop a professional commitment to social work practice;
• evolve a practice style consistent with personal strengths and
capacities; and
• develop the ability to work effectively within an agency.”
Jenkins, Lowell and Sheafor, Bradford, editors (1982). An overview of social
work field instruction in Quality instruction in social work. Longman: New York.
CSWE requires 900 practicum hours for an MSW
 Foundation year: 400 hours (Oct – May) supervised
by an MSW Field Instructor
 Advanced Year: 500 hours ( Sept – May) supervised
by an MSW Field Instructor
▪ A BSW field placement “counts” towards the CSWE
requirement for Advanced Standing Students.
▪ Advanced Year placement must be in a different agency/
setting with a different Field Instuctor
4o0 supervised hours
 Concurrent over two semesters
 Approx. 16-18 per week, per semester
 Must meet a minimum of 1 hour per week with the MSW
Field Instructor for supervision
 Hours are individually scheduled with the agency and
MSW Field Instructor
 Students are responsible for keeping track of all hours
and documentation related to the field practicum
500 supervised hours
 Concurrent over two semesters
 Approx. 18-20 per week, per semester
 Must meet a minimum of 1 hour per week with the
MSW Field Instructor for supervision
 Hours are individually scheduled with the agency and
MSW Field Instructor
 Students are responsible for keeping track of all hours
and documentation related to the field practicum
Check in time/Connection
Learn about agencies, resources, and other
Process time
Develop competencies
Co-requisite with all field practicums
 (must receive passing grades in both courses to stay in Field!)
Complete the Field Application
Schedule time to meet/talk with a field
Research possible placements in the Intern
Placement Tracking (IPT) database
Coordinate with UW Field personnel to
interview with agency
Finalize placement
 confirmation paperwork
 May include additional background checks,
immunizations, etc. (typically at students expense)
Typical Exception
Out of State
Anything out of the