Summary of Carol Taylor’s Presentation Handouts Lander, WY - October 15

Summary of Carol Taylor’s Presentation Handouts
Lander, WY - October 15th, 2012
Handout 1: Recognizing and Responding to Needs of Alzheimer’s patients (a
working handout)
Assessing Needs: Physical, emotional, spiritual, social, by conversation, observation,
indication (space provided for notes)
Addressing Needs: Consider capacity, level of function, appropriateness, efficacy, create
a care plan for specific needs noted (space provided for notes)
Discovering Resources: Formal services, informal resources, unique community options,
think outside the box (space provided for notes)
Crossing the threshold: Matching services to individual situation and needs; setting up
for success; beyond “information and referral” duties; barriers to access or utilization
(space provided for notes)
Handout 2: Resources in your community (a working handout)
Formal Services (DFS, Government, Public Health Nurse, Extension Office) (space
provided for notes)
Informal Resources (space provided for notes)
Community Assets Inventory (space provided for notes)
Gaps in Service (space provided for notes)