Chat Room Transcript of E-Interviews This is the entire “Room 1” transcript, as provided by WebCT It contains transcripts of 7 e-interviews, which may or may not have occurred consecutively o (S301 was interviewed before S302, but an interview in another “Room” might have occurred between 301 and 302.) The only changes have been the substitution for individuals’ names (bold-faced in the transcript): o S3## represents a student, o Interviewer is the physicist (Wagner) conducting the interviews, o Observer is the cognitive psychologist (Jennings) observing and counseling the interviews, and o Professor is the instructor for the course, who did not participate in interviews. (WebCT listed the Interviewer’s discussion under the professor’s name, leading to some identification preamble for the interviews.) 1 *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Mon Jan 13 20:46:57 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 20:46:57 2003 *+**** S319 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 21:37:00 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 21:37:00 2003 *-**** S319 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 21:37:03 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Mon Jan 13 21:37:03 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Mon Jan 13 21:53:16 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** S319 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 21:53:16 2003 *-**** S319 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 21:53:17 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Mon Jan 13 21:53:17 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Mon Jan 13 21:54:37 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** S301 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 21:54:37 2003 *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 21:56:03 2003 S301>>hello Professor Interviewer>>Hi, S301. This is Interviewer. Chat is being a bit weird about not letting me know when students log in. Have you been in here long? Interviewer>>(I don't know why it's calling me Professor. account!) S301>>i just enterd a minute ago S301>>strange 2 I'm using my own Interviewer>>Good. Chat tonight! I'm glad you haven't had to wait. There are gremlins in S301>>hehehhe S301>>they are playing a trick S301>>although i must say this is pretty neat Interviewer>>I agree. S301>>i I'm actually in Texas right now. didn't know webct had a chat program S301>>really Interviewer>>Yep. their discretion. It has a lot of tools that the professors can activate at S301>>i went to midland, texas couple summers ago to visit my uncle and aunt Interviewer>>So do you understand the purpose of the interview? S301>>yeah, the sheet that we got here says that there will questions on the course topics Interviewer>>Right. In order to help us develop the course, we need to understand what ideas students enter the course with, and how those ideas change. S301>>sounds good Interviewer>>So you've read the release, understand how these results will be used, and have signed on one of the options? S301>>yes Interviewer>>Great! (what does it do?) My first question tonight is, "what is an optical fiber" S301>>well an optical fiber is used to transmit data across S301>>it's a type of wire, supposedly better than copper wires Interviewer>>What makes it different from copper wire, and why is this better? S301>>I think, because of the way it treats data signals, it minimizes data loss and transmits faster than copper wires, so the speed and minimization of data loss makes it better than normal copper wires. Interviewer>>What is the fiber made of? S301>>I am not exactly sure but some component that can accurately reflect light thus faster propagation of information. Interviewer>>Why does it need to reflect light? 3 S301>>I read somewhere that fiber optic lines work by reflecting data signals within their framework. Athough i am not entirely sure about reflecting lights; i might have gotten confused with something else. Interviewer>>OK. (By the way, when I ask for a reason, it doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong or you're right. The purpose of this is to find out what you believe and why.) S301>>oh I see Interviewer>>Can you give me specific differences between copper wire and optical fibers? S301>>for starters they are made with different materials; they treat data signals differently in the sense that their propagation technique is different; optical fibers are faster than copper wires; optical fibres minimize signal loss Interviewer>>What's different about their propagation technique? S301>>optical fibres can move multiple signals during a time duration while copper wires can only propagate one at a time, thus contributing to the fiber optics' faster speed Interviewer>>How can optical fibres move multiple signals ? Interviewer>>S301, Chat is messing up again, so can you type something to let me know you can see this? S301>>yeah, i can see it Interviewer>>OK. I'll wait for your answer then. S301>>going back to the above question, I think the topology of the optical fibre enables the wire to handle more than one signal; kind of like the distinction between telephone lines and ethernet, where the ethernet has more pathways for the data flow than the standard telephone cables Interviewer>>OK. What is "optical" about optical fibers? S301>>the cables themselves are made of such materials that have optical features Interviewer>>Can you specify "optical features?" S301>>like better handling of data signals through faster propagation and prevention from data losses Interviewer>>OK. Changing themes, do you know about refraction of light? S301>>i learned a little bit about it in physics II Interviewer>>How does refraction work? S301>>I belive when light hits a material and the dissipates into its components based on the various wavelengths Interviewer>>OK. Have you ever heard of total internal reflection? 4 S301>>i think it means when lights hits a surface how much of it actually reflects back; so I can guess that total internal reflection means that all the light has reflection back successfully Interviewer>>What happens to the light that doesn't bounce back if you don't have total internal reflection? S301>>the light gets either absorbed by the surface it was aimed at or gets lost to the atmosphere Interviewer>>OK. S301, you've been a trooper, and I've kept you far longer than the 20 minutes you signed on for. Just a few demographic-type question s Interviewer>>What is your major, and what class year are you in? S301>>I am currently pursuing a dual major in computer science and computer engineering S301>>i am class 2005 Interviewer>>So that's sophomore, right? Interviewer>>That's some dual major there! S301>>well i couldn't decide if i strictly wanted to do software or hardware, so I decided to do both :) Interviewer>>OK. You mentioned that you had taken Physics II. physics have you taken in high school and/or college? What other S301>>I took a standard physics course in high school and I have also taken physics I at rpi Interviewer>>Great. One final (two really) question(s): this course, and what do you hope to get out of it? Why are you taking S301>>i am taking this course because I am also doing a minor in information technology, and this course was one of the choices; this course seemed one of the more interesting ones on the list; i hope that I get a better understanding of the workings of computers, which will further supplement my computer engineering major Interviewer>>Wow. A dual and a minor. S301>>i had few advance placement credits so my advisor encouraged me to take up minors too Interviewer>>btw, you mentioned you had been to Midland. Did you notice a city called San Angelo nearby (2 hours away is nearby in Texas standards) S301>>can't say I did, the two other places I know about in texas would be austin and dallas, where i have been there very briefly S301>>are u in San Angelo, right now 5 Interviewer>>OK. I'm in Austin right now, but I taught at Angelo State University for a year before going to RPI S301>>i see Interviewer>>Midland was the closest place with a non-propeller plane airport. Interviewer>>West Texas is an interesting place. S301>>really Interviewer>>What did you think of it? S301>>very very hot and humid S301>>well it didn't help for the fact that i went over the summer too:) S301>>i couldn't get out of the house until like 8 pm Interviewer>>Humid? We had 7% humidity one day in San Angelo! the midwest said she kept looking for another digit) (My friend from Interviewer>>I grew up in Florida myself, so not much besides the Gulf Coast strikes me as humid :) S301>>it's a sharp contrast between northeastern weather and southern weather so even a little change makes a differnece S301>>it's like snowing and raining like anything here Interviewer>>True. I was in FL for Christmas, and they complained about the 60degree highs and 40-degree lows :). Interviewer>>OK. and information. I guess I should let you leave. Thanks again for your time I look forward to our follow-up interview. S301>>what is that S301>>is there another one at the end of the course Interviewer>>We get to repeat the interview process (as another hw assignment) after you've covered all the optics stuff :) Interviewer>>that helps us see how effective the course is. Interviewer>>I hope you enjoy the course and get a lot out of it! S301>>ah, so I guess i get a second chance to correct myself Interviewer>>Something like that :) S301>>ok, i enjoyed this very much too, S301>>thanks S301>>bye 6 Interviewer>>Good. nostalgic. I've enjoyed getting to talk to RPI students - makes me S301>>i see S301>>alright then see you later *-**** S301 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 23:04:58 2003 Interviewer>>Yep. Enjoy the class. *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 23:09:34 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Mon Jan 13 23:09:34 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Mon Jan 13 23:10:08 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Mon Jan 13 23:10:08 2003 *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 20:12:52 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 20:12:52 2003 *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 20:23:06 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 20:23:06 2003 *+**** S302 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:04:44 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:04:45 2003 *-**** S302 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:05:17 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Tue Jan 14 21:05:17 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Tue Jan 14 21:05:24 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** S302 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:05:24 2003 *-**** S302 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:05:30 2003 ****************************************************************************** 7 Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Tue Jan 14 21:05:30 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Tue Jan 14 21:05:40 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** S302 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:05:40 2003 *+**** S302 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:07:30 2003 *-**** S302 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:07:32 2003 *-**** S302 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:07:36 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Tue Jan 14 21:07:36 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Tue Jan 14 21:07:41 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:07:41 2003 *+**** S302 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:07:57 2003 S302>>hello? Interviewer>>Hello, S302. Interviewer>>This is Interviewer. I don't know why it says I'm Professor. S302>>Ok. S302>>Hello. Interviewer>>How are you? S302>>I am well. S302>>Getting adjusted to the new semester. Interviewer>>I understand. What do you think of ScIT so far? S302>>I think it is interesting, I like the concepts of developing technology and how it is changing. Interviewer>>I like to think it's an interesting course :) Interviewer>>Do you understand the purpose of this interview? 8 S302>>Somewhat, to give you an understanding of student expectations of the course? Interviewer>>Right. We are trying to improve the course and the materials. Interviewer>>In order to do so, we need to understand what students think when they come in, and how those ideas change. Interviewer>>So you've read the release form, understand how these results will be used, and signed off on one of the options? S302>>Yes. Interviewer>>Great! your year of study? Let's start with some demographics. What's your major and S302>>I'm an junior IT major with a focus in Management Information Systems Interviewer>>And have you ever taken physics before? S302>>I took physics I freshman year, and an intro course in high school. Interviewer>>Great. How'd you like it? S302>>I had some trouble at first with force equations, but after that I didn't have too many problems. I liked it once I grasped the basics and wasn't struggling to catch up. Interviewer>>OK. Switching gears a bit, can you tell me what an optical fiber is (what does it do?)? S302>>It transfers information by passing pulses of light through the fibers of the wire. Interviewer>>What does the fiber look like? (How is it made?) S302>>I don't know how they make it, but it is made of glass. Interviewer>>OK. down the wire? What prevents the light from escaping and keeps it traveling S302>>I am not sure, possibly an electric current. Interviewer>>How would that work? S302>>I do not know how it would work. Interviewer>>OK. Can you just explain what you have in mind when you say an electric current prevents the light from escaping? Interviewer>>i.e., where is this current? In the glass? Somewere else? S302>>The current would be in a parallel wire, changing the conductivity of the glass causing the light to travel down the fiber. Interviewer>>OK. 9 Interviewer>>Do you think any of the light escapes? S302>>I do not think so, the fiber is insulated with a material to keep the light in. Interviewer>>What sort of material? material? What happens to the light when it hits that S302>>A type of rubber, it keeps the light in the fiber. Interviewer>>OK. Let's switch tracks again. What do you know about refraction? S302>>diffraction is when light passes through a prism and is split into different wavelengths, and refraction is light being recombined into one wavelength. S302>>I mean not one wavelength Interviewer>>OK. What do you mean? S302>>but when diffracted light passes back through another prism and is refocused into a beam similar to the original source.h Interviewer>>OK. Why can you separate the light with the prism? S302>>A beam of light is made up of many different wavelengths, and the prism distorts each wavelength at a different angle. Interviewer>>OK. One (really two) final question(s): course, and what do you hope to get out of it? Why are you taking this S302>>I am taking this class mainly because I need another science elective and this best fit my major. I hope to get a better understanging of how new technology works and will be improved upon in the future. Interviewer>>OK. I hope you enjoy the class. I really appreciate your time and information for this interview. I look forward to our follow-up interview later in the class! *+**** S313 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:43:24 2003 *-**** S313 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:43:27 2003 S302>>Thank you. S302>>Have a good night. Interviewer>>You too. *-**** S302 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:44:15 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:45:14 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Tue Jan 14 21:45:14 2003 ****************************************************************************** 10 *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Tue Jan 14 21:45:36 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Tue Jan 14 21:45:36 2003 *+**** Observer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 15 11:54:22 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 15 11:54:22 2003 *-**** Observer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 15 11:54:31 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Wed Jan 15 11:54:31 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Wed Jan 15 12:17:22 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Observer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 15 12:17:22 2003 *-**** Observer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 15 12:17:28 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Wed Jan 15 12:17:28 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Wed Jan 15 21:00:43 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Observer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 15 21:00:43 2003 *-**** Observer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 15 21:00:45 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Wed Jan 15 21:00:45 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Thu Jan 16 09:54:39 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Observer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 09:54:39 2003 *-**** Observer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 09:54:44 2003 11 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Thu Jan 16 09:54:44 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Thu Jan 16 10:11:57 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Observer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 10:11:57 2003 *-**** Observer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 10:11:59 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Thu Jan 16 10:11:59 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Thu Jan 16 12:36:49 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** S303 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 12:36:49 2003 *-**** S303 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 12:36:51 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Thu Jan 16 12:36:51 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Thu Jan 16 13:59:57 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 13:59:57 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:18:07 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Thu Jan 16 14:18:07 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Thu Jan 16 14:21:13 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:21:13 2003 *+**** S303 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:37:29 2003 12 S303>>Hello. Interviewer>>Hi, S303 Interviewer>>This is Interviewer, not Professor S303>>oh okay Interviewer>>WebCT evidently has us confused :) *+**** S309 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:38:03 2003 *-**** S309 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:38:07 2003 Interviewer>>Hi, S309. You're supposed to be in Room 2 S303>>S304 had difficulties getting into the chat room Interviewer>>OK. He left. S303>>would it be alright if he used my computer to talk to you after we're finished? Interviewer>>Yeah, S304 and I have not hooked up yet. That would be fine. S303>>thank you Interviewer>>Not a problem. Interviewer>>So let's get started. you in? What is your major and what class year are S303>>My major is Information S303>>Technology S303>>with a concentration in Communication S303>>I'm a senior graduating this May Interviewer>>what physics courses have you taken before (including hs)? S303>>I took Intro to Physics in High School, then soph year at RPI I tried Physics I but failed S303>>then I took Physical Modeling last semester and got an A Interviewer>>Could you do me a quick favor? Tell TA that anyone who needs to schedule an interview can meet me in the General Chat room to make arrangments S303>>sure Interviewer>>Sorry to hear about Phys I. Glad you did well in Phys Modeling. Awesome Professor is one of my favorite people! S303>>yeah he's very nice 13 Interviewer>>OK, so moving on to more physics-y topics, could you tell me what an Optical fiber is? (What does it do?) S303>>optical fiber is a relatively new way to transfer info S303>>it's expensive, but it can transfer massive amounts of data S303>>it's like a tube with a lot of different colored strands inside Interviewer>>I just thought of a plan. Sometimes in chat it's hard to tell when a participant is done with an answer. Can you put a + when you're done addressing a question? S303>>sure no problem + Interviewer>>How is the optical fiber able to transfer all that info? S303>>i honestly can't remember, i know i learned this though + Interviewer>>That's fine. Interviewer>>What is optical about optical fibers (also called fiber optics)? S303>>all of the strands are passed through by using a type of mirror i belive Interviewer>>OK. What passes through the strands? S303>>they are reflected within the tube + S303>>data? + Interviewer>> What carries the data? For example, if you talk on a tin can/string "phone", the data is carried as vibrations in the string. What might carry the data in an optical fiber?+ S303>>light S303>>+ Interviewer>>OK. So light is traveling down colored stands in a tube. the mirrors come in? Where do S303>>i think they're on the sides of the tube, but i'm not positive+ Interviewer>>OK. btw, you don't need to be positive. I forgot my pre-interview routine. Let's break and do it now for legality reasons. Interviewer>>Do you understand the purpose of the interview? S303>>okay Interviewer>>+ S303>>yes i do+ 14 Interviewer>>Good. We want to find out what you believe, so no matter how "physical" your answers, I'll ask you to clarify and describe. S303>>okay i understand+ Interviewer>>So you've read the release form, understand how the results will be used, and signed off on one of the options? Interviewer>>+ S303>>yes i have+ *+**** S309 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:51:13 2003 *-**** S309 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:51:18 2003 Interviewer>>Good! Now back to the fiber. (We have to satisfy the lawyers) S303>>okay+ Interviewer>>So we've got mirrors on the sides of the tubes that are carrying the light. Does any of the light in the signal escape?+ *+**** S309 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:52:36 2003 S303>>no i don't think so... i think that's one of the reasons why fiber optics is useful S303>>+ *-**** S309 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:53:10 2003 Interviewer>>OK. You mentioned different-colored tubes. difference in the colors?+ Is there any S303>>i would think there must be a reason for the different colors, but i can't tell you what it is *+**** S309 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:54:03 2003 Interviewer>>OK. That's fine. S303>>+ Interviewer>>Hi, 309. You're supposed to meet me in Room 2 S309>>hi, am I too early for a 3pm interview with Interviewer? S309>>oh, im sorry Interviewer>>not a problem *-**** S309 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 14:54:40 2003 Interviewer>>OK, S303, changing topics, can you tell me what you know about refraction? 15 S303>>all i know about refraction is that it has something to do with light being passing through a medium + S303>>i haven't studied it since 1998 S303>>+ Interviewer>>OK. water? Do you remember what happens when light moves from, say air to S303>>it bends S303>>+ Interviewer>>Good. Why does it bend? S303>>i know that air is n=X and water is n=X S303>>depending on the difference in something S303>>that's why it bends + Interviewer>>OK. reflection?+ Have you ever heard of the critical angle or total internal S303>>i've heard of critical angle S303>>+ Interviewer>>Do you remember what it is? S303>>perhaps the angle at which light must enter something in order to come out straight? + Interviewer>>By come out straight, do you mean in a straight line, straight (perpendicularly away) from the surface, or straight along the surface? Or something else?+ S303>>perpendicularly away, sorry i didn't make that clear + Interviewer>>Not a problem. Interviewer>>Let's finish up with why you're taking this class and what you hope to get out of it+ S303>>Well I need a science elective, and this course is the one that relates most to my major S303>>of all my choices i feel this class can give me the most knowledge that i can use in the workplace S303>>i want to learn new was to integrate science and technology S303>>hopefully with respect to human/computer interaction S303>>+ 16 Interviewer>>Great! Thanks for your time. to wait a minute while I talk to others. If S304 can come in, he might need S303>>okay i'll tell him S303>>just send a message when you want to talk to him Interviewer>>Thanks! I look forward to our follow-up interview S303>>nice talking to you! S303>>bye bye Interviewer>>Can you log off and S304 log in? faster. It makes the interpretation go S303>>sure no problem *-**** S303 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 15:04:51 2003 *+**** S304 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 15:06:00 2003 S304>>HI S304>>sorry about everything that's going on, i'm having some serious issues with Bill Gates right now Interviewer>>I understand. Be right with you. S304>>ok Interviewer>>I think I can start. interview? Do you understand the purpose of this S304>>pretty much yes+ Interviewer>>In order to improve the course and the materials, we need to find out what students think when they arrive, and how those ideas change? S304>>makes perfect sense Interviewer>>So I'll be asking you to explain your responses, regardless of how "physical they are" S304>>ok Interviewer>>OK. Let's start with a few background questions. (when you're done answering a question, type a + so I'll know there's not more coming) Interviewer>>What is your major and what class year are you ?+ S304>>my major is Information Technology with a concentration in Communications and I'm currently a Junior + Interviewer>>What physics classes have you taken in the past?+ S304>>i took advanced physics in high school + 17 Interviewer>>OK. Switching gears, can you tell me what an optical fiber is (what does it do)?+ S304>>optical fiber, to the best of my knowledge, is a different type of cable that is used to send information, usually computer networking S304>>its a good amount faster then the cables that are currently used today + Interviewer>>What's different about it? What might make it faster?+ S304>>i don't know the specifics, but the internal aspect of these cables allows light or information to travel and reflect at greater speeds + Interviewer>>How does the light fit into it all?+ S304>>to be honest i'm not really sure, might have used the wrong word S304>>i don't really know S304>>+ Interviewer>>If it's not light carrying the information, what would it be? Interviewer>>+ S304>>good point, from the way you ask the question it makes me believe that it is light..? + Interviewer>>Possible. That seems to be what you said initially. I don't really want to influence your ideas but figure out what they are :) Interviewer>>+ S304>>the way that i read your initial response to my answer made me feel like i had answered incorrectly (i'm not very confident in technical areas) S304>>that's why i'm taking the course, so i can understand what i'm going to be using to make a living S304>>not just to use it + Interviewer>>That's all fine. I'm just trying to understand why students think what they do. So no matter how correct or incorrect, I'll ask for clarification :) Interviewer>>+ S304>>gotcha, i don't have much technical information at my grasp, just things i hear from time to time in class or something i breeze over in a magazine S304>>+ Interviewer>>Good. So back to fiber optics. How do they work?+ S304>>not sure, i guess that iinformation is passed through them in tiny bits by light 18 S304>>then received by whatever is at the other end and translated so we can understand it S304>>oops, forgot the + Interviewer>>OK. What might a fiber look like?+ S304>>a small clear string, can't really explain its appearance S304>>its transparent i believe S304>>+ Interviewer>>opur f Interviewer>>Sorry about that Interviewer>>OK. So if it's transparent, what keeps the light from escaping? Interviewer>>+ S304>>the internal walls of the cable, i'm assuming, i've seen those little kids walking around with them in Disney World S304>>they only place the light escapes is at the end where it is severed S304>>so there must be something within the cable that confines the light, not sure exactly, and if the light is being confined, then it couldn't be translucent..?+ Interviewer>>What are ways you could keep light from escaping a tube? Interviewer>>+ Interviewer>>Like what? Interviewer>>+ Interviewer>>I'm not sure what you're doing, but I'm seeing "PRIVATE MSG rather than your name. Can we figure out how to get back to your name? Interviewer>>+ S304>>+ S304>>there we go S304>>i think i clicked on your name on accident + Interviewer>> to to the Interviewer>>OK. Interviewer>>OK. Let's move on. What can you tell me about refraction? S304>>isn't that the bending or reflecting of light?+ 19 Interviewer>>Possibly :) Why/when does light bend?+ S304>>not sure at all, possibly in physics related type situations + *+**** S310 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 15:39:52 2003 Interviewer>>OK. Hi, again, S310. My bad. I meant Room 2. *-**** S310 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 15:40:29 2003 Interviewer>>OK. Let's finish up with why you're taking this course and what you hope to get out of it.+ S304>>i'm taking this course so i know the answers to the questions you just asked me, so i can understand the different types of devices i will come across as an IT professional S304>>so that if a client or customer should ask me i could give them a detailed but understandable respoonse S304>>and also to fill a science elective, this seemed interesting and most relevant to my major S304>>+ S304>>i keep forgetting the + sorry + Interviewer>>That's fine. of technology! Thanks for your time and perservence through the bog Interviewer>>I hope you enjoy the class, and I look forward to our follow-up interview.+ S304>>haha, no problem, nice talking to you S304>>yes definately, i hope to learn as much as this course allows me S304>>thanks again, bye! :) + Interviewer>>bye.+ *-**** S304 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 15:45:49 2003 *+**** S305 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 15:50:46 2003 Interviewer>>Hi, S305. calling me. S305>>Hello. you are. This is Interviewer, not Professor as WebCT insists on I know I'm a bit early for my 4:00 interview, but ready whenever Interviewer>>This will work. Do you understand the purpose of this interview? S305>>Somewhat; to help better gauge what I expect from the course and what I already know of what will be taught. 20 Interviewer>>Good. In order to improve the course and the materials, we need to understand what students think and how those ideas change. So I'll be asking you to explain and expand upon your responses regardelss of how "correct" or "physical" they are. S305>>Sounds good. Interviewer>>OK. So you've read the release form, understand how the results will be used and signed off on one of the options? S305>>Yes. Interviewer>>Great. background info. Now that we've appeased the lawyers, let's get some Interviewer>>What's your major and class year? S305>>Information Technology, 2004 (Junior). Interviewer>>What physics classes have you taken in the past? Interviewer>>And what's your concentration in IT? S305>>Just High School Physics; I started taking Physics I at RPI my Freshman year, but decided I didn't have the time that semester. S305>>Management Information Systems. Interviewer>>OK. On to science. btw, it's sometimes hard in Chat rooms to tell when someone is done with a response. Type a + when you're done answering each question. Interviewer>>Can you tell me what an optical fiber is? (What does it do?) Interviewer>>+ S305>>An optical fiber is a piece of glass with total internal reflection that is used for transporting light signals that can be from lasers, LEDs or traditional lights. The light is sent in binary as to represent data. Most of the internet backbone (and telephone too) travels on fiber (especially in the US). I think most of it is made by Corning. S305>>+ Interviewer>>OK. What's total internal reflection? Interviewer>>+ S305>>its where the light traveling along the fiber does not leave the glass even if the fiber does not travel in a straight line since the sides of the fiber keep all of the light within effectively causing the light to travel along the fiber's path. I'm not sure totally why; I used to know but it was years ago that I learned about fiber. S305>>+ Interviewer>>That's ok. We'll keep probing :) 21 Interviewer>>When light strikes the side of the fiber, what does it do? Interviewer>>+ S305>>Hmm. Well it would follow the laws of reflection, resulting in the light bouncing off the side at the exact opposite angle it struck at. S305>>+ Interviewer>>when light travels through a window, is it reflected?+ S305>>Well it could be depending on the glass, but it is reFRACTed. is refacted very slightly. Even if it S305>>+ Interviewer>>What's refracted mean?+ S305>>The light is effectively "bent." It enters the glass and then slows down while in the glass and then leaves the glass it resumes the previous angle it was traveling.+ Interviewer>>So if light is traveling through glass and hit some other material, what would happen?+ S305>>I believe it depends on the density of the material, but it would either slow down or speed up accordingly, causing it to again refract.+ Interviewer>>OK. Let's get back to fibers. Is that all? What do they look like? You said they are made of glass. Interviewer>>+ S305>>Glass and I think certain other substances to help strengthen (and help the glass obtain plastics-like properties) and refine the fiber. The look like thin pieces of glass (similar to wires). Fiber that is used for commercial purposes is usually insulated and protected with a coating/casing as well.+ Interviewer>>OK. What keeps the light from escaping?+ S305>>Not sure, but I think it has to do with the properties of the glass and because the angle of reflection is so low.+ Interviewer>>What angle of reflection where?+ S305>>Of the light traveling inside the glass reflecting off the sides of the fiber.+ Interviewer>>What happens if you bend the fiber?+ Interviewer>>(thus changing that angle)+ S305>>Well I would increase the angle thats probably not not sure of any of only assume that you would not be able to bend it enough to to the point where the light would escape. Also, like I said the only reason why the light stays inside the fiber, but I'm the other reasons. 22 S305>>+ Interviewer>>OK. Let's finish with Why are you taking this course, and what do you hope to get out of it?+ S305>>Two reasons for taking it: to satisfy my science requirements and because among the science classes offered this one seemed the most interesting and relavent to my interests, major and future profession. S305>>I hope to learn more about the technology that makes IT work so I can understand more about my field of study. S305>>+ Interviewer>>Good! I hope you really enjoy the class. S305>>Thank you. Interviewer>>btw, I had to do a double-take when I saw your name. I have a brother named Andrew Linn, although Linn is his middle rather than his last name. Interviewer>>:) S305>>ha Interviewer>>thanks for your time. I look forward to our follow-up interview! S305>>thank you. Interviewer>>bye. Interviewer>>+ S305>>take care+ *-**** S305 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 16:29:40 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 17:10:17 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Thu Jan 16 17:10:17 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Thu Jan 16 19:04:44 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Interviewer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 19:04:44 2003 *+**** S306 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 19:54:16 2003 S306>>Hello? 23 Interviewer>>Hi, Marie. identity problem. This is Interviewer, not Professor. WebCT has an S306>>hello, how ar eyou Interviewer>>Actually, it thinks TA is Professor too, so a little while ago Professor had a conversation with himself. S306>>haha Interviewer>>I am fine. How are you? S306>>doing well Interviewer>>How do you like the class so far? S306>>looks like it's going to be covering a lot of interesting things S306>>i liked the article the professor passed out Interviewer>>Good. interesting. I haven't seen that article yet myself, but it sounds Interviewer>>btw, I?ve found it?s difficult in Chat rooms to tell when someone is done with a thought or response. So let?s use a + to signify when we?re done with a response and ready for the other to reply.+ S306>>ok, like this?+ Interviewer>>Right! Interviewer>>Do you understand the purpose of this interview?+ S306>>the feeling that i got, was you were trying to get input from the students S306>>like the class is still in a development stage S306>>sorry+ Interviewer>>Right. We're trying to convert the materials I threw together as I developed the class into a coherent package. Interviewer>>In doing so, we want to improve the learning and experience of students. Interviewer>>To do so, we need to understand what students think when they start the course, and how those ideas change. So I?ll be asking for clarification and explanation, regardless of how ?correct? or ?physical? your answer is. There?s no wrong answer in an interview.+ Interviewer>>Sorry about the ? Those are supposed to be ' and " S306>>so this will be covering some knowledge questions?+ S306>>ok 24 Interviewer>>Some background, some knowledge, and then some expectations. But be assured there's no wrong answer and I don't expect students to have a complete understanding of the topics that will be covered in the course (or the course wouldn't be much use)+ *+**** Observer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 20:01:28 2003 S306>>yes, because i definitely had a difficult time with the quiz this afternoon+ Interviewer>>Hi, Observer. Welcome to our interview. going over what the interview will be like. S306 and I were just Interviewer>>We're ending comments with + to indicate we're ready to continue. Observer>>Hi to you both S306>>hello+ Interviewer>>Don't worry about the quiz, S306. Students come into this course with a broad range of backgrounds, and it seems performance is not determined by background. S306>>good to hear+ Interviewer>>But we want to know where you are when you enter to see what you learn during the course vs. what you knew before you started.+ S306>>understandable+ Interviewer>>So you've read the release form, understand how the results will be used, and have signed off on one of the options?+ S306>>yes, i've done that+ Interviewer>>Great. Now that we've satisfied the lawyers, let's start with some background questions. What are your major and class?+ S306>>i'm a comp sci major S306>>currently talking operating systems, database systems, and java S306>>getting an IT minor+ S306>>oh, and i'm a junior+ Interviewer>>btw, S306, Observer is here to observe and keep me straight as I'm new to this interview process. But feel free to jump in at any time, Observer Interviewer>>What physics classes have you taken in the past?+ Observer>>Thanks, I will, this is neat+ S306>>i took physics I in the fall of my freshman year (seems like a long time ago)+ 25 Interviewer>>OK, on to science. optic) is? (What does it do?)+ Can you tell me what an optical fiber (or fiber S306>>type of cable, transmits information S306>>+ Interviewer>>What type of cable? What's it made of or look like?+ S306>>coudln't tell you that part+ Interviewer>>When you think of an optical fiber (sometimes called fiber optic), what do you visualize? (This would probably be easier with the ability to draw, but try to use words to describe what you envision).+ S306>>hmm, well something light and durable maybe S306>>hight speed transmissions S306>>like for cable, internet+ Interviewer>>OK. What is optical about optical fibers?+ S306>>well, you hear the word optical and think about sight, or visualization S306>>so i'm guessing the word was picked for something to do with what the cable is made out of+ Interviewer>>In what sense?+ S306>>maybe how light can pass through it?+ S306>>i'm not really sure+ Interviewer>>That's fine. You don't have to be sure :) If light can pass through it, what keeps it from escaping before the signal reaches its destination?+ S306>>hmm... guessing some type of casing around the optical part S306>>but maybe it has to do with the light itself+ Interviewer>>OK. Switching gears a bit, what can you tell me about the refraction of light?+ S306>>i get this confused with reflection S306>>something to do with bending of light?+ Interviewer>>OK. Why does light bend?+ S306>>when light hits some type of medium, it can sometimes bend in certain direction+ Interviewer>>OK. critical angle?+ Have you ever heard of total internal reflection or the 26 S306>>no S306>>+ Interviewer>>That's fine. Hopefully you'll hear of them soon :) Interviewer>>Unless Observer has other questions, let's finish with Why are you taking this course and what do you hope to get out of it?+ S306>>well, like i said before, i'm getting an IT minor S306>>this class was one of the optional classes to choose from S306>>and it sounded like the class i would enjoy the most out of the selection S306>>+ Interviewer>>Good. I hope you will enjoy it and get something out of it. It can get rigorous at times, but I like to think the applications and potential of the different technologies make the rigor worth learning :) S306>>i hope i enjoy it too+ Interviewer>>Thanks for your time. I look forward to our follow-up interview.+ S306>>surely+ S306>>is that all?+ *+**** Observer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 20:22:50 2003 Interviewer>>I think we're done. Hi again Observer. Anything to add? Observer>>No, thanks for letting me listen in+ Interviewer>>Thanks S306.+ S306>>your welcome, bye bye+ Interviewer>>n *-**** S306 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 20:24:08 2003 *+**** S307 entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 20:56:51 2003 Interviewer>>Hi, S307 S307>>Hello. Interviewer>>(This is Interviewer. WebCT just thinks I'm Professor.) S307>>Thank you for meeting with me. Interviewer>>Not a problem. TA actually gave me two different times for you, and this was one of them. How psychic of him :) S307>>Hahaha, that's crazy. 27 Interviewer>> Observer is here too, although we have two chats going and she can only see one at a time. But I'm new to this interview process so she's helping out. *+**** Observer entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 20:59:11 2003 S307>>Ok. Interviewer>>Hi, again, Observer. windows :) Interviewer>>(And, S307, You really should close those other two I'm helping Observer out with the technology) Interviewer>>So do you understand the purpose of the interview? S307>>I believe so. Interviewer>>Since we are trying to understand what students think (and why), I'll be asking for clarification and explanation regardless of how "correct" or "physical" your answer is. There's no wrong answer in an interview. S307>>Understood. Interviewer>>So you've read the release form, understand how the results will be used, and have signed off on one of the options?+ S307>>Yes. Interviewer>>Great. Now that the lawyers are satisfied, on with some background questions. What are your major and class?+ S307>>My major is Psychology, and I'm a Sophomore. Observer>>Great major, S307+ S307>>Yeah, I think it's pretty interesting. Interviewer>>Oh. I forgot to tell you about the + sign. That's to indicate you're done answering/responding and are ready for the other person to respond. Chat rooms can be confusion otherwise.+ S307>>Ok, I see.+ Interviewer>>OK. fiber optic) is? On to science. Can you tell me what an optical fiber (or (What does it do?)+ S307>>It's a filiament of material that guides light, usually through wires.+ Interviewer>>What sort of material?+ Interviewer>>(What does it look like, what are some properties of it, ...)+ S307>>Usually glass or plastic, I believe...+ Interviewer>>What prevents the light from escaping?+ 28 S307>>The fact that it is shaped circularly in cross section.+ Interviewer>>Why does that matter?+ S307>>Because the light reflects off the outside in such a way that it remains within the material.+ Interviewer>>So light reflects off rounded edges but not flat edges? (I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but making sure I understand what you're saying) Interviewer>>+ S307>>Something like that, to be honest I'm not all that familiar with how fiber optics work.+ Interviewer>>That's fine. I want to know why people think the way they do, so I'm pushing for reasons. (As a psychology major, you should be able to appreciate this :) ). Interviewer>>When you think of optical fibers, what do you envision?+ S307>>A network of wires that use light instead of electricity to transmit signals...I see them as closely connected with fast internet speeds.+ Interviewer>>OK. Shifting gears, what can you tell me about refraction? S307>>It's the property of light that causes the incident beam to alter directions when it penetrates into a different medium. S307>>+ Interviewer>>OK. critical angle?+ Have you ever heard of total internal reflection or the S307>>Yeah, I've heard of that as one of the reasons diamonds appear so sparkly, because of the lights inability to escape from inside it. I suppose you're going to tell me that this is how fiber optics work?+ Interviewer>>Nope. what you know :) I'm not going to tell you anything. I just want to know Interviewer>>Why can't light escape a diamond?+ S307>>Something to do with the way the light was bent when it entered the diamond not having the correct angle to escape, I would imagine.+ Interviewer>>That's good. Let's finish with why you're taking this class and what you hope to get out of it?+ S307>>I've always been interested in how technology functions, and this class seems like it could provide a good explanation for some of the things I'd like to know. S307>>Like how fiber optics work, for example.+ 29 Interviewer>>Oh, yeah. What physics course have you taken in the past (including high school)? S307>>Just High School physics.+ Interviewer>>That's fine. Interviewer>> S307, it's been a pleasure. I hope you enjoy the course. S307>>Thank you for your time. *-**** S307 left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 21:29:26 2003 Interviewer>>+ Observer>>This was a fascinating interchange--thanks+ Interviewer>>Glad you could join in. It's really fun when you have several going, but it's a bit easier when you can see them all at the same time :)+ *-**** Observer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 21:31:08 2003 *-**** Interviewer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 22:13:04 2003 *-**** Observer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 22:16:45 2003 *-**** Observer left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Thu Jan 16 22:16:49 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Thu Jan 16 22:16:49 2003 ****************************************************************************** *^**************************************************************************** New session has begun in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time: Wed Jan 22 14:20:57 2003 *^**************************************************************************** *+**** Mysterious Person entered PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 22 14:20:57 2003 *-**** Mysterious Person left PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1. Time:Wed Jan 22 14:21:00 2003 ****************************************************************************** Session in PHYS_2050_01_0301_Room1 ended (all participants have left). Time: Wed Jan 22 14:21:00 2003 ****************************************************************************** 30