3rd Grade Oregon Benchmark Key for Growing Healthy Kids [GHK] Arts Create, present and perform works of art. Express ideas, moods and feelings through the arts and evaluate how well a work of art expresses one’s intent. Respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences. Mathematics Number and Operations: Develop an understanding of fractions and fraction equivalence. English Language Arts Listen to and Read Informational and Narrative Text: Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on my own, applying comprehension strategies as needed. Vocabulary: Increase word knowledge through systematic vocabulary development; determine the meaning of new words by applying knowledge of word origins, word relationships, and 10-16-2012 Create, present and perform AR.03.CP.01 Use experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting and/or performing works of art. AR.03.CP.03 Create, present, and/or perform a work of art that demonstrates an idea, mood, or feeling. AR.03.AC.02 Identify and describe personal preferences connected with viewing or listening to a work of art using terminology that conveys knowledge of the arts. 3.1 Number and Operations 3.1.1 Represent common fractions (e.g., halves, thirds, fourths, tenths) as equal parts of a whole, parts of a set, or points or distances on a number line. 3.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate that sizes of fractional parts are relative to the size of the whole. Reading EL.03.RE.08 Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of grade-level informational and narrative (story) text including children’s magazines and newspapers, dictionaries, other reference materials, online information, classic and contemporary literature and poetry. EL.03.RE.12 Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through orally-read stories and informational text as well as student read stories and informational text. Activities Art Gallery Exhibit, Draw & Label Favorite Edible Plants, Plant Food Magic Skit, Ads for Garden Plants Draw & Label Favorite Edible Plant, Plant Food Magic Skit, Ads for Garden Plants, Room to Grow Skit, Create a New Seed Art Gallery Exhibits, Activities Soil Fractional Analysis Test Soil Fractional Analysis Test Activities Teacher Delivery Stories, Seed Diagrams Classroom Activities including Introduction and Review, Discussions, and Worksheets, Various Teacher Delivery Activities. context clues; verify the meaning of new words; and use those new words accurately across the subject areas. EL.03.RE.16 Categorize words by their relationships (e.g., dog/mammal, animal/living things). Read to Perform a Task: Find, understand, and use specific information in a variety of text across the subject areas to perform a task. Informational Text: Demonstrate General Understanding: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational text across the subject areas. EL.03.RE.19 Read written directions, signs, captions, warning labels, and informational books. 3.RI.5 Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, illustrations, captions, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text. 3.RI.5 Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs. EL.03.RE.24 Use dictionaries, encyclopedias, CD ROMs, and Internet to locate information. 3.RI.1 Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers to questions about the text. Match Seeds with Names & Graph 3.RI.2 Distinguish the main idea and supporting details in informational text. 3.RI.2 Determine significant information from the text, including problems and solutions. Teacher Delivery Stories, Explore More About Beverage Choice Teacher Delivery Stories, Research and Write About Edible Flowers Teacher Delivery Stories, Explore More About Beverage Choice, Research and Write About Edible Flowers 3.RI.2 Summarize major points from informational text. 10-16-2012 Hand Washing Activity: Vegetables & Fruits- We Eat Different Parts of Plants, Plant Part Super Hero Demo Worksheets, Seed Packet Activity, Match Seeds with Names & Graph, Tasty Tomato Match Seeds with Names & Graph Research and Write About Edible Flowers Teacher Delivery Stories, Explore More About Beverage Choice, Tasty Tomato Informational Text: Develop an Interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas. English Language Arts Planning, Evaluation, and Revision: Prewrite, draft, revise, edit, and publish across the subject areas. Writing: Communicate supported ideas across the subject areas, including relevant examples, facts, anecdotes, and details appropriate to audience and purpose that engage reader interest; organize information in clear sequence, making connections and transitions among ideas, sentences, and paragraphs; and use precise words and fluent sentence structures that support meaning. 3.RI.3 Distinguish cause-and-effect and fact and opinion Writing EL.03.WR.01 Find ideas for writing stories and descriptions through various sources, including conversations with others, and in books, magazines, textbooks, or on the internet. 3.W.1 Write appropriately for purpose and audience. Activities Garden Writing Prompts 3.W.3a-d Create single paragraph with a topic sentence, simple supporting facts and details, and a concluding sentence. EL.03.WR.10 Use vivid adjectives and action verbs Garden Writing Prompts, Soil Fractional Analysis Test, Research & Write About Favorite Fruit Food Adventurer Sensory Tasting, Garden Writing Prompts, Student Assessments, Persuasive Letters Garden Writing Prompts, Soil Fractions Analysis Test, Growing with Stem Assessment Food Adventurer Sensory Tasting, Garden Writing Prompts, Growing with Stems Worksheet, Persuasive Letters EL.03.WR.11 Begin to elaborate descriptions and incorporate figurative wording in own writing. Conventions: Spelling: Demonstrate knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and penmanship across the subject areas. 10-16-2012 Pollination and Advertising EL.03.WR.13 Spell correctly: one syllable words that have blends (play, blend) or a silent letter (walk); contractions (isn’t, aren’t, can’t); compounds; common spelling patterns (qu-, changing win to winning, and changing the ending of a word from –y to-ies to make a plural such as berry/berries); Persuasive Letters Conventions: Handwriting: Demonstrate knowledge of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and penmanship across the subject areas. and common homophones (words that sound the same but have different spellings, such as hair/hare). EL.03.WR.23 Write legibly in cursive and manuscript, leaving space between letters in a word, words in a sentence, and between words and the edges of paper. Writing Applications: Expository Writing 3.W.3 Write descriptive pieces about people, places, things, (K-3): Write narrative, expository, and or experiences: Develop a unified main idea. Use details to persuasive texts, using a variety of support main idea. written forms- including journals, essays, short stories, poems, research reports, research papers, business and technical writing- to express ideas appropriate to audience and purpose across the subject areas. EL.03.WR.26 Write letters, thank-you notes, and invitations: With assistance, determine the knowledge and interests of the audience and establish a purpose and context. Include the date, proper salutation, body, closing and signature. EL.03.WR.27 Write brief reports: Include observations and information from two or more sources. Use diagrams, charts, or illustrations that are appropriate to the text. English Language Arts Speaking and Listening Speaking: Communicate supported ideas EL.03.SL.01 With guidance, organize ideas sequentially or across the subject areas using oral, around major points of information visual, and multimedia forms in ways appropriate to topic, context, audience, and purpose; organize oral, visual, and multimedia presentations in clear sequence, making connections and transitions among ideas and elements; use language appropriate to topic, 10-16-2012 Food Adventurer Sensory Tasting, Garden Writing Prompts, Seed Packet Activity, Persuasive Letters, Growing with Stems Worksheet Garden Writing Prompts, Soil Fractional Analysis Test, Growing with Stem Assessment, Persuasive Letters Persuasive Letters Research Seeds Planted in Class, Student Assessments, Research and Write About Favorite Fruit Activities Research Seeds Planted in Class; Take ‘n’ Teach Roots, Stems, Leaves; You’re the Chef- Student Assessment context, audience, and purpose; and demonstrate control of eye contact, speaking rate, volume, enunciation, inflection, gestures, and other nonverbal techniques. EL.03.SL.06 Maintain good eye contact while speaking. Listening: Listen critically and respond appropriately across the subject areas. 3.SL.1d Retell in own words and explain what has been said by a speaker. EL.03.SL.08 Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to those of a speaker (e.g., through mapping, graphic organization). 3.SL.3 Answer questions completely and with appropriate elaboration. Analysis: Evaluate the significance and accuracy of information and ideas presented in oral, visual, and multimedia communications across the subject areas. Health Education Acquire knowledge and skills to understand and practice healthful nutrition that contributes to growth and energy and helps prevent chronic diseases. 10-16-2012 EL.03.SL.11 Distinguish between the speaker’s opinions and verifiable facts. Review and Introduction of each Lesson/Discussion Role Play: Watering Plants Correctly, Take ‘n’ Teach Roots, Stems, and Leaves, Class Discussions and Review Review & Discussion of Where Food Comes From, Take ‘n’ Teach Roots, Stems, and Leaves, Student Assessments Review and Introductions, Class Discussions, Role Play: Watering Plants Correctly Review & Discussion of Where Food Comes From, Water for Humans, Role Play: Watering Plants Correctly Promotion of Healthy Eating HE.03.HE.01 Recognize the importance of variety and moderation in food selection and consumption. Activities Introduction and Review of Lessons; Food Samples; Classroom and Teacher Delivery Activities and Discussions HE.03.HE.02 Choose a variety of foods to eat from different food groups. Introduction and Review of Lessons; Food Samples; Art Gallery Exhibit Activities; Soil Physical Education Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of motor skills. Physical Education Understand appropriate and positive behavior management (social skills) and respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity. Science (2009) Structure and Function: Living and nonliving things vary in their characteristics Science (2009) Interaction and Change: Living and nonliving things interact with energy and forces. Science (2009) Scientific Inquiry: Scientific inquiry is a process used to explore the natural world using evidence from observations and investigations. 10-16-2012 HE.03.HE.03 Advocate for more fruits and vegetables at school. Expressive and Efficient Moving PE.03.EE.03 Balance, demonstrating momentary stillness, in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes on a variety of body parts. PE.03.EE.04 Demonstrate three different step patterns and combination of movements into repeatable sequences. Self-Management and Social Behavior PE.03.SM.01 Identify rules, procedures, and etiquette in a specified physical activity. Discussion, Persuasive Letters Persuasive Letters Activities Yoga Pretzel (Breathing & Movement) Roots, Stems, and Leaves Dance and Sing, Movement Activity Activities Plant Part Song, Movement Activity 3.1 Structure and Function 3.1P.1 Compare and contrast the properties of states of matter. 3.1L.1 Compare and contrast the characteristics of offspring and parents Activities Garden Writing Prompt 3.3S.2 Use the data collected from a scientific investigation to Radish Scientific Inquiry, Seed Function of Flowers Activity, Room to Grow Skit, Create a New Seed 3.2 Interaction and Change Activities 3.2L.1 Compare and contrast the life cycles of plants and Introduction and Review of animals. Lessons, GENE Lectures and Activities, Teacher Delivery Activities 3.3 Scientific Inquiry Activities 3.3S.1 Plan a simple investigation based on a testable Radish Scientific Inquiry, Seed question, match measuring tools to their uses, and collect and Packet Activity record data from a scientific investigation. Science (2009) Engineering Design: Engineering design is a process that uses science to solve problems or address needs or aspirations. Social Sciences Understand participatory responsibilities of citizens in the community (volunteerism) and in the political process (becoming informed about public issues and candidates, joining political parties/interest groups/associations, communicating with public officials, voting, influencing lawmaking through such processes as petitions/initiatives). explain the results and draw conclusions. 3.4 Engineering Design 3.4D.3 Give examples of inventions that enable scientists to observe things that are too small or too far away. Packet Activity Activities Seed Dissection Civics and Government SS.03.CG.03 Identify ways that people can participate in their communities and the responsibilities of participation. Activities Discussion of Where Food Comes From, Home and Community Gardens, Hand Washing Oregon State University OSU Extension Service cooperating Glenda Hyde, Family and Community Health Faculty/Instructor, Becky Teater, EPA1; Ashley Joyce, EPA1, Deschutes County, Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials without discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 10-16-2012 10-16-2012