PECAN Steering Committee Meeting Notes – Jan. 13, 2012 Attending: Barbara Nichols, Darrell Ward, Karen Lippsmeyer, Jim Clawson, Derek Godwin, Pamela Rose, Judy Peters Administrative updates Derek reviewed the responsibilities and how they are divided between, himself, Pamela, and Judy. Derek Godwin will be responsible for the Overall Leadership and Direction, Faculty Supervision, and Budget for Polk County Extension as well as other county offices in his Administrative Region. In addition he will retain relationship with the office staff, office facilities and Polk County Commissioners. Pamela Rose will be responsible for local stakeholder contact, overall OSU Outreach and Communications, and PECAN. Judy Peters now has a 20% assignment for outreach support Communications and Outreach Judy distributed an outline of potential activities which emphasized the expanded use of the website, development of an e-newsletter, continued use of Facebook, and included ideas of other possible approaches. There was discussion of how PECAN will fit into these activities. It seems appropriate to revive a communications/outreach team (workgroup, task force, etc.) soon to work with Pamela and Judy to further explore an effective workable approach. Facilities Derek is still pushing for more space to accommodate assigned faculty like Amy Garrett and possibly a Forestry faculty. Realistically, it appears the office will be staying at the Academy Building for at least the near future. Extension needs to be clear on what type of a facility will be needed for future program efforts. In its advocacy role PECAN, can assist in defining needs and supporting recommendations to the Extension District. There is a Building Committee scheduled for Jan. 25th at 10:30 am at the Courthouse to address the situation of only Extension and the Fair participating in a new building on the fairgrounds. Barbara, Darrell and Jim plan to attend. Faculty Derek talked about potential changes in the Forestry program staffing. There is the possibility of Brad-Winthrow-Robinson being relocated in Benton County and another faculty being assigned to Polk-Marion-Yamhill counties. The Polk office would be a more central location for this position, but would require additional space. Amy Garrett held a successful scoping session for identifying issues, interests, and needs of those interested in growing and direct marketing of produce and animals. Fair MOU The draft MOU between Extension and the Polk County Fair is in the hands of the Polk County Council and OSU legal staff for their review. It is expected the final MOU will be ready to sign in the next few weeks. Strategic Plan The process for drafting the strategic plan are underway. The schedule calls for draft materials from the program areas to be given Derek by Feb. 1st, and a first draft be ready for review at the Feb. 28 PECAN meeting. Extension District Derek will propose Wed. Feb. 15th as the next quarterly meeting of the District. PECAN will work up a report to be included. We also supported a name change for the District as the initial title is long and cumbersome to use. The title suggested is “Polk Extension Service District.” Greg Hansen is working with the County Council to see how this might be done. Next PECAN Meeting It was suggested we consider a report on the 4-H/Youth Survey or OSU off campus programs – “Oregon Open Campus” as our information portion. The Strategic Plan, Extension updates, and possibly communications/outreach efforts will occupy our business time. Future Meetings: Jan. 25th Building Committee, 10:30 am at the Courthouse Feb. 10th PECAN Steering Committee, Academy 108 Feb. 15th Extension District Quarterly Meeting, 10 am at the courthouse (proposed) Feb. 28th PECAN 5:30 pm at the West Valley Housing Authority