2016 W.A.P.L. SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION Information provided may be used for publicity purposes. NOTE: You must be a dependent of a W.A.P.L. member or a W.A.P.L. member to apply for this scholarship Applicant Name: Social Security No.: Permanent Address: Mobile/School Phone: School Address: Home Phone: Father’s Name: Mother’s Name: Father’s Employer: Mother’s Employer: SAT / ACT Score: GPA (4.0 scale): College, University or Vo-Tech: Class Rank: Class Size: City: State: Class Status in Fall 2016: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Student Degree, Major or Vocation: Scholarships Available: 1. 2. 3. 4. General Area of Study – Maximum of $1,000.00 Energy Business (e. g. Geologist, Petroleum Engineer) – Maximum of $2,000.00 Professional Land Management – Maximum of $3,000.00 University of Wyoming, Professional Land Management – Maximum of $5,000.00 Restriction: WAPL By-Laws, Article XII, Section 5. Applicants for Scholarship may apply and re-apply for a maximum of four (4) years. I acknowledge that I meet the criteria necessary to apply for this scholarship and that all the information I have provided is correct and true. In the event there is a change to my educational intentions as stated above, prior to or during the 2016-2017 academic year, I shall promptly notify the WAPL Scholarship Committee with the understanding that any scholarship monies awarded to me may be subject to refund in whole or in part. Student Signature Date Parent Signature (If Applicant is a Dependent of W.A.P.L. Member) Date The following information must be attached on separate pages: 1. Transcript: A copy of your current transcript MUST be attached to this application. 2. Compose a brief essay/description of: A. Activities you have participated in school and in your community, including employment, volunteer activities and hobbies. B. General Information about yourself which would provide a fuller portrait of you as applicant, including your goals and aspirations. 3. Submit one reference letter from a teacher, counselor, or employer. 4. Applicants applying for a Professional Land Management scholarship may be required to participate in a phone/ video conference or a personal interview. Return completed application to: W.A.P.L. Deadline to Submit Application: P. O. Box 1012 Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Casper, WY 82602 Or, you may also submit applications electronically with scanned copies to blake@hooverstacy.com For any questions, please contact: Blake R. Bohac (308) 235-7339