Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
September 10, 2008
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. by President Schuman. There was a quorum present.
Roll Call
Present: Phill Harris VP of Administration; Mary Petroski, HR Representative
Senators Present: Chris Clements, Lana Craig, Al Emmons, Cheri Frank, Dorie
Gallegos, Kathy Hearne, Carrie Hesco, Laurie Jaskolski, Jamie LeJambre, Lori Lewis,
James Logue, Denise Manore, Pam Mathewson, Becky Riley, Sally Schuman, Tammy
Scott, Tod Scott, Mary Ann Stout, Diana Waggener, Jane Wolfinbarger, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Angela Bules (excused), Avery Cowardin (excused), Rebecca
Despain (excused), Larry Howe, Rachel Martin, Kelly McMicheal (excused), Janis
Phelps (excused)
Proxies: Kathleen Bertoncelj proxy for Ronda Whitman, Carolyn Herman proxy for
Kelly Wiseman
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
Senator Becky Riley motioned to make the following corrections to the August minutes:
In the Administration Reports section include the statement “Janet Lowe addressed Staff
Senate on the following issues,” the Faculty Senate meeting is scheduled on September
29 th , and to include the statement “President Schuman briefed the Staff Senate on the July
Trustee’s Meeting” under President’s Report. It was moved and seconded to approve the
August minutes as amended by Senators Becky Riley and Jamie LeJambre. The motion passed. It was moved and seconded to approve the September agenda by senators Chris
Clements and Becky Riley. The motion passed.
Administration Reports
Phill Harris, VP for Administration, gave an update on the Employee Assistance Program
(EAP). Administration recently completed the budget for the EAP, and the EAP
Committee and the President’s Executive Council want to move forward on implementation soon. The Executive Council looked at the options of providing counseling in house or through outsourcing. The in-house option is vastly more expensive than outsourcing. Administration is looking for more input on what services will be offered. Right now, the University has a very limited capability to provide counseling to employees. The Board of Trustees has taken an interest in the issue and
will probably address it at their November meeting. Phill Harris thanked Staff Senate for providing the impetus for this new service to employees.
Mary Petroski, from Human Resources, spoke about a series of meetings HR will hold next week to make plans to limit the number of companies that can be used for 403(b) accounts in response to new federal requirements for 403(b) plans. Calories Count entries must be completed by Friday. The Brighten Your Smile challenge is slated for
October 2008. Calories Count and Brighten Your Smile will count towards the 2009
Challenges. Those who would like to sign up to participate in any of the challenges can go to
. Participation in two challenges in 2009, submitting to a blood screening and getting an annual physical from a licensed health care practitioner will entitle employees to a reduction of $500 in their health insurance premiums for 2010.
The liaison meeting is scheduled for 9/23 at 1:30 in the Union Family Room.
Old Business
Information on the brown bag lunches will be sent out next week.
New Business
Staff Senate discussed having speakers at our meetings. The general feeling seemed to be positive and several senators suggested people we can ask to speak at forthcoming meetings. Tom Burman is scheduled for our November 12 th
Senator Jamie LeJambre made the motion to nominate Cheri Frank to Seat #16. Senator
Laurie Jaskolski seconded and the motion carried.
Committee Reports
ASUW Representative – Senator Jamie LeJambre stated Mark Collins was the special event guest and spoke to ASUW about the UW Transportation Study. The South Shuttle is very successful with 400 riders per day.
WyoTech and LCCC have signed on to support Safe Ride. In November Safe Ride will reach 150,000 rides given since the program started.
ASUW is looking at creating a “Look Who’s Working for You” campaign.
Faculty Senate Representative – Senator Becky Riley will attend the meeting scheduled on September 29 th
Communications Committee – Senator Jamie LeJambre stated the committee is working on the Lariat. If anyone has any information or suggestions for the website, please contact Jamie at
Compensation Committee – Senator Lori Lewis stated the committee is working on data received about which buildings on campus have family restrooms, baby changing stations, and breast feeding facilities.
The committee found a general willingness to pay higher prices at vending machines to get healthier snacks than those that are now available.
Credentials & Elections Committee – Senator Becky Riley made the motion to nominate
Kara Bobbitt to Seat #6. Senator Lori Lewis seconded and the motion carried.
Employee of the Qtr – Senator Becky Riley stated Friday, 9/26 th
is the deadline for
Employee of the Third Quarter. Please nominate a deserving staff member.
Ad Hoc Budget and Fundraising Committee – Senator Tod Scott stated the committee will meet next week on 9/17 th
at 2 pm outside the Beer Gardens in the Union.
Policy and Procedures Committee
– Senator Sally Schuman noted the materials have been divided up into 8 sections where each committee member is working on one or more sections. They are working on the first draft of the document. If you have any input to provide the committee please email Sally at
Recognition Committee – Senator Carrie Hesco reported Staff Recognition Day has tentatively been set for April 15 th at Crane-Hill Cafeteria.
President’s Report
President Schuman reported the BOT meeting is 9/11-13 th
President Schuman stated the President’s Fall Convocation is 9/11 th
from 3-5 pm in the
Union Yellowstone Ballroom. President Schuman read a draft of his speech for the
Open Forum
Senator Chris Clements discussed having air stations across campus in central locations.
The Staff Senate will look into this to find out cost etc.
Staff Senate decided to form an ad hoc Homecoming Float committee. Senator Chris
Clements and Senator Jamie LeJambre will be co-chairs. If you are interested in helping with this please email Chris or Jamie. The Homecoming parade will be October 10 th the theme is “Rhinestone Cowboy – Life is more precious than jewels” and there is a
and secondary theme of Cancer Awareness since October is the Cancer Awareness month.
All benefited full-time and part time staff and staff senators are invited to walk along side, ride their bikes, or motorcycles. Please wear brown and gold to support our team and UW.
Senator Jamie LeJambre has volunteered to chair the Compensation Committee.
Senator Becky Riley informed the senate that College Of Engineering is forming a staff council to help solve problems and concerns within the College.
The next Staff Senate meeting will be on October 8 th in the Senate Chamber at the
Student Union.
The meeting was adjourned by President Schuman at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by L. A. Chakmakian and Pam Mathewson