End of Semester Survey – Spring 2004 Studio Physics I Thank you for participating in this survey to help us improve the course. Your name will not be recorded but we would like to know your section number: _____ Section Number The first 16 questions relate to how well we taught the major course topics. If the topic was substantially new to you or we covered it in significantly greater depth, you should pick answers A-D. If the topic was a review of material you already learned in a previous high school or college course, pick answers E or F. A. B. C. D. E. F. I learned a lot about the topic and I could apply my knowledge to other courses. I learned a significant amount about the topic. I learned a small amount about the topic. I learned nothing significant about the topic. I already had this topic but I learned something new or learned it better. I already had this topic and I learned little or nothing new about it. _____ 1. Basic Equations of Motion _____ 2. 2D Projectile Motion _____ 3. Newton’s Laws of Motion / Free-Body Diagrams _____ 4. Complex Acceleration Problems / Uniform Circular Motion _____ 5. Impulse / Momentum _____ 6. Conservation of Momentum _____ 7. Work / Kinetic Energy _____ 8. Conservative Forces / Potential Energy / Conservation of Energy _____ 9. Non-Conservative Forces / Collisions _____ 10. Equations of Rotational Motion _____ 11. Torque / Angular Momentum _____ 12. Conservation of Angular Momentum _____ 13. Electric Force / Electric Field _____ 14. Electric Potential / Electric Potential Energy _____ 15. Magnetic Field / Magnetic Force on a Moving Charged Particle _____ 16. e/m Ratio / Mass Spectrometer © 2004 Bedrosian For questions 17-20, we ask you to rank the four major components of Studio Physics I in the order they contributed to your overall learning of Physics I – at whatever level you felt you learned it. Pick each letter once. The four major components are: A. Reading. B. Lecture. C. Activity. D. Homework. _____ 17. The most important of the four components. _____ 18. The second most important of the four components. _____ 19. The third most important of the four components. _____ 20. The least important of the four components. For questions 21-24, we ask you to rank the four types of activities we did in Studio Physics I in the order they contributed to your learning the topic of the day for that type of activity. Pick each letter once. The four types of activities are: A. B. C. D. LoggerPro (motion sensor, force probe, etc. feeding into laptop) VideoPoint (digitized videos on laptop) Pencil and paper exercises. Directly working with equipment (e/m Ratio Experiment). _____ 21. The most useful type of activity contributing to your learning. _____ 22. The second most useful type of activity contributing to your learning. _____ 23. The third most useful type of activity contributing to your learning. _____ 24. The least useful type of activity contributing to your learning. For questions 25-27, rate the usefulness of the textbook using the following answers: A. Very useful. B. Somewhat useful. C. Only a little useful. D. Not useful. _____ 25. Preparing for class before the lecture. _____ 26. Using as a reference for figuring out how to solve homework problems. _____ 27. Studying for tests. For the rest of the questions, answer “Y” for yes, “N” for no. Leave blank if not applicable or you have no opinion either way. _____ 28. I wanted to see more demos during lectures. _____ 29. I wanted to participate more actively with my professor during lectures. _____ 30. My graduate TA did a fair or good job explaining homework problems. _____ 31. My graduate TA was helpful during activities. _____ 32. My undergraduate TA was helpful during activities. _____ 33. Room crowding / layout / class size issues adversely affected my learning. _____ 34. Projector / room light / viewing issues adversely affected my learning. _____ 35. The “Exercise” portions of some activities helped me learn the topics. _____ 36. The activities should be less structured in step-by-step fashion. © 2004 Bedrosian