Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting July 8th, 2009 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
July 8th, 2009
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Clements. There was a
quorum present.
Roll Call
Present: Doug Vinzant, VP of Administration; Joe Montelongo, HR Interim Director
Senators Present: Ginny Becker, Kara Bobbitt, Brandi Brewer, Angie Bules, Christi
Byers, Avery Cowardin, Cyndi Cowardin, Janean Forsyth, Cheri Frank, Jim Fuerholzer,
Carrie Hesco, Jesse Kremer, Stacy Lane, Lori Lewis, James Logue (by phone), Rachel
Martin, Kelly McMicheal, Christy Nordmann, Thyra Page, Maureena Walker, Kathi
Senators Absent: Al Emmons, Jauque Schuman
Proxies: Jo Marie Paintin for Jamie LeJambre, Greg Million for Tod Scott, Rachel
Ferrell for Diana Waggener
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
It was moved and seconded to approve the June minutes by Senator Kelly McMicheal
and Senator Rachel Martin. Motion passed. President Chris Clements amended the July
agenda to include the election of Linda Waggener to temporarily fill Seat #36 for one
year. It was moved and seconded to approve the July agenda as amended by Senators
Kelly McMichael and Rachel Martin. Motion passed.
Administration Reports
President Clements introduced Doug Vinzant, Vice President of Administration. VP
Vinzant is new to his position, and is busy getting acquainted with his responsibilities and
determining high priority issues. He expressed a willingness to receive assistance from
President Clements as to how he might best work with and assist the Staff Senate. VP
Vinzant welcomed questions from the Senate, indicating his desire that Senate meetings
be a forum for addressing staff concerns and issues. VP Vinzant explained the tracking
process of the salary rate of new hires. VP Vinzant indicated that one of the targets for
capturing budgetary savings over the next fiscal year was implementation of the Central
Salary management (CSM) policy, whereby newly hired employees would be eligible to
receive a salary equal to 15% above the minimum pay grade for their position and any
previously budgeted salary funds in excess of this 15% above minimum will be captured
by the Office of Administration. In addition to capturing savings from CSM and its
faculty counterpart, the Central Position Management (CPM) system, savings are also
accumulated when staff or faculty positions are not filled once vacated. Savings from
these salary and position related policy systems are estimated to be $500,000.
Provost Myron Allen is responsible for managing the CPM policy, including determining
if vacant faculty positions will be filled. The process for filling a vacant staff position
involves a request by the department which is sent to HR and approved by both the Vice
President of the affected division and the VP of Administration. This policy has been
termed a 'hiring freeze'. VP Vinzant indicated that staff positions funded by sources other
than section one funds will receive less scrutiny, but will be required to follow the same
procedure for filling a vacancy.
VP Vinzant expressed support for President Buchanan and his advisors and the difficult
decisions they have made to accommodate state budget reductions. He indicated that
such action will avoid a compounding effect of budget shortfalls and will put the
university in a better position to manage its resources in the next biennium.
Joe Montelongo, Human Resources Interim Director thanked President Clements for her
willingness to serve and noted that the Human Resources department is very proud of her
Mr. Montelongo reported that a formal communication process between Staff Senate and
the HR department has been established. Monthly meetings are taking place, in which
each HR unit is introduced and explained, and questions/concerns are addressed. It is his
hope that the meetings will give Staff Senate and university staff, in general, a better
understanding of HR as a unit and the services they provide. In June, the benefits section
had the opportunity to visit with Staff Senate representatives. Mr. Montelongo invited
any Senators to attend future meetings.
Mr. Montelongo briefed the Senate on the job fair in June for employees affected by the
reduction in force (RIF) of June 4, 2009. Six or seven organizations were represented
from Laramie, Cheyenne, and surrounding communities. Mr. Montelongo plans to
organize another job fair in early September. As HR receives notification of job
openings at area businesses, the information stating qualifications and salary for each
position is conveyed to RIFed employees who have provided HR contact information.
Mr. Montelongo explained recent concerns coming to the HR department. Mr.
Montelongo indicated that these concerns were employee relations issues involving
performance management by supervisors/managers. HR is actively working to help the
affected parties by identifying and resolving the issues. He also expressed that HR
desires for all staff members to be successful and all supervisors/managers to be
supportive of staff.
Senator Lewis requested an update on the search for a permanent Human Resources
Director. VP Vinzant responded by stating that he is working with Mr. Montelongo to
recast the director’s position in preparation for a second search. Mr. Montelongo will
continue to serve as Interim Director. It is hoped that a new director will be selected this
President Clements asked Mr. Montelongo to speak about his proposed changes to the
employee handbook. Mr. Montelongo indicated that his proposed changes are intended
to make policies more clear and the handbook easier to read for employees and
supervisors/managers. He also indicated that he has made a recommendation to remove
procedure-related wording from the policy manual; this wording should be contained in a
separate document. The revisions are currently under review by UW Legal Affairs.
Final approval will come from the VP of Administration. Revisions are no longer
required to be distributed to the entire campus for comment.
President Clements thanked VP Vinzant and Mr. Montelongo for their time, and gave
them permission to leave the meeting.
Old Business
Senator Rachel Martin reported that provisions and changes requested by the Senate at
June’s meeting were included in the Finance Bill before the Senate. The bill does not
create a paid office staff position; rather, it is an attempt to provide a check and balance
common to most public and private organizations. Senator Martin also stated it would be
preferred that a Senator with the stated qualifications fill the position, but that training is
available and feasible. Existing members of the Ad hoc Budget and Fundraising
Committee will transfer to the new Finances Committee. It was moved and seconded by
Senators Kelly McMicheal and Jim Logue to accept the Bill for the Staff Senate finances.
Motion passed.
There was discussion of whether or not Employee of the Quarter should be a
subcommittee of the Recognition Committee. Senator Angie Bules noted that a formal
resolution establishing the Employee of the Quarter as a committee needs to be written.
President Clements charged the EOQ committee to write this resolution.
New Business
It was moved and seconded to elect Kathy Norris for Seat #23 by Senators Kelly
McMicheal and Cheri Frank. Motion passed. It was moved and seconded to elect Linda
Waggener to temporary fill Seat #36 by Senator Kelly McMicheal and Rachel Martin.
Motion passed. Senator Angie Bules indicated that President Clements requested that the
seat be filled temporarily so that she can return to the seat upon the conclusion of her
presidential term.
President Chris Clements asked Senators to take note of the Roberts Rules of Order
informational sheet sent out via e-mail (See Attachment A). She indicated that Senators
should not be intimidated by the rules, and she encouraged open and lively discussion at
Senate meetings.
Committee Reports
ASUW Representative – Jo Marie Paintin, proxy for Senator LeJambre, reported that
ASUW is not meeting over the summer, but that Senator Jamie LeJambre has been in
contact with ASUW President Haigler regarding areas of common interest, including
Faculty Senate – Senator Brandi Brewer stated Faculty Senate is not meeting during the
summer, but will reconvene in September.
Communication Committee – Senator Jim Fuerholzer presented the committee report on
behalf of Senator Diana Waggener (Attachment B) The committee will also be
distributing a survey to all staff (Attachment C)
Compensation Committee – Senator Lori Lewis reported on behalf of Senator Jamie
LeJambre that the committee will meet the last Tuesday of each month at Noon in the
Union. The committee report is contained in (Attachment D).
Credentials and Elections Committee – Senator Stacy Lane reported that the committee
will be meeting shortly to address the 12 Senate Seat vacancies. Senator Christy
Nordmann volunteered to serve on this committee.
Employee of the Quarter – Senator Angie Bules stated the committee has selected an
Employee of the Second Quarter and will release the name shortly. The committee will
also be writing the resolution as charged by President Chris Clement in today’s meeting.
The two new members on this committee are Kelly McMicheal and Cyndi Cowardin.
Ad Hoc Budget and Fund-Raising Committee – Senator Jesse Kremer stated the
committee will meet this Thursday, July 9, 2009. Given the passage of the Senate
Finance Bill in today’s meeting, he will be seeking additional committee members. He
would like to investigate options for acquiring fiscal independence for Staff Senate.
Ad Hoc Presidency Position – President Chris Clements reported she is in charge of this
ad hoc committee and would like to continue with this Ad Hoc committee and explore
other possibilities to fill the Presidency position.
Policy and Procedures Committee – Senator Rachel Martin stated the committee will
continue to review the Senate rules now that the Senate Finance Bill has been passed.
Recognition Committee – Senator Cheri Frank stated the committee has not met yet but
was still looking for volunteers to help with SRD. The committee will meet with
President Buchanan and VP Vinzant to discuss what financial support will be available
for them. Anyone who would like to help with this, please email Cheri or Janean.
President’s report – President Chris Clements will have committee charges sent out as
soon as she communicates with committee chairs about their individual goals for the
coming year.
President Clements provided a handout for all Senators with a list of questions aimed at
guiding an organization in creating a mission statement (Attachment E). She indicated
that she would like to see the Senate move beyond a ‘forming’ stage and participate in
more ‘storming’. Please consider the questions and bring comments to the next meeting.
Committee chairs are reminded to submit a written report to the Staff Senate office no
later than the Friday prior to the full Senate meeting so that the reports can be sent out
with the agenda.
Open Forum
There was discussion of possibilities of how to help the RIFed employees. President
Clements made the charge for the Communications Committee to outline a public
statement in support of the RIFed employees that will be presented to the full Senate for
approval. President Chris Clements thanked those Senators who assisted with the job fair
for RIFed employees.
The meeting was adjourned by President Clements at 2:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by L. A. Chakmakian and Lori J. Lewis
Attachment A
Attachment B
Staff Senate Communication Committee meeting
June 17, 2009
1 p.m.-2 p.m.
Chair: Diana Marie Waggener
Present: JimFuerholzer, Jamie LeJambre, and Lori Lewis
Absent: Jesse Kremer and Thyra Page
The purpose of this meeting was to introduce ourselves,
discuss what communications/public relations skills and
interests we bring to the committee, what aspects of the
committee with which we would like to be involved, and
brainstorm ideas.
Jim Fuerholzer is a graphic designer. He has a great deal
of experience as a Web designer, as well as experience
doing Internet communications with 20 years of experience,
primarily in the publishing industry. He will be
responsible for designing the Staff Senate newsletter, as
well as other materials.
Jamie LeJambre has experience doing Web site management,
electronic communications, and likes to write. She will
take responsibility for much of the writing for the Web,
newsletter, and UW student weekly news.
Lori Lewis has interests in Web and publication design. She
will take responsibility for much of the writing for the
Web and newsletter.
Diana Marie Waggener is a senior editor and graphic
designer. She will take responsibility for copy editing all
materials put out by the committee. In addition, she will
act as the liaison for Staff Senate with University
Relations and take responsibility for Staff Senate
information printed on the UW Weekly News e-letter.
Some goals identified at the meeting are to:
Write and implement a public relations plan for academic
year 2009/2010. Diana Marie Waggener will write the
introduction and oversee the content.
Conduct a brief survey of UW classified staff to determine
how the majority of Staff Senate constituents like to
receive information. Jim Fuerholzer and Jamie LeJambre will
write the survey and it will be administered by LeJambre.
(See attached.)
Reconsider the content of the Staff Senate newsletter.
Ideas include concentrating on issues of interest and
importance to UW classified staff, pointing staff to
available resources, publishing committee reports,
encouraging interactivity among staff and Staff Senate
through a comments section and through a question/answer
section. Redesign the Staff Senate newsletter.
Update the Web site and incorporate the use of video on the
Web site, include committee reports and informal meeting
minutes in a timely fashion on the Web site.
Work to help Staff Senate gain a presence at UW Trustees
meetings. The Communication Committee will happily research
issues to be covered in advance of the meetings to share
with staff senators to ensure those in attendance are wellprepared.
Look for and promote activities and events at which Staff
Senate will have a presence.
Work hand-in-hand with the Fundraising Committee.
Attachment C
Staff Senate is interested in gaining your input on how best it can communicate
with you through its newsletter, the Lariat, and other online means.
1. Which division of the university are you employed in?
College of Agriculture
College of Arts & Sciences
Office of the President/Athletics
Information Technology
Student Affairs
Physical Plant Operations
College of Business/College of Health Sciences
College of Education/Engineering
College of Law/Outreach School
Administration/ Budget & Planning/UW Police
Institutional Advancement/General Counsel/Gov’t, Community & Legal
Human Resources/Libraries
Research/Academic Affairs
Risk Management/Facilities Planning/Auxiliary Services
2. How many years have you been on staff at UW?
[DROP DOWN OF YEARS (1–30?) STARTING WITH “Less than 1”]
3. Are you familiar with Staff Senate’s newsletter the Lariat?
4. Do you read it?
5. How useful do you find the information in the Lariat?
Not at all
6. The Lariat is published bimonthly. Do you find this adequate?
7. If No, how often would you like to see the Lariat published?
8. Would you find useful updates as they become available to the Staff Senate
Web site in between publication of the Lariat?
9. How would you prefer to receive your copy of the Lariat?
10. If you prefer to receive your copy of the Lariat digitally, how would you like to
see it delivered?
UW email
Staff listserve
Other email account
11. Are you currently a member of the Staff listserve?
12. Have you visited the Staff Senate web site?
13. If yes, how often do you visit the site?
I have it bookmarked
14. How could the site be improved?
15. Would you be interested in Staff Senate using online social networking tools
for updates?
16. Which online networking tools do you use? (check all that apply)
I do not use any online networking tools
Other [WRITE IN]
17. What enhancements to the web site would you like to see? (check all that
President’s blog
Representative blogs
Live video feeds of meetings and events
Mailing lists
Social networking/chat services
18. Do you know who represents you in Staff Senate?
19. Have you ever been contacted by your representative(s)?
Thank you for completing the survey. Your input is important to Staff Senate as
we continue to serve you in the most beneficial manner.
Attachment D
Staff Senate Compensation
Committee Minutes
June 16, 2009
Human Resources Meeting
Members of the committee available for the scheduled meeting with Human Resources attended in Wyo
Hall from 9:00 am - 10:00 pm on June 16th where we met with the HR Director and Benefits division.
Specific topics included the laws, policies and procedures for donated sick leave, workers’ compensation
and retrenchment or retirement related to recent lost positions. Please contact Jamie if you are
interested in attending these meetings.
We also followed up on the conclusion of the Breast Pumping topic. The written policy and list of
available spaces are now posted to the HR web page and the Staff Senate web page. Information flyers
will be made available in all cases possible and the intent and protections of the new policy will be added
to supervisory trainings.
2009-2010 Transition Highlights
We are beginning the year with several new members and have established our regular meeting time as
12:00 pm on the last Tuesday of each month.
Projects/goals continuing into this year from last will include the reexamination of the tuition waiver and
assuring staff input into development of new employee evaluations.
Continuing Work and Research for Committee Members:
(1) Continue to utilize alternative communication and encourage ideas and input from constituents
by holding open meetings/office hours/distributing surveys
Complete and distribute surveys (a) tuition waiver use and input focused by September and
(b) evaluation and job description focused by December/January
(2) Further build non-Senate members of the committee, encouraging more involvement such as
attending Staff Senate meetings, Trustee meetings and President’s Brown Bag lunches
(3) Careful record keeping and organization of valuable data sets - summaries of information from
HR meetings and old legislation, establish guidelines and outlines for future legislation, collect
data from various sources, participate in the development of updated Policies & Procedures for
this committee
The committee will continue to meet monthly with HR Director and VP of Administration representatives.
Attachment E