Program Delivery Record Revised: 11/12/12 Nutrition Education Program

Program Delivery Record
Revised: 11/12/12
Nutrition Education Program
Volunteers/School Staff assisting - name(s)
OSU Extension Staff: ____________________
School, Teacher, Grade: ____________________
Enrollment: Boys _____ Girls _____ Total _____
Regular Participant(s)
Date & # of Minutes contributed
Subject/Topic/Lesson Description Professor Popcorn – 5th Grade w/WIN
Parent Letter sent home with each lesson – See NEP website, add your
name. (in revision?) Wash hands before every food activity
Post-then-Pre Survey – Administer during hand washing during last lesson.
Suggested delivery follows and will fill 40 to 50 minutes. You will need to
cut or modify activities for a shorter lesson.
Highlight teacher’s copy of the lesson plan for Teacher Delivery lessons.
You will need to take supplies or make copies of visuals for Teacher Delivery
Supplies that need to be ordered are in RED.
All students get a NEP Kids folder, and Choose MyPlate mini-poster, “What’s
on your plate?” to use with food group lessons to check on tips.
Hand washing/food safety: Use High Speed Hand washing,
Ch 5.1 A, Part 9 (Oil and Cinnamon Food Safety Activity) and/or
“Grime Scene Investigation” Poster: Fight BAC
Hand Washing Academic Activity: Kitchen Mistakes on Play it Safe!
Mini-poster Hand washing tablet or 2:5G Food can be unsafe in many ways
Parent Handout: Fight BAC brochure
Prep Time by Teacher
Extended Delivery by Teacher: 5:5K Perils at the Picnic, provide answer
sheets, practice High Speed Hand Washing
Food Groups WIN: VBM lesson Session 1: MyPlate overview (see food
activity), V is for Variety and M is for Moderation - Instead of relay have
groups sort foods into food groups using Variety with ChooseMyPlate;
sticky note pads; laminated ChooseMyPlate logo mini-poster for each pair.
Hand Washing Academic Activity: Silly Syllable Scramble
Food Activity: MyPyramid Sampler Use 7” unwaxed paper plate to write food groups, soufflé cup for dairy
Prep Time by Teacher
Extended Delivery by Teacher: Walk This Way.
Teacher PA part of Total Session/Delivery Time
Grains Ch 5.2, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12 Activity supplements for Part 6
and 8
Hand Washing Academic Activity: Name That Grain! Activity
Optional lesson enhancement: Grain Facts: Hand out a discussion prop to
each student: Laminated cards, stalks of wheat, wheat poster, empty cereal
boxes, wrappers for rice cakes and whole wheat tortillas.
Suggested Posters: Kernel of Wheat; Nutrition Series – Grain; Whole
Grains give you Fuel
Food Activity: Popcorn and/or Grain Sampler
Parent Handout: 10 Tips Make Half Your Grains Whole – Eng and
Prep Time by Teacher
2013 Key
1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 11
1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 11
1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 11
Extended Delivery by Teacher: 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 Activity supplement for Part 5;
Fiber-Rich Foods Word Search and Key
PA part of Total Session/Delivery Time
Fruits & Veggies Ch 5.3, Part 1, 2, 3 (Optional: Make Go Green and Go
Orange signs), 4, 11 – use FVMM adhesive pads, orange, and green –
presort one color in groups of 5, 12
Hand Washing Academic Activity: Fruit & Veggie Identification and
Group Worksheet and Key. Use document reader.
Posters: Nutrition Series – Fruits & Veggies; More posters: Green, Orange
Food Activity: Design Your Own Salsa or Popeye Smoothie from (Super Smoothies)
Parent Handout: Give it a Try
1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 11
1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 11
Prep Time by Teacher
Extended Delivery by Teacher: 6, 7 (take 5:3K, Let’s Eat Out!), 9, 10, 12,
1, 2, 3, 5,
Improve your nutrition and health writing prompt.
6, 11
Think your Drink Ch 5.4, Part 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 13
1, 2, 3, 5,
Hand Washing Academic Activity: What’s on the Label? And/or What’s
6, 11
the Score? Activity
Student Demonstration: Sugar Cube Activity Set Expectations! Laminate
classroom set of Sugar Cube Activity mini-posters, view lesson and answers
on power point slides. Sugar cubes needed: 30 sugar cubes in baggies per 2
to 3 students
Food Activity: Yogurt Smoothie in a Bag in a Bag or Popeye Smoothie
from (Super Smoothies)
Optional Support: Think Your Drink poster
Parent Handout: Print back to back: Now What? And Home Investigations
Prep Time by Teacher
Extended Delivery by Teacher: Part 4, Option 2 (take 2-3 eggs, cups and vinegar
to cover in a cup) 5, 6 (take 5.4J, Think what you drink) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13
PA part of Total Session/Delivery Time
Protein Foods Ch 5.5, Part 1, 3, 4, 13, 14
Hand Washing Academic Activity: Complete the survey.
Food Activity: Variety Bean Salsa (add cilantro and small lime wedge to
ProfPop recipe) or A Taste of Beans, Nuts and Seeds. Open a variety of
canned beans for sampling. (Note: do not use Professor Popcorn hummus
recipe, error in measurement.)
Optional Activity: Activity from Balanced Energy Physical Activity
(BEPA) Toolkit or Physical Activity Scattergories from Pyramid
Power/Power Up! or Simon Sez (name a PA) or warm ups with baseball or
swim moves, etc.
Parent Handout: 10 Tips Build a Healthy Meal
Prep Time by Teacher
Teacher Delivery: 5, 6, 8, 10 (do this before 11), 11, 14, Part 7 supplies,
Move Your Way Every Day
PA part of Total Session/Delivery
1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 11
1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 11
1, 2, 3, 5,
6, 11