Migration and Household Welfare in Ethiopia Lisa Andersson, University of Gothenburg Katie Kuschminder, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Migration and Household Welfare 1. Loss of Labour from household 2. Remittances 3. Return Migration: – Return of Success – Return of Failure Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Return Migration and Household Welfare • Less evidence than in the case of remittances • Human and Social Capital Accumulation • Kilic et al. (2009) found a strong, positive relation between past (return) migration and non-farm business ownership in Albaniaincreased for people who did not return from Greece Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Remittances and Household Welfare • Macro level- remittances lead to positive economic growth • Adams and Page, 2005- “a 10% increase in per capita official international remittances in a developing country will lead to a 3.5% decline in the share of people living on less than $1.00/person/day” • Hildebrandt and McKenzie, 2004 – children born in international migration households are 3% less likely to die in their first year than children in nonmigration households . Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Literature Gaps • Remittances – Little evidence on the household effect in Sub-Saharan Africa • Still questions as to how return migration affects the household • Comparability between non-migrant, current migrant, remittance receiving, and return migrant households Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Case Study: Ethiopia • Population of 80 million • Emigration rate of 0.4% • Estimated Diaspora Population of 1-2 Million • Remittances 2010- $0.4 Billion • Remittances estimated at 2.2% of GDP • Diaspora Largely concentrated in Middle East, North America, and Europe • Ranks 169 on the HDI Maastricht Graduate School of Governance IS Academy Survey: Ethiopia • 1226 Household Surveys • 15 Sites in 5 regions • Purposive Two-stage Sampling Strategy – 15 Woredas Selected and 3 Kebeles in each Woreda Listed • Random Selection of Households for Enumeration Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Descriptive Statistics All CM HHs Unique CM HHs n 406 156 271 33 161 121 665 1225 % 33.12 12.72 22.10 2.69 13.13 9.87 54.24 100 Average HH Size 6.3 6 6.2 5 5.7 5.3 4.9 5.4 Urban (n) 161 52 119 15 79 50 211 442 39.66 52 12.81 33.33 21 13.46 43.91 39 14.39 45.45 9 27.27 49.07 29 18.01 41.32 19 15.70 31.73 94 14.14 36.08 177 14.45 % Addis (n) % All RR HHs Unique RR HHs Maastricht Graduate School of Governance All RM HHs Unique RMS HHs NM HHs All HHs All CM Unique All RR Unique Descriptive Statistics HHs CM HHs HHs RR HHs HHs with Children (n) All RM HHs Unique RMS HHs NM HHs All HHs 292 108 202 25 122 87 496 906 71.92 69.23 74.54 75.76 75.78 71.90 74.59 73.96 Ave No. Of Children 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.6 HHs with Young Children 53 21 38 8 35 29 141 232 13.05 13.46 14.02 24.24 21.74 23.97 21.20 18.94 Average No. Of Working Age in HH (18-65) 3.9 3.7 3.8 2.7 3.3 2.9 2.6 3.1 Average No. Of Working Age in HH (14-65) 4.5 4.3 4.4 3.1 3.8 3.4 3.1 3.6 % % Maastricht Graduate School of Governance All CM Unique All RR Unique HH All RM Unique Descriptive Statistics: Head HH Head Migration Experience % Years of Education of HH head Age of HH Head Female HH Head % HH Head Farmer % HH Head Employed % HHs CM HHs HHs RR HHs HHs RMS HHs NM HHs 25 10 10 0 90 66 0 115 6.16 6.41 3.69 0.00 55.90 54.55 0.00 9.39 4.19 4.2 4.6 6.81 4.47 4.27 4.12 4.25 54.43 52 53.9 45.36 51.65 49.07 47.83 50.04 147 52 102 10 46 26 217 403 36.21 33.33 37.64 30.30 28.57 21.49 32.63 32.90 141 60 84 8 54 44 237 431 34.73 38.46 31.00 24.24 33.54 36.36 35.64 35.18 46 25 31 8 13 10 119 185 11.33 16.03 11.44 24.24 8.07 8.26 17.89 15.10 Maastricht Graduate School of Governance All HHs Migration Destination and Remittances Migration Destination Number of Migrants Remittances (Birr, past 12 months) Middle East 231 (45.5%) 6803 Africa 102 (20.1%) 3585 34 (6.7%) 14203 106 (20.9%) 15129 21 (4.2%) - 494 14520 Europe North America Other Total Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Coefficient Standard Deviation Size** .2664753 .072892 Children** -.2179473 .0681162 Youngchild -.1148455 .1293661 Workingage2 -.063594 .0651691 Urban** .364238 .1369023 Primary .0448762 .1839283 Secondary -.0151668 .2203479 Higher -.0072896 .3261758 Eduyear .0181983 .016052 Headage .0010577 .0039869 Gender -.2083357 .1168207 Employed** -.4072034 .1695413 Business** -.6038059 .1612211 Agricultural -.1565729 .1503318 Housework -.2485482 .1627678 Amhara .2276191 .1673608 Tigray .3047105 .1703395 SNNP** .3927394 .1856166 Oromiya** .3417249 .1670741 _cons Maastricht Graduate School-1.75596 of Governance .2790979 Coefficient Standard Deviation Size** .2503439 .0709807 Children** -.2021814 .0666013 Youngchild -.113646 .1264231 Workingage2 -.0421193 .0634013 Urban** .2607733 .1112215 Primary -.0549576 .1807062 Secondary -.0199543 .2141086 Higher -.0592852 .3167139 Eduyear .0132747 .0154802 Headage -.0015558 .0037794 Employed** -.5191225 .1541103 Business** -.6714826 .1499707 Agricultural -.2949744 .1230465 Housework -.2973032 .1539694 Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Coefficient Standard Deviation Size** Children** youngchild workingage2 Urban** primary secondary higher eduyear headage employed Business** Agricultural** Housework** Amhara Tigray* .2523373 -.2113543 -.1125477 -.0485789 .4106147 -.0535971 -.003845 .0051831 .0121978 -.001866 -.5212362 -.6995102 -.2919443 -.3165302 .2275308 .2936102 .0716462 .0670449 .1265045 .0643349 .1336053 .1825746 .2172137 .3192276 .0156656 .0038501 .1547323 .1515461 .129485 .1554764 .1619091 .1659209 SNNP** Oromiya* .4208115 .3117498 .1819743 .162207 Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Discussion • Probability to remit is: – More likely if have large household size – Less likely if have children – More likely if live in an Urban Area – Less likely if the HH Head has employment – Less likely if the HH Head owns their own business Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Next Steps • Propensity Score Matching: – Remittance Receiving Households to NonMigrant HHs – Question regarding Return Migration • Look further at the effect of migration on welfare using food expenditure per capita or per adult equivalent • Comparability between the different groups Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Thank you! Lisa.andersson@economics.gu.se Katie.kuschminder@maastrichtuniversity.nl Maastricht Graduate School of Governance