Citizens Advisory Network OSU Extension Service District, Polk County Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 5:00 p.m. Academy Building, room 210 Present: Derek Godwin, Jim Clawson, Suzi Busler, Paul Gehlar, Judi Peters, Donna Michaelson, Daryl Eash, Joyce Wahl, E. M. Easterly, Sheri Beehner, Bernie Faber, Norbert Hartman, Karen Lippsmeyer, Mary Stewart, Barbara Nichols, Gail Miles, Dolores May, Craig Pope, Jennifer Wheeler, Mike Ainsworth, Emily Crowe REPORTS: Update Statewide Extension Citizen Advisory Network (ECAN) – Jim Clawson ECAN is the statewide advisory/advocate group which met in Salem April 12 & 13. The primary focus was participating in “OSU Day at the Capital” to visit with legislators to encourage an “add back” of $12,000,000 to the Governor’s proposed reduction of funding of the OSU Statewide functions (Extension, Experiment Station and Forest Lab). Additional discussions explored the feasibility of greater citizen-led initiatives to expand resources or add efficiencies to our work. Doing so will hopefully moderate the negative effects of reduced budgets, diversify the sources of support, and add innovation to OSU Extension. Topics discussed were: Expansion of County Endowments and securing grants, contracts and fees; Creation of new tax service districts; Expand local partnerships with community colleges and others (Oregon Open Campus); Use of communication technology such as on line learning. A presentation was made using “facebook” with groups emphasizing an additional tool for engaging (rather than just teach) communities of similar interests. Staff Chair – Derek Godwin Asked if members wanted the Statewide information sent to all on Listserv—will continue as has been Those who want the information from Jock will ask for it ( Will bring in Debbie Maddy to talk to the PECAN group Marketing—Mary Stewart Will work on annual report first to include a thank you to the community and what we’ve done so far Will build an Outreach/Communications plan to reach a certain audience Work with the revised OSU Extension website Will ask for faculty/staff input and feedback Budget Committee Derek will meet with Greg Hanson on April 22 at 130pm and probably several more times May need to have an additional PECAN meeting before the May 18 Budget meeting Advisory Group will set up priorities with input from Focus Groups PROGRAM REVIEWS Summary notes accompany these notes as Attachment A for: Family and Community Health – Sheri Beehner Master Gardener/Urban Horticulture – Dolores May Agriculture – Jim Clawson 4-H/Youth Development – Karen Lippsmeyer Forestry and Natural Resources – Derek Goodwin DISCUSSION: Common Themes Increase visibility Train-the-trainer—including adults; youth internships; practical application Collaboration—cooperate Use of technology—Facebook is a must for youth Communication—all forms including “tried and true” Educate the public—what’s available Wise leveraging of funds/minimal duplication, cost share and match Involve youth in all programs Involve elderly families and parents Mentoring Training support for Agriculture reps/dealers Partnership with SWCD, watershed councils Commodities commission Modernize/update programs for youth Economic development—job skills Volunteers—training and support Marketing/make it easy to volunteer Budget Areas (This conversation was only introduced, the following notes are not the complete list of what was presented by each program area.) Positions o Faculty/Program Assistant 4-H o Program Assistant Master Gardeners o Faculty/point person Agriculture o Program Assistant FCH o Contract for services o Interns, work-study, stipends Priorities/Tasks o Outreach Materials/Services o Travel expenses o Technology o Demonstration kitchen(s) o Marketing items Tasks Dolores will arrange for a room on May 4 Mary will work on annual report first to include a thank you to the community and what we’ve done so far Mary will build an Outreach/Communications plan to reach a certain audience Mary will ask for faculty/staff input and feedback Next Meeting: May 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Room 212 at the Academy Building.