Detty Iryani Bagian Pendidikan Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas STANDAR PENDIDIKAN PROFESI DOKTER KKI, tahun 2006 Bab II, 2.3. Struktur, komposisi dan durasi kurikulum Kurikulum dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan/ strategi SPICES (Studentcentred, Problem-based, Integrated, Communitybased, Elective/ Early clinical Exposure, Systematic tudent-centered eacher-centered roblem-based nformation gathering ntegrated ommunity-based iscipline-based ospital-based lective ore ystematic pprenticenship Perbedaan Pembelajaran Teacher Centered Learning (TCL) dengan Student Centered Learning (SCL) TEACHER CENTERED LEARNING STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING Berpusat pada guru/dosen. Dosen yang aktif memberikan pengetahuan Berpusat pada mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang aktif mendapatkan Pengetahuan, keterampilan Sesuai untuk mengembangkan ilmu dalam satu disiplin saja Sesuai untuk pengembangan ilmu dengan pendekatan secara interdisipliner Iklim pembelajaran lebih individualis dan kompetitif Iklim pembelajaran lebih kolaboratif, supportif dan kooperatif Hanya mahasiswa yang dianggap melakukan proses pembelajaran Mahasiswa dan dosen belajar bersama dalam mengembangkan pengetahuan, konsep dan keterampilan Dosen bertindak sebagai instruktur dan pembuat keputusan dalam pembelajaran Dosen bertindak sebagai fasilitator dalam pembelajaran, mahasiswa yang membuat keputusan Perbedaan Pembelajaran Teacher Centered Learning (TCL) dengan Student Centered Learning (SCL) TEACHER CENTERED LEARNING STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING Penekanan pada tuntasnya materi Penekanan pada pencapaian Kompetensi anak didik Penekanan pada bagaimana cara dosen mengajarkan Penekanan pada bagaimana cara Mahasiswa belajar dengan Menggunakan berbagai sumber untuk mencapai kompetensi Menekankan pada jawaban yang benar saja Penekanan pada proses Pengembangan pengetahuan Perkuliahan adalah kegiatan belajar yang utama Perkuliahan hanya salah satu kegiatan belajar, mahasiswa dapat belajar dari berbagai sumber lain Reasons for Changes General Reasons Educational Background Cognitive Psychology Reasons for Changes General Reasons Science & technology Information & Communication Globalization Curriculum: learning objectives (competencies), L&T approach, assessment & learning environment should be evaluated & revised Changes in community perception & knowledge to health issues High competitiveness High quality graduates: scientistprofessional, lifelong learner, sensitive, creative, independent, innovative, critical thinking, ethics Reasons for Changes Educational Background Constructivism theory Adult Learning Shifting paradigm from teaching to learning Research on learning formats Reasons for Changes Educational Background Constructivism theory Reasons for Changes Educational Background Constructivism of learning: Knowledge is constructed from experience Learning is a personal interpretation of the world Learning is an active process in which meaning is developed on the basis of experience Conceptual growths comes from the negotiation of meaning, the sharing of multiple perspectives and the changing of our internal representations through collaborative learning Learning should be situated in realistic settings; testing should be integrated with the task and not a separate activity Reasons for Changes Educational Background Adult Learning Definition Adult ? ? ? Age Psikologis Biologis >16th Tidak terikat orang lain Mandiri Bertanggungjawab Dapat mengambil keputusan sendiri Tanda kelamin sekunder Adult learning Characteristics (Malcolm Knowles) 1. Adults are autonomous and self-directed 2. Adults have accumulated a foundation of 3. Adults are practical life experiences and knowledge 4. Adults are relevancy-oriented Andragogy Characteristics (Malcolm Knowles) 5. Adults are goal-oriented 6. Adults need to be shown respect Adult learning theory Tasks should be relevant for the learner, motivation Learner is involved in setting educational goals Practice of all the skills Laidley & Braddock, 2000 Adult learning theory Learning is within capacity of the learner Regular feedback is provided The learner can reflect on experiences Asumsi Pedagogi Andragogi Konsep pembelajar Bergantung pada guru (pasif) Independen/selfdirected (aktif) Peran guru/dosen Figur otoritas Pembimbing & fasilitator Peran prior knowledge pembelajar Lebih banyak ditambah daripada digunakan sebagai sumber belajar Sebagai sumber yang kaya untuk pembelajaran Kesiapan untuk belajar Uniform dalam tingkat dan kurikulum Berkembang dari tugas dan masalah Orientasi pembelajaran Berpusat pada subyek Berpusat pada masalah/ tugas kontekstual Motivasi Eksternal, reward & punishment Insentif internal dan sikap ingin tahu Reasons for Changes Educational Background Shifting paradigm from teaching to learning Teaching vs learning Teacher centered Student centered Knowledge transfer Knowledge acquisition Reinforces passiveness Reinforces activeness Teachers provide answers Teachers ask questions Teachers direct students Teachers guide students Reasons for Changes Educational Background Research on learning formats The Learning Pyramid Average Retention Rate Lecture 5% Reading Audiovisual 10% Demonstration 30% Discussion group Practice by doing 50% Teach others 80% National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine, USA 20% 75% Reasons for Changes Cognitive Psychology Expertise research Problem solving Reasons for Changes Cognitive Psychology Expertise research Problem solving Cognitive Psychology Novice Expert Problem solving General skill Content specific Systematic Educational Planning Working environment Professional Tasks Program evaluation Competencies Learning needs The Learner learner The Educational objectives Learner evaluation Learning activities Working environment Fasilitator Tugas, peran dan fungsi seorang dokter dalam UKM dan UKP Strata pertama Komponen kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan tugas, fungsi dan peran seorang dokter dalam UKM dan UKP Strata pertama PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN DOKTER Kemampuan yang harus dikuasai agar kompeten dalam melaksanakan tugas, fungsi dan peran seorang dokter dalam UKM dan UKP strata pertama Definition of PBL an active learning stimulated by, and focused round a clinical, community or scientific problem (Davis and Harden, 1999) Students work on the problem which is explicitly used to get students themselves to identify and search for the knowledge, that they need to obtain in order to approach the problem (Ross, 1991) Definition of PBL instructional method characterized by the use of patient problems as a context for students to learn problem-solving skills and acquire knowledge about the basic and clinical sciences (Albanese&Mitchell, 1993) Faculty objectives are translated into a problem, usually consisting of a set of phenomena in need of some kind of explanation. Students analyse these problems, attempting to understand the underlying principles or processes through smallgroup discussion. During discussion, questions which remain unanswered are identified. These questions or learning issues serve as a guide for independent and self-directed learning (Dolman, 1994) Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Suatu strategi pembelajaran: menggunakan masalah sebagai stimulus untuk menemukan atau mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan untuk memahami dan mencari solusinya Characteristics of PBL small group discussions on interdisciplinary problems with enough time for self study and parallel training in skills PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING CONCEPT MAP Collaborative Problem Characteristics Is Has Authentic Learning Problem Based Learning Is Self Directed Is Requires Learner Responsibilities Follows A Has Has Outcomes Research Format Tutorial as intervention media for learning facilitation Skills lab Lecture Tutorial Prakctice Session SDL Peran tutorial Tutorial dalam konteks PBL adalah suatu active learning process dalam diskusi kelompok kecil distimulasi oleh suatu problem (skenario) mengaktifkan prior knowledge mahasiswa difasilitasi oleh seorang tutor dipimpin oleh seorang mahasiswa yang terpilih dibantu oleh seorang sekretaris yang terpilih Untuk mencapai tujuan belajar melalui aktivitas terstruktur yang disebut seven-jump SEVEN JUMPS STEP 1. Clarify Unfamiliar Terms STEP 2. Define the PROBLEM (s) STEP 3. Brainstorm Possible Hypothesis or Explanation STEP 4. Arrange Explanation into a Tentative Solution STEP 5. Define Learning Objective STEP 6. Information Gathering and Private Study STEP 7. Share the Results of Information Gathering and Private Study TUTOR Tutorial group process PROBLEM STUDENT Implementasi pendidikan di FK-Unand Tahapan pendidikan : Pendidikan tahap akademik (7 semester) ○ Di kampus FK Pendidikan tahap profesi (3 semester) ○ Di RS Pendidikan dan jejaring (rotasi I dan II) Internship ○ Di wahana internship Kegiatan pembelajaran di tahap akademik 1. Tutorial 2. Belajar mandiri 3. Skills lab 4. Diskusi pleno 5. Praktikum ilmu dasar 6. Konsultasi pakar 7. Diskusi kelompok kecil tanpa tutor Metode Student Assessment di tahap akademik Kognitif : MCQ, PAQ, oral, SOCA, Progres test 2. Proses : Check list 3. Skills : Check list, OSCE 4. Afektif : Observasi, Check list 5. Logbook, Portofolio 6. Feedback (evaluasi formatif) 1. Kegiatan pembelajaran di tahap profesi Bedside teaching 2. Case report session 3. Meet the expert 4. Bertugas di poliklinik dan ruang rawat inap 5. Tutorial tahap klinik 1. Metode Student Assessment di tahap profesi Logbook, portofolio 2. Shortcase, longcase 3. MiniCex, OSCE 4. Feed back (evaluasi formatif) 1.