ZAPPALA, Salvatore

Salvatore ZAPPALÀ, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Work and Organizational Psychology
Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna
Piazza A. Moro 90, 47023 Cesena, Italy
Tel. +39/0547/338521
1986 M.S. - Degree in Psychology (June, 1986) at Pontificial Salesian University of
1988 M.S. - Degree in Psychology (July, 1988) at the University of Rome.
1995 Ph.d. (1992-1995) in Psychology at the University of Bologna;
Major: Organizational Psychology
Dissertation: “Cognitive and organizational determinants of decision making
Has been officially teaching courses and seminars in Work and Organizational
Psychology regularly since 1996 at the University of Bologna, in particular:
 From 2001 to 2004: “Work and Organizational Psychology”, Faculty of Arts
 From 2001 up to now: “Organizational and group decision making”, Master in
“Public Admnistration Sciences” (professional master for graduated people
already working in Public Administration),
 From 2004 up to now: “Economic Psychology”, Faculty of Psychology
 From 2004 up to now: “Psychology of food comsumption”, Faculty of
Agriculture of the University of Bologna, (undergraduate)
 From 2007 up to now “Organizational change and development”, and “Program
Evaluation and Basic Intervention Techniques” (postgraduate).
2008 served in the organization committee of the first “Joint Intensive lerarning Unit
(winter school)” organised by the Erasmus Mundus program.
2007 “Creativity and Innovation within small and medium enterprises” (research grant
from the “Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena” Bank Foundation)
2007 “Adoption and acceptance of Open Office suite” (research grant from the
Chamber of Commerce of Brescia)
2008 “Fruit snacks: monitoring students and schools satisfaction for fresh cut
products” (research grant from the Ministries of Health and Education)
2008 Spent three months (August – October) at the Dept. of Psychology of the
Portland State University, within the Erasmus Mundus program.
2009 Fulbright New Century Scholar awardee, under the program “The University as
innovation driver and knowledge center” (2009-2010).
1) Organizational change and innovation
2) Technology acceptance
3) Economic psychology: customer satisfaction; saving and retirement; food
Zappalà S., Massei F., Casadei B. (2009) Creatività e innovazione, una ricerca nel
territorio cesenate, Bologna: Albisani editore. (Creativity and Innovation: a
research among Cesena small companies)
Vieira Marques D., Cardoso L., Zappalà S. (2008) Knowledge sharing networks and
performance, Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, Vol. 14, 2, 161 – 192.
Zappalà S., Depolo M., Fraccaroli F., Guglielmi D., Sarchielli G. (2008) Postponing job
retirement? Psychosocial influences on the preference for early or late
retirement, Career Development International, vol., 13, n° 2, pp. 150 – 167.
Zappalà S. (2007) Representaciones sociales de la economía, in: Cerrato, J. y Palmonari,
A. (directores), Representaciones sociales y psicología social: Comportamiento,
globalización y postmodernidad. Editorial Promolibro, Valencia. pp. 352-368.
Zappalà S., Gray C. (2006) Impact of e-Commerce on Consumers and Firms (eds.),
London: Ashgate.
Zappalà S., Sarchielli G. (2006) Climate for Innovation, attitudes to internet and ICT
adoption in small firms, in S. Zappalà and C. Gray (Eds.), Impact of eCommerce on Consumers and Firms (eds.), London: Ashgate, pp. 35-50.
Mariani M., Zappalà S. (2006) Risk perception in online shopping, in S. Zappalà and C.
Gray (Eds.), Impact of e-Commerce on Consumers and Firms (eds.), London:
Ashgate, pp. 207-221.