Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
January 9, 2008
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Tanner. There was a quorum present.
Roll Call
Present: Janet Lowe, Associate Vice President of Administration; Kathryn Klepak,
Director of Human Resources; Milton Ontiveroz, Public Relations; Susan James,
Cooperative Extension Service
Senators Present: Cody Barry, Angela Bules, Chris Clements, Dorie Gallegos, Ali
Grossman, Kathy Hearne, Patsy Jackson, Laurie Jaskolski, George Longpre, Pam
Mathewson, Pat Ortegon, Wendy Perkins, Rachel Sanchez, Jauque Schuman, Tammy
Scott, Tod Scott, Carey Thompson, Barbara Thorpe, Diana Waggener, Ronda Whitman,
Kelly Wiseman, Jane Wolfinbarger, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Jo Aelfwine (excused), Avery Cowardin (excused), Lana Craig
(excused), Rachel Ferrell (excused), Nancy Hoffer (excused), Larry Howe, Brandon
Kosine (proxy), Denise Manore (excused), Sally Schuman (excused), Rachel Sisneros
(excused), Monica Wesley (excused)
Proxies: Cory Headley for Brandon Kosine
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
Senator Tod Scott mentioned the fundraising paragraph where Senator Perkin’s report be separated from Senator Ortegon’s report. It was moved and seconded to approve the
December minutes with the correction by senators Clements and Grossman. The motion passed unanimously.
President Tanner added Barbara Thorpe for New Business. It was moved and seconded to approve the January agenda with the addition to New Business by senators Clements and Thorpe. The motion passed unanimously.
Administration Reports
Janet Lowe, Associate VP of Administration, reported a retreat is scheduled on January
15 th
to update the Vision and Goals document developed by the President.
Bookstore Task Force is developing a request for proposal in the event that bookstore operations will be put out to bid. Dr. Mark Sunderman from College of Business is the chair and is having open forums on January 16 th
from 11-1pm in the Union Family Room
and on January 17 th
from 5:30-7:30 pm in the College of Business Auditorium. Please attend one of these if you have an opinion about the Bookstore or you may submit written comments to the Bookstore Task Force website:
The Transportation and Parking Committee is having a community wide forum on
January 16 th from 5-7 pm at the Laramie Recreation Center.
The Board of Trustees will be meeting January 24-26 th
in Cheyenne for an open discussion on the tuition and fee proposal. There is no recommendation to increase the undergraduate resident fees.
Physical Plant is working hard on ice-removal by using sand and ice-melt chemicals.
Please call the Safety Office or Mike Milam (766-5574) to report any hazardous areas or accidents.
Kathryn Klepak, Director of Human Resources, thought it might be good to have Taimi
Kwiva come and talk about the position description process change. Kathryn also stated the letters for this year’s evaluations will be going out soon. Resident Life and Dining
Services will be the pilot program that will be required to have the new job descriptions attached to their evaluations.
Kathryn stated the HR Liaison meeting for circular 2007-1, Classification and
Compensation, went well. Please see the HR website
for more information.
Educational Guest Speaker
Susan James, Cooperative Extension in the College of AG, spoke about the outreach branch. Their mission is to provide education to citizens of Wyoming. The outreach branch has cooperative agreement at the federal, state, and county levels. They have an office in every county of the state. The program has 38 FTE of area educators (in AG, community development, food safety, range development), 23 FT 4-H educators, 23 FTE cent$ible Nutrition Educators, and 22 FTE’s state specialists that is spread among 40 faculty and academic professionals.
There are five program initiatives – community development education; nutrition and food safety; 4-H and youth development (have over 3,000 volunteers that reach 25,000-
28,000 youth a year); profitable and sustainable agriculture systems; and sustainable management of rangeland resources.
Educational Program delivery consists of workshops, classes, newsletters, TV and radio, magazines, “Backyards to Barnyards”, publications, newspaper columns/inserts, on-line courses, applied research, and field days.
Please see the website: for information on nutrition, food safety horticulture, etc. An upcoming attraction to UW will be the Engagement Database that
will help search for resources from UW. They are trying to have the website working by this spring. The purpose is to serve residents of the state with all kinds of information and education so residents can make informed decisions on their own.
Old Business
Milton Ontiveroz thanked Tod Scott for picking up all the holiday drive donations. There were three families nominated. One family was adopted by a UW affiliate who provided three meals plus gifts for the family. Family #1 received cash donation from an anonymous donor and several boxes of food. Family #2 received $100 in cash and $200 in gift cards and several boxes of food. This is a great success! Milton thanked the Staff
Senate for their help and hopes to do it again next year!
Tod Scott also explained how he picked up donations from 14 collection spots. Physical plant donated a van for Tod to use to pick up all the items. Thank you Tod for volunteering to help with this project!
New Business
Senator Jauque Schuman explained the tuition waiver benefit. As part of the compensation committee they looked at the benefit of tuition credits. Jauque brought up the subject at the brown bag luncheon with President Buchanan who was very encouraging and agreed that a change should be made to increase the current three hour limit on the benefit. Jauque made a proposal to change the tuition benefit from three semester hours to six semester hours. After discussion of this proposal the recommendation was to increase the benefit to six credit hours, pro-rated by FTE. Jauque moved to endorse a written proposal to change the increase to six semester hours, prorated by FTE, Senator Waggener seconded. The motion passed.
Senator Whitman made the motion to nominate Mary Ann Stout to Seat #18. Senator
Hearne seconded and the motion carried.
Senator Jaskolski stated she received one nomination for Staff Senate President after the
Staff Senate was emailed about the nominations. The one nomination was for Senator
Jauque Schuman. Senator Jaskolski moved to elect Jauque Schuman as President of Staff
Senate for 2008-2009 which will begin July 1 st
. Senator Perkins seconded and the motion carried.
Senator Barbara Thorpe who is on the Bookstore Task Force committee explained how there are open forums scheduled to encourage input from the campus and community.
Open forums: January 16 th
from 11-1 pm in the Union Family room, January 17 th
5:30-7:30 pm in the College of Business auditorium. Please attend one of these meetings and express your concerns. You may also take your comments to Barbara’s office, Union
#315, anonymously and she will be glad to take these comments to the forum.
Committee Reports
Budget Officer – Denise Sheen has resigned her position via email. Please let Allen know if you would like to be the budget officer.
ASUW liaison - Senator Longpre , no report
Communication Committee – Senator Mathewson reported that the December Lariat is out on the web. Please send your photographs to Pam for the website.
Compensation Committee – Senator Whitman stated that the committee will be meeting with Sara Axelson and the EAP group on January 18 th
, 1-3:30 pm. The purpose of that meeting will be to come up with proposal ideas for administration. Ronda wants to keep the wellness side moving forward. She also mentioned having the wellness committee as a separate ad-hoc committee so the compensation committee could continue to work on other topics.
Credentials & Elections Committee – Senator Jaskolski had no report.
Employee of the Qtr – Senator Jackson said the employee of the 4 th
Qtr has been selected. Senator Barry stated the reception will be on January 24 th
in the Fine Arts
Concert Hall. The reception will be for Laurie Kempert of the Music Dept.
Fundraising Committee - Senator Ortegon picked up all the donations and will deliver them to Whiting Alternative High School tomorrow at 11:15. Pat thanked Tod Scott for the boxes of binders that were donated from recycling, as well as some colored paper.
Recognition Committee – Senator Ferrell sent her update via email:
Staff Recognition Day is going to take place on April 4 th 2008 from 10am – 12pm in the Wyoming
Union Ballroom. There will be two twenty minute performances, The Singing Statesmen & The
Centennial Singers. Rocky Mt. Power who recently took over PacifiCorp has generously offered to continue PacifiCorp’s sponsorship of the $1,000 Jody Humphrey Award. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to gather door prizes. If you would still like to volunteer to help gather door prizes please contact Rachel Ferrell. We will also be needing volunteers to set up and tear down at the event. If you would like to help out in this way plan to be available from 7:30 am -1pm on
April 4 th .
President’s Report
President Tanner emphasized getting involved with the Bookstore Task Force open forums and also the Parking and Transportation Committee open forum.
Please try to attend the February meeting so pictures can be taken of the committees.
Allen has talked to Brent Hathaway, the Dean of the College of Business, and he has graciously given us “dibs” on cabinetry for the Staff Senate office.
On January 28 th
at the American Heritage Center from 1-2 Allen and Lou Ann will be taking a personal tour for art for the Staff Senate office funded by budget from VP Phil
Open Forum
Senator Clements mentioned National Student Employee Appreciation week is coming up. The forms are on the web or you can contact Chris. The students receive monetary awards and every student who is nominated will receive a certificate. The ceremony is scheduled for April 17 th
from 2-3 in the Union Family room.
Senator Whitman endorsed the brown bag lunches with the President as they are fun and informative. Please attend if you are able to.
The meeting was adjourned by President Tanner at 2:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by L. A. Chakmakian