PNW Extension Energy Initiative April-June 2007 The Extension education network is being used to facilitate adoption of EERE technologies and practices by citizens in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Alaska), a subset of the Western Region. The WSU Extension Energy Program is providing technical assistanceconsultations for clients of Extension in the Pacific Northwest through the existing EERE Information Center service, in particular for the primary target audience, those interested individuals from local governments and agencies. Joint State Activities A number of conference calls were held for the PNW project Extension Specialists to provide an orientation to the project and to the EERE Information Center. The current plan of work includes conducting state surveys to determine how the project might provide specific information to target audiences. The state energy extension specialists, Lyla Houglum and Mike Harrington collaborated to develop a survey instrument which included a standard set of questions as well as state-specific questions. After pilot testing, the surveys were deployed to extension staff in each state using Zoomerang. To date there have been 146 responses. A copy of the Oregon survey is attached. Alaska: Participants are working with USDA Rural Development and also the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture on alternative energy issues and opportunities for rural Alaska. Oregon: Oregon continues to utilize its renewable energy group to coordinate efforts including a state renewable energy conference. Members of the group meet with a variety of potential end user groups including county officials, commodity groups, and interested individuals. A collaboration MOU is being developed with the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE). The ODOE has issued a contract to hire an OSU faculty member for the home energy efficiency and residential tax credit program. A special presentation was given to for State Extension Citizens Advisory Network and an article on the PNW energy initiative was published in the state Extension newsletter. There is considerable interest in woody biomass utilization owing to the presence of forestry related industries in the state. Another high interest area is biodiesel. A presentation entitled: Biodiesel Basics & Safety was developed and presented at a number of group meetings. Other activities included hosting tours of wind turbines and Camelina test plots (biofuels), development of fact sheets on wind turbines and wind energy and on biofuels. Oregon Extension has assisted a variety of businesses with obtaining grants to implement renewable energy projects. Idaho: Participants in Idaho continue to inform county commissioners, school districts, and community and county liaisons about EERE topics and to inform growers with particular emphasis on energy crops. One example of how the project is working in Idaho is with the Butte County Commissioners and the Butte County Clerk who were made aware of the EERE Information Center and Program via a presentation "Local Governments Save Energy and Money" and brochures "Examples of Assistance" and "Local Governments Can Save Energy and Money". The commission has expressed interest in future consultations when energy related activities/projects arise. Efforts are also being made to link with the Western Governors Association via participation in the recent Western Governor's Association Energy Summit. Washington: The WSU Energy Extension Program continues to provide information via the web including the development a weekly electronic newsletter “Energy Newsbriefs” to the participating states which provides links to resources, recent news and emerging issues. The energy extension specialist made 34 contacts with interested stakeholders. Overall Assessment The project has resulted in increased awareness of EERE information and the need to become more aware of energy issues. The results of the state surveys are providing new information about the needs expressed by the general public in each state which will facilitate the development of focused programming and informational resources. There are increased partnerships with state and local agencies as well as the implementation of new energy information resources that are made available through electronic means and in print. Matching Contributions AK ID OR WA-Energy Center H. M. Harrington Total 1,916.40 6,122.00 13,496.60 3,828.76 1,000.00 $26,363.76