Physics I – Exam 2 – Fall 2004 Answer Key Part A – 1: D. 2: ABCD. Partial credit 1 point for each. 3: B. 4. E. Partial credit 2 points for F. 5. C. 6: C. Partial credit 2 points for D. B-1 16 Points U = m g h = 7840 at highest point. K = ½ m v2 = 1000 at highest point. K+U = 8840 everywhere. Partial Credit +4 points for K+U = constant. +2 points for U curve same shape as h curve. +2 points for Umax = 7840. +2 points for Umax–Umin = 11760. +4 points for K curve is mirror shape of U. +2 points for K = 1000 at lowest point. h (m) 10.0 5.0 0 d (km) 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 -5.0 U (J) 7840 3920 d (km) 0 -3920 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12760 K (J) 8840 4920 1000 0 B-2 24 Points p = F t (for constant F and p = 0 at t = 0). l = r x p : x component of r is irrelevant because p is in the x direction. l is into the page or –Z direction. Partial Credit +2 points p = 0 at t = 0. +2 points p is straight line. +2 points p = 2 kg m/s at t = 10. +2 points correct units of l (kg m2 /s). +2 all components of l = 0 at t = 0. +2 points lx = 0 for all times. +2 points ly = 0 for all times. +4 points lz is the only non-zero curve. The next points apply to the non-zero l curve as long as there is only one such non-zero curve. +2 points l curve is a straight line. +2 points l = + or – 0.5 p from p curve. +2 points if non-zero component of l is negative. d (km) 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 px (kg m/s) 2.0 1.0 0 t (s) lz (kg m^2/s) t (s) 0 2.0 -1 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Part C Must show work to receive credit. C-1 16 Points There are two basic approaches, both starting with conservation of momentum. For simplicity, we will use units of mass such that the mass of H is 1 and unit of velocity is 1,000,000 m/s. It is OK to do this as long as we are consistent. Method 1: Use Conservation of Momentum: (1)(5) (4)(0) (1)(3) (4)( v 2 ) v 2 2 Check KE before and after: Before: K 12 (1)(5) 2 12.5 After: K 12 (1)( 3) 2 12 (4)( 2) 2 4.5 8 12.5 Since kinetic energy is the same before and after, the collision is elastic: Method 2: The collision is evidently one-dimensional and momentum is conserved. Check what we predict with the one-dimensional elastic collision equation for v1 final: m m2 1 4 Predicted: v1f 1 v1i (5) 3 m1 m 2 1 4 Since this is what we actually have, the collision must have been elastic because if it were inelastic, the final velocity of mass 1 would be different from what was predicted. C-2 20 points Use Conservation of Energy. Only the unbalanced mass on the end counts for potential energy because the rod itself is balanced (equal sides go up and down.) Initial: K+U = 0+mgh = (4)(9.8)(0.25) = 9.8 J. (I defined U = 0 at bottom position.) Final: K+U = ½ I 2+0. Then 2(mgh ) / I . Need to find I: I I rod I mass 121 (3)(.5) 2 (4)(.25) 2 0.3125 kg m2. 2(9.8) / 0.3125 7.9 rad/s.