Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting March 12, 2008 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
March 12, 2008
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:17 p.m. by Vice President Bules. There was a
quorum present.
Roll Call
Present: Rick Miller, Vice President for Government Community and Legal Affairs
Senators Present: Jo Aelfwine, Cody Barry, Chris Clements, Avery Cowardin, Rachel
Ferrell, Dorie Gallegos, Kathy Hearne, Laurie Jaskolski, George Longpre, Pam
Mathewson, Wendy Perkins, Rachel Sanchez, Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Tammy Scott,
Mary Ann Stout, Carey Thompson, Diana Waggener, Monica Wesley, Ronda Whitman,
Kelly Wiseman, Jane Wolfinbarger, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Lana Craig (excused), Larry Howe, Patsy Jackson (excused),Brandon
Kosine, Denise Manore, Pat Ortegon, Sally Schuman, Mary Ann Stout (excused), Allen
Tanner (excused)
Proxies: no proxies
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
It was moved and seconded to approve the February minutes by senators Longpre and
Jaskolski. The motion passed unanimously. VP Bules had an amendment to the March
agenda by deleting the Bookstore task force until next month. Senator Mathewson also
asked if breast pump facilities discussion could be added under new business. The
motion to accept the amended agenda was moved and seconded by senators Clements
and Sanchez. The motion passed.
Administration Reports
VP Harris reported the Legislature has finished and the budget was passed as
recommended by Governor Freudenthal. The 4% annual increase for salaries for Section
I employees and funding for health insurance for those retirees who stayed on the state
plan was passed. The Board of Trustees approved the salary distribution policy. This is a
similar policy as last year with focus on merit. Market and equity are also being
considered. The goal on the market aspect is to try to be at least at 95% of market for
those who have been here a year or longer, which should put employees at roughly the
middle of the pay grade. VP Harris also encouraged everyone to submit their
performance evaluation in by March 15th.
The budget bill has been signed by Governor Freudenthal. The bill contains an
appropriation of $6.7 million “from the general fund to the state auditor for the period
beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2010 to be expended only for health
insurance benefits for executive, legislative and judicial branch agency retirees, including
retirees of the University of Wyoming and the community colleges, who participate in the
state employees’ and officials’ group health insurance plan. Payments to the plan on
behalf of eligible retirees shall be made monthly at the rate of $11.50 per year of service
up to a maximum of thirty years of service for those retirees who are not Medicare
eligible, and at the rate of $5.75 per year of service up to a maximum of thirty years of
service for those retirees who are Medicare eligible.”
The bill goes on to say that, “provided adequate funds are available, employees whose
benefits are paid from nongeneral fund sources shall receive the same benefits as
provided in this section and the necessary amounts are hereby appropriated from those
accounts and funds.”
The College of Business renovation and expansion also passed. Beginning in July the
Union parking lot will be used entirely for the construction. The parking lot will be
closed approximately 24 - 26 months. The parking lot east of COB will be permanently
closed starting in July as well.
Kathryn Klepak, Director of Human Resources, reported that evaluations should be
completed by now, and if not, please remind your supervisor to get it done.
A new on-line Defensive Driving course will start in April. This will be a four hour
class but will enable the student to stop and start if need be. The course will satisfy
insurance company requirements for safe driver discounts. HR will continue to offer the
face-to-face course which is a two hour class.
Educational Guest Speaker
Rick Miller, VP for Governmental Relations, Community and Legal Affairs, spoke about
his office and duties, which include Public Relations and Employment Practices. He
explained that with the increase in oil and natural gas prices, Wyoming will have more
revenue and can use this as an opportunity to improve the facilities. He expects
employee salaries to remain competitive, the Libraries to have an ongoing increase to
improve their collections and the Hathaway Scholarship fund to be fully financed. This
will help a WY high school student with a solid grade point average to possibly have his
tuition paid for from the Hathaway Scholarship. He also stated that there are high
expectations on UW in terms of what the University can do with respects to nursing,
education and workforce development.
Old Business
New Business
Senator Jaskolski made the motion to vote Janis Phelps to Seat #40. Senator Perkins
seconded and the motion passed. Welcome Janis!
Senator Mathewson expressed the concern for UW to discuss having breast feeding
facilities on campus. Discussion was to evaluate campus to see what is available now,
check with the space committee to see what is available, including diaper changing
facilities, consider the cost, and to go through the proper channels to accomplish this.
Vice President Bules asked the compensation committee to look into this.
VP Bules asked if everyone had a chance to write down their ideas on the sheet she
handed out for the May 21st senate retreat. VP Bules also handed out sign-up sheets for
the Senate retreat. The retreat will be at the new UW Conference Center from 8-4:30. A
link for the all-day package menu was sent to all senators.
Committee Reports
Recognition Committee – Senator Ferrell explained that the Staff Recognition Day flyer
will be sent out to all staff and passed out sign-up sheets for the different areas that need
volunteers. Rachel thanked the communication committee for the good article in the
March Lariat about SRD. She also thanked the fundraising committee who is heading up
the raffle and thanked Tod Scott for his recycling efforts for this event. The Staff Senate
will be giving out $17,000 in awards of which $14,000 will be for nominated awards.
President Buchanan will also be giving out two President’s Foundation Awards. These
awards are $2,500 each and will be given out during Staff Recognition Day. The
deadline for award nominations is March 21st. Door prizes can be taken to the Staff
Senate office in Merica Hall or to Rachel. The deadline to collect door prizes is March
21st. On Friday, March 28th the Executive Council will meet to select award winners.
The meeting will be from 9-10:30 in Union room 002.
ASUW liaison – Senator Longpre noted ASUW is looking at Bill 2192 which deals with
what can be purchased with state funds. They are also looking at bike paths around
campus. The general election is April 7-9.
Communication Committee – Senator Mathewson reported the March Lariat was sent
Compensation Committee – Senator Whitman reported the wellness issue is on Sara
Axelson’s desk now. The committee will meet to discuss the “nursing mom’s” issues.
Senator Thompson volunteered to help on the compensation committee.
Credentials & Elections Committee – Senator Jaskolski reported the committee will be
doing the nominations electronically. They are waiting to get the list of current
employees from different colleges from HR. There are 12 open seats coming up. Emails
will be sent out on the 19th. They need the responses back by April 2nd. Nominees must
be benefitted staff who work at least 20 hours per week and have worked for UW for at
least one year prior to election. Ballots will be sent out April 14th and need to be back on
April 28th.
Employee of the Qtr – Senator Wesley reported the deadline for employee of the 1st
quarter is March 28th.
Fundraising Committee – Senator Perkins reported the committee is working on preselling the raffle tickets this year for Staff Recognition Day. If you need tickets, please
call the Staff Senate office at 766-5300. The cost is $1.00 each or six for $5.00.
President’s Report
There was no report.
Open Forum
The meeting was adjourned by Vice President Bules at 2:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by L. A. Chakmakian