Active Learning in Computer-Based-Instruction Edward Anderson Texas Tech University ASEE- 2007 Workshop Agenda Why active learning Computer-base-instruction examples Organizing your own lectures in “audio over slide” format working session Roman Taraban - assessment and what we have learned. Why Active Learning? Why active learning? Lecture Good CBI Why active learning? Poor CBI Why active learning? Breaks Why active learning? Immediacy & Practice Why active learning? Immediacy & Coaching Why active learning? Immediacy & Coaching Results Why active learning? Examples Introduction to Thermodynamics Engineering Statics Material Science Laboratory Nos Vemos Project Your Turn Project Flash Software Ubiquitous Flexible Vendor-Independent Band Width Friendly Time Line – Layer Metaphor Readily Learned Today’s presentations become part of tomorrow’s course modules Your Turn Project Nos Vemos Engine is a good Starting Point Allows presentation of videos, audios, graphics and streaming text Engine written for content creator, not for programmer Navigation, streaming, and synchronization are automatic Your Turn Project Storyboard is the heart of the project Two Screen Formats Large Screen with Audio, Graphic, & Streaming Text Small/Medium Screen with Audio, Graphic, & Streaming Text Your Turn Project (Large Screen Format) See LARGE SCREEN WORKSHEET.DOC File Your Turn Project (Small/Medium Screen Format) See SM-MED SCREEN WORKSHEET.DOC File Your Turn Project Take some time to begin building your own storyboard Large and Sm/Med forms are in your packet I have additional forms if you need them Your Turn Project QUESTIONS & OBSERVATIONS Your Turn Project - Production Audio Production Any audio recording and editing software that produces MP3 file is acceptable; I prefer AUDACITY which is freeware. Available at or search on “audacity freeware” Don’t forget to install the separate MP3 DLL module. Your Turn Project - Production Graphics Production Any graphic editor that produces JPEG files will work I prefer Macromedia FIREWORKS Export Powerpoint slides as JPEGS and resize them with a graphic editor. There must be many other ways of producing JPEG graphics. Your Turn Project - Production Video Production Record Digital Video Edit with software such as Adobe PRIEMER Import video into Flash Publish from FLASH as a Flash movie (.SWF format) Your Turn Project - Production FLASH Production Use FLASH to prepare you Flash movie Publish the movie as a shockwave file (.swf) Time consuming Suggest that these be developed as student projects Your Turn Project – File Organization Files can be all be placed in a single folder or a system of folders like shown here. HTML & flash Movie files required for Web Flash player required for CD or Hard drive Module Map is always required Your Turn Project – File Organization Place MP3 files in audio folder Place JPG files in Graphics folder Place SWF movies in Movies folder Load all files on a web server or local media One folder like this one for each learning module Your Turn Project -Sequencing ModuleMap.XML is the slide sequencing file This is an XML file using XML markup Edit only with a XML editor, like Macromedia Dreamweaver or a no-frills text processor like Notepad All markup tags must have an opening and closing tag and must be properly nested. Your storyboard is used to generate this file Your Turn Project -Sequencing SAMPLE MODULEMAP.XML FILE <CourseModules TITLE="NOS VEMOS" PROF="Ed Anderson"> <MODULE ID="1"> <AUDIOFILE>Audios/a001.mp3</AUDIOFILE> <LARGEFILE>Graphics/Scr001.jpg</LARGEFILE> <STEXT>Buenos dias mi amigos!</STEXT> </MODULE> <MODULE ID="2"> <AUDIOFILE>Audios/a002.mp3</AUDIOFILE> <MEDIUMFILE>Graphics/Scr002.jpg</MEDIUMFILE> <SMALLFILE>Graphics/Scr002A.jpg</SMALLFILE> <STEXT>First off</STEXT> </MODULE> </CourseModules> Your Turn Project -Sequencing Write a ModuleMap.xml file for your storyboard Your Turn Project -Sequencing Questions & Observations