Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting November 11, 2009 Senate Chambers The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Clements. A quorum was present. Roll Call Guests: Doug Vinzant, Vice-President of Administration, Joe Montelongo, Human Resources Interim Director, Milton Ontiveroz, Coordinator, University Public Relations, Dr. Jim King, Department Head, Political Science Senators Present: Ginny Becker, Kara Bobbitt, Brandi Brewer, Christi Byers, Avery Cowardin, Cyndi Cowardin, Al Emmons, Janean Forsyth, Cheri Frank, James Fuerholzer, Tonya Gerharter, Winter Hansen, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre, Lori Lewis, James Logue, Rachel Martin, Kelly McMicheal, Christy Nordmann, Kathy Norris, Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Linda Waggener, Maureen Walker, Kathi Zubrod Senators Absent: Carrie Hesco, Thyra Page, Diana Waggener Proxies: Sherry Johnson for Thyra Page, Allen Tanner for Diana Waggener Approval of Minutes and Agenda A motion to approve the October minutes was made and seconded by Senators McMicheal and Martin. Motion passed. An addendum was made to the November agenda by Senator Lewis. “COB lot” was replaced with “Union parking lot.” A motion to approve the November agenda with addendum was made and seconded by Senators McMicheal and LeJambre. Motion passed. Administrative Reports Joe Montelongo, Interim HR Director, reported that much of the activity in the Human Resources department has centered on benefit open enrollment. Mr. Montelongo provided an update on the absenteeism policy that will be included in the Pandemic Plan. The policy has been reviewed and approved by the University Executive Committee, but because it conflicts with University Regulation 5-173 it will need to be approved by the Board of Trustees (BOT). The BOT will vote on the policy at their November meeting. Mr. Montelongo explained that the elements of the policy that pertain to staff include the following: The policy will be implemented only when a limited or full pandemic is declared by the Vice President for Administration in consultation with the President of the University. Staff and faculty will be required to use sick and vacation leave first. If no such leave is available, they may borrow leave earned in the current month (Note: This is a modification of the current policy which does not allow for borrowing leave that has not been earned and is the portion that must be approved by the BOT). If these options are exhausted, the employee may apply for leave with pay for up to 40 hours with his/her department/unit head. When asked how many employees have sick or vacation time available to them, Mr. Montelongo reported that 96 to 97 percent of UW employees have a ‘bank’ of sick or vacation leave. Mr. Tanner inquired about the status of the Associate Vice President for Human Resources employment search. Mr. Montelongo reported that the list of candidates has been narrowed to four. These four will be begin visiting campus next week, with the hope that an offer of employment will be made by the holiday break. Milton Ontiveroz, Coordinator, University Public Relations, spoke to the Senate about the upcoming holiday food drives. Full-time staff members and their dependent families are eligible for nomination to receive donations. Food collections have begun, and Mr. Ontiveroz has received several nominations. Non-perishable food items for the Thanksgiving holiday will be collected through November 20, 2009. Senator Scott will assist with collections of food donations from the various campus locations. The Christmas drive will include donations of nonperishable food items and gifts (for families with children). Senator Lane reported that donation boxes are available for Senators to take back to their respective division/department. Box locations will be publicized on the Staff Senate Web site and in UW PR news releases. Vice President of Administration Doug Vinzant confirmed that on-campus interviews for the AVP of HR will begin next week. Staff Senate will receive an agenda for each candidate visit; an hour of time has been allocated to Staff Senate Executive Committee to meet each candidate. VP Vinzant expressed that each of the finalists is a very good candidate. VP Vinzant also reported that HR has been working with UW Legal Counsel to make revisions and updates to the Employee Handbook. A copy of the proposed changes has been provided to select members of the Staff Senate Executive and Compensation Committees. VP Vinzant indicated that Staff Senate will have ample opportunity to review the changes and provide feedback; no changes have been finalized. The BOT will meet Thursday and Friday, November 19 and 20, 2009. A four-year framework for tuition increases will be proposed. The proposal has been vetted with ASUW and Faculty Senate, with no dramatic pushback. A similar process will be followed for the fee increase proposal, which will be presented at the January BOT meeting. In addition to the tuition increase, a presentation on the Long Range Development Plan will also be given at the November meeting, with a vote being taken in January. Senator LeJambre inquired if the Employee Handbook is on the November Trustee agenda; it is not. Mr. Allen asked if the tuition increase proposal is tied to the CREG report. VP Vinzant indicated that it is not tied to the most recent CREG report, but it reinforces the findings of the May report. Mr. Allen asked if the university is considering decreases or cutbacks for the next biennium. These are not expected. Senator Schuman inquired whether the recent report that state agencies and schools will not receive salary increases will apply to UW employees. VP Vinzant stated that it is likely that it will, but he has not specifically discussed the issue with State representatives. Dr. Jim King, Head of the Political Science Department and specialist in State and U.S. government, gave a presentation to the Senate on the budgetary process from the perspective of the State, on the university political structure and how Staff Senate can be a contributor to the political processes on campus, and improving campus perceptions of Staff Senate. The conversation emphasized the need for Staff Senate to participate in collaborative and cooperative efforts focused on the well-being of the campus community as a whole. Staff Senate is an advisory body; as such, we have the opportunity to present ideas and perspectives to administrators. Dr. King noted that changes in several administrative positions are an opportunity for establishing rapport and laying the foundation for future cooperative relationships. Dr. King offered his assistance with any other questions that Senators may have. Old Business The next brown bag lunch will be Monday, November 16, 2009. Suggested topics have been posted to the Staff Senate WyoWeb group for comment. President Clements indicated that President Buchanan appreciates having the topics ahead of time. Senator Frank noted that President Buchanan’s recent memo clarifying the tuition waiver is the result of a conversation at last month’s brown bag meeting. Senator Lane indicated that donations for the Holiday Market will be taken past November 20, but that she would appreciate donations in a timely manner so that she knows what inventory will be available. New Business An addendum was made to the agenda to change the seat number listed for vote from 3 to 4. A motion was made and seconded by Senators McMicheal and Logue to approve the appointment of Carolyn Herman to Seat #4, College of Agriculture. Motion passed. Senator LeJambre reported that the Compensation Committee has been reviewing the changes made to the Employee Handbook, and will meet with HR representatives to discuss the changes tomorrow (Thursday, November 12, 2009). The most recent CREG report is available on the Staff Senate Web site. Its revenue projections indicate that the best we can hope for is that there is no change in current revenues. A motion to amend the agenda, bringing the Parking Issue to discussion prior to the Policies and Procedures draft was made and seconded by Senators Martin and Logue. Motion passed. President Clements indicated that an e-mail from Paul Kunkel, Manager, Parking & Transit Services, has indicated that the Union parking lot will revert to ‘A’ permit parking once the College of Business construction is complete. Senator LeJambre suggested that the topic be addressed at Monday’s brown bag meeting. She would like to know what the cost of installing and removing the parking meters is; she would also like confirmation that the lot will revert to ‘A’ permit parking. An updated version of the first four sections of the Policies and Procedures draft document was distributed to Senators. Due to the fact that the version being discussed differs from that which was disseminated via e-mail prior to the meeting, Senator LeJambre suggested that Senators reserve the right to continue debate on the document at the December meeting. Senator Martin indicated that a vote would be considered in January at the earliest. Senator McMicheal noted that the document is being discussed in two parts (the first four sections in November and the last three in December), but that the vote will be on the document in its entirety. Senator LeJambre noted that the addition of an expectation for Senators to participate in a community activity (under Section 2, paragraph 2) is a positive addition. She inquired as to whether a requirement for membership on at least one Senate committee will be added. Senator Martin indicated this will be included Section 5. Senator LeJambre suggested that paragraph 3 of Section 2 be changed to indicate that reports are ‘invited’ by the Senate. In addition, she noted that ASUW and Faculty Senate representatives are not administrators and should not be included in paragraph 3 of Section 2. Senator LeJambre would like the document to be more general; for example, it could indicate that four reports are given, but each report does not need to be defined. Discussion followed. Senator Martin reminded the Senate that amendments can be made to the document at a later date and Senator McMicheal noted that the document does not change any part of University Regulation 1-34. Senator LeJambre indicated that it is important to pass a document that is ‘healthy,’ and that the Senate should not assume that later modifications can rectify existing issues. Senator LeJambre pointed out that Section 3, paragraph 6, indicates that Senators are allowed four unexcused absences. University Regulation 1-34 indicates that Senators may have four unexcused absences per year or fraction thereof. Senator LeJambre asked about the discrepancy, and also inquired as to what constitutes a ‘fraction thereof.’ She suggested that the Policies and Procedures document contain an explanation or that a change to the regulation be proposed. Senator McMicheal commented that the policy is rarely enforced because it is difficult to fill Senate seats. Senator LeJambre suggested that a consistent method for considering legislation (such as having a first reading, second reading with debate, and then a vote) should be included in the document. Senator Martin indicated that legislation is addressed in Section 6, which will be discussed in December. In addition, Senator Martin stated that the Policies and Procedures manual should not contain detailed process information. In a discussion about the composition of the Executive Committee, it was noted that an addition of the Secretary as a member of the Executive Committee needs to be added to the draft document. A revision also needs to be made to Section 4, paragraph 4 of the President’s Duties. The President will not assign committee chairs; committee chairs will be voted upon by committee membership. There was discussion on whether or not the inclusion of a provision for successive terms for Executive Committee members is appropriate. Senator McMicheal made a motion that the Policies and Procedures committee meet with Senator LeJambre to discuss the changes that she would like to see made to the draft. The motion was seconded by Senator Scott. In discussion, Mr. Allen commented that any changes to the document need to be vetted to the entire Senate body, not just one Senator. Senator LeJambre agreed. President Clements indicated that she would like to have a vote on the document in a timely manner, and does not want further delays. Before the question was called, Senator McMicheal amended his motion to make the meeting open to anyone who wishes to attend. The vote was: 17 in favor; 2 opposed; 6 abstain. A motion to move discussion to the December meeting as the only agenda item was made and seconded by Mr. Allen and Senator McMicheal. In discussion, it was determined that the motion included removal of the administrative reports. Motion failed. A motion to move discussion to the December meeting and to include administrative reports was made and seconded by Senators Lewis and McMicheal. Motion passed. Committee Reports Time constraints did not allow for committee reports to be given. Written reports were provided for the following committees: Compensation Committee Finances Committee Recognition Committee The meeting was adjourned by President Clements at 3:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Lori J. Lewis, Staff Senate Secretary and Lou Ann Chakmakian Compensation Committee October 21, 2009 Wyoming Union Present: Christi Byers, Sara Chapa, Chris Clements, Winter Hansen, Jamie LeJambre, Lori Lewis, Allen Tanner Absent: Nyla Bailey (class), Brandi Brewer, Birgit Burke Guest: Tammy Scott * Due to extra meetings and work on the Handbook, the regular November HR meeting scheduled for the 17th and committee meeting on the 18th is cancelled this month. I. Staff Handbook - Human Resources has promised to share the final draft of the Employee Handbook within the next week Compensation members will meet to go over changes, questions and general topics Senate would like to share at the November 12th HR meeting We’ll be utilizing Executive Committee, a written report and Staff Senate Office Hours in order to communicate to constituents and answer questions The committee hopes to assist HR with the document, including adding hot links to the document II. H1N1 Information Session - - Nancy Fox in Risk Management took our idea of a campus forum to the H1N1 steering committee and they were unable to work towards a campus forum, with the main concern being the extra time it could take to put together She will meet with Staff Senate over lunch prior to the November meeting to go over the plan and answer questions It is important to communicate that Staff concerns reach beyond leave policies III. HR Training & Staff Development - Members of the committee will meet with Michael Basinger from HR training on Monday, November 9th over lunch to finalize plans for the training survey The focus at this time will be on the new versions of leadership training with a focus on improving supervisor trainings and the new Staff Academy program Supporting documentation: accreditation, UP3, 2009 Convocation and last year’s white paper suggestions IV. Tuition Waiver - - Monthly meeting with HR in December will be with HR manager Ned Feldbush who will be asked to assist in centralization of data and waiver use tracking Non-traditional operating definition includes staff, but much work is focused on finding scholarship funding – we’ll need to be aware of that progress This issue will likely be one to include the new VP of HR if that position is filled by the start of January as planned VI. Various Issues - - Allen Tanner is now representing Staff Senate on the UW EAP committee and will communicate updates through the Compensation Committee. In the coming months, they may need assistance with helping people sign up for Wyoming Wellness We will be asking constituents if the personal days is an issue they would like us to follow up with now that we have some information We’ve been asked to look into hearing care under insurance and will be looking at comparable institutions We’ll be continuing to ask HR if they are interested in co-sponsoring a Relay for Life team in June of 2010 WyoWeb Group - Will be set up with the following thread discussions 1) Resolution for Staff Handbook participation 2) Report after the HR meeting on the 12th 3) Bill for Compensation Committee Update October Assignments (1) Staff Handbook review and meeting prep (2) Survey meeting with training Finance and Fundraising - November Ideas More donations are welcomed. Donations are due on Nov. 20th. An item can be turned in later, make contact with Stacy. 6-3866 List of items donated will be on the web site next week. A sign up sheet will be going around at Wed. meeting asking for volunteers to work the Holiday Market booth. Staff Senate Recognition Day Committee Report Prepared for Full Senate Meeting, November 2009 The Staff Senate Recognition Day Committee met on October 23rd at 12:00pm in Ross Dining Hall. A date for staff recognition day has been set: April 28th 2010 10am-12pm at Crane Dining Hall. The President’s office has been contacted regarding providing release time for staff to attend the event. We have also contacted Photo Services to put the event on their schedule. We will also make sure the staff senate camera is present for candid photos of staff senators!! Janean Forsyth has been charged with contacting Human Resources to obtain years of service lists. Once we get those lists, we can allocate our budget accordingly for years of service gifts. Chris Clements and Carrie Hesco have volunteered to manage the nominated awards that are given at the ceremony. Also discussed was our catering menu. Food items suggested were popcorn, cotton candy, candied apples, chili fries, nachos, frozen bananas, whole fruit (apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries), lemonade. Cheri Frank will discuss these options with Catering. The presence of hand washing/hand sanitizing stations was suggested. Janean Forsyth will contact Environmental Health and Safety to find out if something could be borrowed for the event. We also discussed décor: balloons, inventory what we already have to see if any of it can be used. Display posters/printouts/projections of the 5, 10, perhaps 15 years of service names. Possibly contact the theater department for props. We still need a committee member to volunteer to be in charge of decorations. We are planning to evaluate the number of stations available for the event and possibly offer spots to ASUW groups and/or Greek organizations. Questions or concerns? Please contact co-chairs Janean Forsyth ( or Cheri Frank ( Thanks.