Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting October 14, 2009 Senate Chambers The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Clements. A quorum was present. Roll Call Guests: Doug Vinzant, Vice-President of Administration, Joe Montelongo, Human Resources Interim Director, Eric Goldenstein, Manager, HR Benefits Senators Present: Ginny Becker, Christi Byers, Avery Cowardin, Cyndi Cowardin, Al Emmons, Janean Forsyth, Cheri Frank, James Fuerholzer, Carrie Hesco, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre, Lori Lewis, James Logue, Kelly McMichael, Thyra Page, Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Linda Waggener, Maureen Walker, Kathi Zubrod Senators Absent: Kara Bobbitt, Christy Nordmann, Kathy Norris, Rachel Martin Proxies: Laurie Bonini for Brandi Brewer, Allen Tanner for Diana Waggener Approval of Minutes and Agenda It was moved to approve the September minutes by Senator McMicheal. Senator LeJambre requested a friendly amendment to include “Dr. King as guest speaker to Staff Senate” under New Business on the agenda. Motion, with amendment, was seconded by Senator LeJambre. Motion passed. Administration Reports Vice-President Vinzant reported on the status of the University Pandemic Plan, indicating that there is still a need to address staff absences due to the flu. An official policy will likely be released in a week or two, after the Administrative Executive Committee reviews and approves it. VP Vinzant also reported that the Board of Trustees, ASUW, and Faculty Senate have been engaged in discussions regarding alternative tuition increase proposals. VP Vinzant noted that in order to make progress as an institution, UW will need to raise tuition; UW’s tuition rate is remarkably low compared to others at all levels (undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs). Our tuition levels have been low due to State investment in UW. State investments for the next two fiscal years are not expected to remain at historic levels. It is believed that the Trustees will adopt a tuition program during their November meeting. The proposal going before the Board of Trustees is a multi-year program with a four-year outlook. Priorities identified for use of the increased revenues include increasing library resources and academic department operational support. Fee increases will follow a similar multi-year approach, but will not be discussed at the November meeting. Fee increases will be voted on at the January 2010 Board of Trustees meeting. President Clements opened the floor for questions. Allen Tanner, proxy for Senator D. Waggener, inquired about the status of IT and Accounting function consolidations. VP Vinzant reported that the IT consolidation is currently underway, and will continue over the course of the year. No timeline for completion is available, but will be made public when it becomes available. With regard to the Accounting function consolidation, VP Vinzant noted that he has been gathering information from other institutions and will be seeking input from his counterparts at other large western universities. The initiative has been de-prioritized due to his work on getting key position hires done. As the project takes shape and a timeline develops, VP Vinzant will make information available. He noted that business managers within colleges/departments/units will be involved in any process that is forthcoming. Senator McMichael requested information on when Tier 2 and Tier 3 staff positions will be able to be filled. VP Vinzant indicated that those positions are not likely to be filled before January. Administration will have a better idea of whether budget savings goals have been met and what State revenue projections are after the first of the year. The worst case scenario would involve keeping the existing policy in place to avoid additional layoffs. Mr. Tanner asked if the university is on track for meeting its budget reduction goals. VP Vinzant noted that we have made good progress, but cautioned that he cannot make predictions for the rest of the year based on one quarter’s performance levels. President Buchanan’s plan requires a three year implementation to reach the $18.3 million cut, so it is likely to take more than one year to accomplish our goals. A communication on the status of our savings is being drafted for dissemination. It will be a written report available to the public on the Web; the report will also be sent out via e-mail. Senator LeJambre returned to the issue of the tuition increase proposal, asking if a working document is available online. VP Vinzant stated that he has done several presentations related to the subject, which could be made available. Senator LeJambre inquired about how an increase might affect the staff tuition waiver. Her concern is that there is currently no written policy about the waiver. VP Vinzant was unaware of this, but said he would investigate it further. He indicated that President Buchanan is aware of the priorities set forth in University Plan III for developing leadership among staff members, and that President Buchanan has charged him with addressing this goal over the next four years. There is no indication that the administration is looking to reduce staff programs. He also noted that staff and managers need to remember that staff should not be denied requests to take advantage of the tuition waiver simply because it is inconvenient for a manager. Eric Goldenstein, HR Benefits Manager, interjected that a UW Regulation and Presidential Directive exist to outline the tuition waiver. President Clements indicated that the verbiage in the Employee Handbook does not clearly note that classes do not have to be work related. Joe Montelongo, Interim HR Director, reported that the HR Department is working very hard on their portion of the Pandemic Plan. The tabletop exercise done in September identified holes in the plan. Although the flu has not had a tremendous impact on the campus this fall, it is expected that it will make another appearance in the spring, and Mr. Montelongo hopes to have everything in place by that time. HR was asked to address the telecommuting policy and the sick leave policy. The telecommuting policy addresses policy and procedure for conducting university business in the event that a large number of employees contract the flu virus. He indicated that each department has been asked to determine a plan to address this. It is understood that some work can be done at home, and this is addressed in a policy that Mr. Montelongo has presented to the Pandemic Plan Steering Committee. The sick leave policy proposal will go to VP Vinzant next week. The proposed policy may have an impact on the existing policy, so UW Legal Affairs is reviewing to determine if changes to the proposal need to be made. Mr. Montelongo also reported that the new Employee Handbook draft is complete, and he hopes to discuss the changes with VP Vinzant soon. A final draft will then be forwarded to the Staff Senate Compensation Committee. Mr. Montelongo would like to have a meeting with the Compensation Committee and his HR managers to discuss the changes and the reasoning behind them. President Clements opened the floor for questions. Senator LeJambre inquired about what provisions are included in the sick leave proposal for staff who have not acquired sick leave. Her concern is that staff who have a bank of sick leave to draw from will be penalized. Mr. Montelongo indicated that a substantial number of employees have a bank of sick leave to draw from. For those that do not, the proposed policy may be viewed as a reward for their lack of planning. Mr. Montelongo emphasized that he is attempting to be as fair as possible to all employees. He indicated that there will likely be a stair-step type of provision within the proposal to address this issue. Senator Fuerholzer inquired about whether IT procedures have been addressed in coordination with the telecommuting policy. His concern is that the current IT infrastructure is not well-suited to all work procedures done in a home setting. Senator LeJambre inquired whether the changes to the Employee Handbook will be highlighted in the draft given to the Compensation Committee. Mr. Montelongo indicated that the changes will be easily identifiable. Mr. Tanner asked when the next HR/Compensation Committee monthly meeting will be held. The next meeting is Tuesday, October 19. The topic will be Classification and Compensation. Mr. Goldenstein addressed the Senate with information regarding benefits open enrollment/transfer. Changes to the process have been made, and he hopes that it will be a more efficient and cost effective process. An e-mail has been sent to staff which replaces the paper copy. A letter will be sent to campus mail addresses for staff in Laramie and to home addresses for staff in other locales. The Benefit Press and video link included in the e-mail are good resources for staff members. Senator LeJambre indicated that it would be helpful to see an outline of what insurance premiums are and what the out-of-check costs are to staff members. Mr. Goldenstein indicated that this is available on their Web site. Senator Walker asked why Cigna purchased Great West, and if staff members should be concerned about a change in benefits due to the acquisition. Mr. Goldenstein indicated that the change shouldn’t affect us. The claim center is still in Cheyenne, and we are self-insured through Employee Group Insurance (Cigna is hired by EGI to process claims). However, Mr. Goldenstein noted that he has received more calls about claims being denied since Cigna took over. He asked Senators to encourage their constituents to communicate with HR if their claims are being denied. Senator Forsythe complimented HR on reducing the amount of paperwork involved in benefits enrollment/transfer. She asked for clarification on the need to complete a Flexible Benefits Form. Mr. Goldenstein confirmed that if there are no changes in the pre-tax deduction, a form does not need to be completed. If a staff member wishes to enroll in the medical reimbursement plan, they do need to turn in a form. The form can be faxed to meet the deadline, with the original following it via mail carrier. Senator LeJambre suggested that HR provide a list of staff who have provided their forms so that HR does not receive so many phone inquiries. The information could be listed by W# or Employee ID. Senator Zubrod inquired about when a video for New Employee Orientation will be made available. Mr. Goldenstein indicated that there is an online version. Old Business The next brown bag with the President is Tuesday, October 20. Senator LeJambre suggested that a threaded discussion be placed on the Staff Senate WyoWeb Group to discuss proposed ‘hot topics’ for the meeting. President Clements reminded Senators that they can either bring their own lunch, or President Buchanan has offered to purchase lunch from the Panda Express. Senator Lane indicated that Holiday Market donations will be accepted until November 20. A letter explaining the use of funds raised from the event, as well as a donor form have been provided by the Finances Committee; the donor form needs to be returned to Senator Lane. An online bidding site was discussed. It was decided that the Communications Committee could post pictures of items online, but that bidding would not take place online. Senators Lane and LeJambre offered to take calls from interested parties, if they cannot attend the Holiday Market. President Clements complimented everyone who participated in the Homecoming Parade. The Staff Senate float won the Sweepstakes Prize for the small float that best represented the theme. Senators Lane, McMichael, and LeJambre, and Lou Ann Chakmakian participated in the event. New Business Senator McMichael moved and Senator LeJambre seconded to approve Winter Hansen for appointment to Senate Seat #15. Motion passed. Mr. Tanner moved to approve Tonya Gerharter for appointment to Senate Seat #17, if Ms. Gerharter accepted the appointment. Senator Lane read an e-mail from Ms. Gerharter indicating that she accepted the appointment. Senator McMichael seconded. Motion passed. Senator LeJambre indicated that some of the changes to the Employee Handbook will affect all employees, including faculty. The Compensation Committee has proposed some positive, team-oriented contributions to educate constituents about the changes and to promote better relations with HR and administration. The hope is that in the future, staff will be given representation on the committee proposing changes. Senator LeJambre asked that no e-mail correspondence regarding changes to the Employee Handbook be sent to constituents until Senators have had a chance to meet with HR. Legislation will be discussed at the next Compensation Committee regarding staff’s lack of participation in the process. Senator LeJambre recommended that the Senate consider inviting Dr. King, Political Science Department Chair, to discuss the political process at a future Senate meeting. Senator McMichael expressed concern about time constraints, and suggested that if a guest speaker is invited, the administrative reports need to be limited. A motion to invite Dr. King to speak at the November meeting was moved and seconded by Senators McMichael and Logue. Motion passed. Committee reports ASUW: Senator LeJambre reported that special guests at ASUW meetings have been talking about tuition and accreditation. ASUW representatives have approached Senator LeJambre about creating a group of representatives from all Senates to co-sponsor legislation or work together on projects. Senator Clements noted that she, too, has been broached on this topic. ASUW extended congratulations to Staff Senate on the Homecoming float. Faculty Senate: No report. Communications: Senator LeJambre reported that the first Staff Senate newsletter received a lot of positive feedback. The next edition will feature Vice President for Student Affairs, Sara Axelson. She asked that Senators keep photo opportunities in mind. Senator Forsythe inquired about whether suggestions or submissions can be made by Senators or constituents; Senator LeJambre confirmed that they can. Compensation: Senator LeJambre reported that most of the committee’s work has been on the Employee Handbook, although a draft has not yet been provided to them. The committee is working with HR on revamping the training program, and changes will likely tie in with the tuition waiver. The survey on training will be sent out soon. If any Senators have specific ideas about training or questions to address, e-mail Senator LeJambre. Also, VP Axelson has requested the committee’s assistance with promoting the Wyoming Wellness Program. A proposal has been submitted by the committee to VP Axelson, and they are awaiting her response. Tammy Till, state representative, will be speaking on campus on October 21, at 9 o’clock in the morning in the Union. See Attachment A for written report. Credentials and Elections: Senator McMichael reported that elections for Staff Senate President need to be done in January. If interested in running for the position, contact the committee, and they will work with the administration to make sure that you are allowed to run. Senator Lane will be sending a flier out to departments to recruit for vacant seats. She requested that Senators whose terms are ending in 2010 notify her of whether or not they are interested in running for another term. Employee of the Quarter: Senator C. Cowardin reported that the committee is accepting nominations for next quarter. Finances: Senator Lane indicated that the committee will begin planning for the holiday food drives. Boxes for the Thanksgiving drive will be available at the November 11 meeting. Milton Ontiveroz will be participating in the project again this year. Ad Hoc Presidency: A motion was made and seconded by Senators LeJambre and McMichael to dissolve the Ad Hoc Presidency committee. Motion approved. Ad Hoc Policy and Procedures: Senator Logue reported that a draft of the proposed changes is available on the WyoWeb Group, and a threaded discussion has been started for comments and questions. He requested that comments and questions be accompanied by a page and line number. He would like to have some discussion on the proposed changes next month, with approval by December, if possible. Recognition: Senator Forsythe referred Senators to the written report she provided and requested that they review it and provide feedback (See Attachment B). President’s Report: President Clements reported that she received an e-mail from Manny Gallegos encouraging Staff Senate to participate in National Secretary’s Day and National Custodian Day. Senator Scott suggested that an announcement about the days could be put on our Web site, but that there is little we can do on such short notice. The Communications Committee was charged with putting together a list of designated ‘Days’ to post on the Web site. The meeting was adjourned by President Clements at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Lori J. Lewis, Staff Senate Secretary Attachment A Compensation Committee September 16, 2009 Coe Library Present: Brandi Brewer, Birgit Burke, Christi Byers, Sara Chapa, Chris Clements, Jamie LeJambre, Lori Lewis Absent: Nyla Bailey (class), Tammy Scott I. Staff Handbook - Joe Montelongo has promised to share the final draft of the employee handbook • Lori was assigned to communicate and request a timeline in order for the committee to plan the reading, research and HR questions - Compensation members will begin to draft legislation pertaining to this issue that should be ready for the October Senate meeting - Planning for education will involve both the web, sharing with constituents and perhaps an open meeting with HR - The committee will also focus upon areas where we can assist HR with the transition and education – in particular adding hot links to the document II. Tuition Waiver - Work will continue on the report outline and survey questions - President Buchanan discussed non traditional student focus at 2009 Convocation which fits in well with the tuition discussion – bring up in Brown Bag III. HR Training & Staff Development - This topic is in line with University plans and is feasible this year - Discussions and input will continue in monthly HR meetings and Jamie and Lori will be meeting with training staff in the coming weeks - A key idea and commonality is requiring particular training of supervisors beyond Sexual Harassment and concentrating training on transition and increased work loads - Research/supporting documents: institutional accreditation, UP3, Convocation and pieces of the campus wide white paper discussion IV. H1N1 Roundtable and University Response - Nancy Fox will be contacted regarding the roundtable results and invited to work with Staff Senate to put together a public forum for her to share information and plans as well as answer questions • Christi was assigned to work with Risk Management to speak with Nancy Fox V. Various Issues - Lori will look into comparable institutions regarding sick leave & personal time policies, perhaps state institutions - We will bring up the UW wide Relay for Life team between Staff Senate and Human Resources at Exec/Senate and will discuss at October HR meeting VI. WyoWeb Group - Will be set up with the following thread discussions 1) legislation for staff handbook and staff handbook 2) policy vs. procedural changes in staff handbook 3) outline of tuition paper/outline of tuition survey September Assignments (1) Everyone: WyoWeb participation and drafting of documents, handbook familiarization (2) Lori: Handbook Communications, sick/personal time research (3) Lori & Jamie: start compiling & organizing HR notes (3) Christi: H1N1 contact, web photo (4) Brandi: touch base with faculty regarding common interests (5) Birgit & Sara: divide handbook into work sections (6) Jamie: a. identify policy vs. procedure in handbook b. contact Stacy regarding constituent list accuracy c. contact HR regarding new survey e-mail list d. organize/clean up WyoWeb group/redesign web page Back to Minutes Attachment B Staff Senate Recognition Day Committee Report Prepared for Full Senate Meeting, October 2009 The Staff Senate Recognition Day Committee met on September 18th at 12:00pm in Ross Dining Hall. It was agreed that Crane Hall will be our location for recognition day again next year. Two dates were discussed for the event: April 21st and April 28th. It was determined that the venue is available both days so we will now communicate with the President’s Office to determine which date works with the President’s schedule. We discussed last year’s recognition day and brainstormed some ideas to simplify the event; such as limiting the number of names that are read aloud. We also discussed a change in format: A Carnival theme. Some ideas: *Set up chairs for a brief presentation-no guest speaker. * Provide carnival snacks (such as popcorn, cotton candy, etc.) and booths set up around the perimeter of the room and possibly outside on the lawn that faces Grand Ave. (weather permitting). *Possible activities discussed were: a prize wheel, a “cake walk” for door prizes, a 50/50 raffle, a bike raffle, throwing pies at an administrator or coach *Invite Pete Simpson to serve as a “ring leader” in lieu of a guest speaker. It was the feeling of several committee members that changing the format in this way would not only save money, but also provide more time for socializing and having fun rather than having staff sit through lengthy presentations and speeches. Committee members have also all been assigned local businesses and UW departments to contact for door prize donations. Questions or concerns? Please contact co-chairs Janean Forsyth ( or Cheri Frank ( Thanks. Back to Minutes