Course Action Request Form (CARF) Instructions Governed by UW Regulations 6-806 & 6-721 The CARF Process Dept. Head Initiator College Committee University Course Committee USP Committee* *if necessary The CARF Signature Page must contain signatures of all applicable Department Heads, College Committee chairs, and USP Committee Chair (if necessary) to be considered by the University Course Committee. Once completed, the entire CARF (including the CARF Signature Page) should be submitted via email to Choosing Course Numbers For new courses or courses which are changing numbers, please contact Matt Coulter ( to verify new course numbers prior to beginning the CARF process. Please use the following guidelines: 1001-1499* 2001-2499* 4960 4965 4970 4975 4980 Undergraduate Courses Freshman level courses Sophomore level courses Field Studies Directed Studies/Research Problems Internship/Practicum Independent Study Workshop 5900 5920 5940 5960 5961 5980 5990 Graduate Courses Practicum/College Teaching Cont Reg: On Campus Cont Reg: Off Campus Thesis Research Plan B Projects Dissertation Research Internship *For 1000- and 2000-level courses, please contact Erin Olson in the Registrar’s Office (6-5723) regarding articulation with community colleges. Course numbers 1500-1999 and 2500-2999 are reserved for technical courses at community colleges. Attaching Syllabi Current and Proposed Syllabus required for: change of course description change of credit hours change of dual list change of grading system Courses that are dual-listed as 4000- and 5000-level must include a syllabus which shows additional requirements for graduate students and a separate grading rubric for undergraduate and graduate work. For questions, please contact Matt Coulter in the Office of the Registrar at or 6-5724. CARF 8-14 Course Action Request Form (CARF) Initiator of this CARF Course Name: Enter text here Current Prefix Course Title Dept.: Proposed Number Course Title Phone: Proposed Action Modify a Course (choose below): Course Description Prerequisites Course Number Course Title Cross/Dual List Credit Hours Grading System USP Designation Other: (Specify here) Discontinue a Course Add a New Course To discontinue a course, complete only the Rationale section and signature page of the CARF. All other sections can be left blank. To add a course, all sections of the CARF must be completed and a proposed syllabus meeting UW Regulation 6-809 must be attached. Proposed Action to Take Effect: Semester Year Changes cannot take effect for a given semester once registration opens for that semester. USP Designations Existing USP Designation(s): Proposed USP Designation(s): Choose from USP 2015 Choose from USP 2015 Choose from USP 2003 Choose from USP 2003 Choose from USP 2003 Choose from USP 2003 Choose from USP 2003 Choose from USP 2003 All proposed USP Designations must be accompanied by proof of approval from the USP Committee. Rationale for This Proposal Gender & Women’s Studies wishes to offer a course that will fulfill the COM2 student learning outcomes without course prerequisites. This course will allow students who may not necessarily be interested in other Gender & Women’s Studies courses to fulfill a COM2 requirement while simultaneously acquiring critical thinking skills unique to the interdisciplinary feminist theoretical perspectives and tools discussed in the course. CARF 8-14 1 CARF 8-14 2 Prerequisites Grading System Current: Current: Proposed: A/F S/U Proposed: A/F S/U Enforce in Banner? Y N Only individual courses, USP designations, test scores, or class standing can be enforced. Course Description Current: Proposed: Maximum of 50 words. Anything over 50 words will be edited by the Registrar’s Office. Credit Hours Dual/Cross Listings Activity Type Current: Current: Current: Choose a type. Proposed: Proposed: Proposed: Choose a type. Miscellaneous What extra material resources will be required? (Space, equipment, travel, support budget, library holdings, etc.) None. What personnel resources will be required? (Who will be available to teach & how will it affect their teaching load?) This course can regularly be taught by any Gender & Women’s Studies faculty, although it seems most likely that the course will rotate between Cathy Connolly and Susan Dewey. What is the impact on other courses? (Will any courses be taught less, discontinued, etc.?) None. What courses does this course resemble or overlap in content or title? How does it differ? None. CARF 8-14 3 CARF Signature Page Initiator of this CARF Course Name: Current Dept.: Proposed Phone: Proposed Action Modify a Course (choose below): Course Description Prerequisites Course Number Course Title Cross/Dual List Credit Hours Grading System USP Designation Other: (Specify here) Discontinue a Course Add a New Course To add a course, all sections of the CARF must be completed and a proposed syllabus meeting UW Regulation 6-809 must be attached. To discontinue a course, complete only the Rationale section and signature page of the CARF. All other sections can be left blank. Proposed Action to Take Effect: Semester Year Changes cannot take effect for a given semester once registration opens for that semester. Digital Approval (double click the appropriate signature line to sign) Dept. Head College Committee USP Committee X X Dept Head Dept Head (if necessary) X X College Committee College Committee (if necessary) X Approved Designations USP Committee Chair (if necessary) University Course Committee CARF 8-14 X X UCC Chair Registrar