Cross Product, Torque, and Angular Momentum Physics I Class 15

Physics I
Class 15
Cross Product, Torque, and
Angular Momentum
Review of Angular and
Linear Acceleration
MUST express angles in radians.
s  r
v  r
a tangential   r
a centripetal
v 2 2 r 2
 2 r
The radial direction is defined to be +
outward from the center.
a radial  a centripetal
Review of Torque
For linear motion, we have “F = m a”. For rotation, we have
  I
The symbol “” is torque. We will define it more precisely today.
 When the rotation is speeding up, and are in the
same direction.
 When the rotation is slowing down, and are in
opposite directions.
Torque and angular acceleration are
always in the same direction in Physics 1.
The Vector Cross Product
We learned how to “multiply” two vectors to get a scalar.
That was the “dot”
 product:
d  a  b | a | | b | cos( )
Now we will “multiply”
two vectors
to get another vector:
 
c  a  b ; | c |  | a | | b | sin( )
The direction comes from the right-hand rule. It is at a right angle
to the plane formed by a and b. In other words, the cross product
is at right angles to both a and b . (3D thinking required!)
The Vector Cross Product
Torque as a Cross Product
  
  rF
 
|  |  | r | | F | sin( )
r is the vector from the axis of rotation to where the force is applied.
The torque can be zero in
 three different ways:
1. No force is applied (| F |  0 ).
2. The
 force is applied at the axis of rotation ( r |  0 ).
3. F and r in the same or opposite directions (sin( )  0 ).
Example of Torque - A Rod
Suspended by a String Off Center
 
|  |  | r | | F | sin( )
|  | r m g
Forces on “extended” bodies can be
viewed as acting on a point mass
(with the same total mass)
at the object’s center of mass
(balancing point).
(out of page)
What would be the direction of the rod’s angular acceleration?
Angular Momentum of a Particle
center of rotation (defined)
p  mv
Angular momentum of a particle
once a center is defined:
  
l  r p
(What is the direction of angular
momentum here?)
Once we define a center (or axis) of rotation, any object with a
linear momentum that does not move directly through that point
has an angular momentum defined relative to the chosen center.
Class #15
Take-Away Concepts
1. : Speeding up, slowing down.
Definition of vector cross product:
 
   
c  a  b ; | c |  | a | | b | sin( )
  
3. Torque as a cross product:   r F .
 
4. Angular momentum of a particle: l  r  p .
Activity #15
Torque and Angular Momentum
Objective of the Activity:
Think some more about rotation concepts.
Determine the direction of torque from
 
3. Determine the direction of torque from   r  F .
 
4. Calculate momentum of a particle from l  r  p .
(No data measurements today, only paper and pencil.)