Electromagnetic Waves Maxwell`s Equations Lecture 23 Thursday: 8 April 2004 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES • E = Em sin(kx - w t) • B = Bm sin(kx - w t) k 2 2 w 2 f T wave speed c w k f POYNTING VECTOR S 1 0 EB •This is a measure of power per area. Units are watts per meter2. •Direction is the direction in which the wave is moving. POYNTING VECTOR •However, since E and B are perpendicular, S 1 0 EB E and since c B 1 2 c 2 S E B c 0 0 INTENSITY S 1 c 0 E sin ( kx wt ) 2 m 2 1 2 S Intensity I Em 2c 0 1 2 SI Erms c 0 Em Erms 2 RADIATION PRESSURE p 1 U 1 F IA t c t c IA F (complete absorption) c 2 IA F (complete reflection) c RADIATION PRESSURE F Pressure = A I pr (complete absorption) c 2I pr (complete reflection) c RADIATION PRESSURE Momentum: U p (complete absorption) c 2 U p (complete reflection) c Comet: Picture taken WEDNESDAY 26 March 1997,at 2000 CST,at White Bear Lake,Minnesota. MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS q E dA 0 d B E ds dt B dA 0 d E B ds 0 i 0 dt AMPERE’S LAW Original: B ds 0i As modified by Maxwell: d E B ds 0 i 0 dt Reasons for the Extra Term SYMMETRY CONTINUITY SYMMETRY A time varying magnetic field produces an electric field. A time varying electric field produces a magnetic field. SYMMETRY Maxwell' s Equations in Free Space q0 i0 d B E dA 0 E ds dt d E B dA 0 B ds 0 0 dt CONTINUITY CONTINUITY Without Maxwell' s modification: At P1: B ds 0i At P2 : B ds 0 At P3: B ds 0i CONTINUITY With Maxwell's modification: At P1: B ds 0i d E At P2 : B ds 0 0 0id dt At P3: B ds 0i d E 0 id "Displacement current" dt CONTINUITY i id q CV A C 0 V Ed d A q 0 Ed 0 AE 0 E d dq d E i 0 id dt dt AMPERE’S LAW AMPERE’S LAW For path 1: B ds 0i For path 2: B ds 0 ( i ) 0i For path 3: B ds 0 (id i ) 0 since id i ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Maxwell' s Equations in Free Space q0 i0 d B E dA 0 E ds dt d E B dA 0 B ds 0 0 dt ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES E B x t c B E 0 0 x t Em E c Bm B 1 8 3.0 10 m/s 0 0 MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS q E dA 0 d B E ds dt B dA 0 d E B ds 0 i 0 dt 0 (i id )