Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting March 11, 2009 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
March 11, 2009
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Schuman. There was a
quorum present.
Roll Call
Present: Mark Collins, Associate VP Operations; Joe Montelongo, HR Interim Director
Senators Present: Kara Bobbitt, Brandi Brewer, Angela Bules, Chris Clements, Al
Emmons, Janean Forsyth, Cheri Frank, Dorie Gallegos, Kathy Hearne, Carrie Hesco,
Laurie Jaskolski, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre, Lori Lewis, James Logue, Rachel Martin,
Pam Mathewson, Kelly McMicheal, Janis Phelps, Richard Reynolds, Becky Riley, Sally
Schuman, Tammy Scott, Tod Scott, Mary Ann Stout, Diana Waggener, Kelly Wiseman,
Jane Wolfinbarger, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Avery Cowardin (excused),
Proxies: Samantha Besler for Lana Craig, Kathleen Bertoncelj proxy for Ronda
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
It was moved and seconded to approve the February minutes and March agenda by
Senator Kelly McMicheal and Janean Forsyth. Motion passed.
Administration Reports
Mark Collins, Associate Vice President for Operations, gave the Administrative report.
Provost Allen will put the budget white papers he received from various campus entities,
including Staff Senate, into a larger document that he will present to President Buchanan.
Governor Freudenthal has asked for an updated report from CREG, the Consensus
Revenue Estimating Group. This is the first time ever that a governor has asked for a
mid-year report like this according to Rick Miller, VP for Government, Community and
Legal Affairs. The expectation is that the markets will have changed appreciably since
the last report and that the state will have to respond.
VP Collins reported the following about the various on-going searches:  There are four finalists for the Vice President for Administration vacancy. The
candidates will be on campus at the end of March and early April. The university
community should get a chance to look them over. Please watch for the
Phone interviews are on-going for the new Director of Human Resources. Again,
the university community will get a chance to vet the candidates.
An offer has been extended to a candidate for Internal Auditor.
The Risk Management and Insurance Manager candidate will be announced next
The new Manager for Environmental Health and Safety is Nancy Fox, who will
join us April 6th.
Two academic searches, for deans of Law School and Health Sciences, are ongoing.
VP Collins then discussed the following budget items:  Federal Stimulus funding. Wyoming won’t get as much money as other states
with higher unemployment, but we will get a boost to the GE High Plains
Gasification project and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). We
will also be in line to get more dollars for research from the National Science
Foundation (NSF).
 WYDOT is getting an additional $164 million of stimulus funding for highway
 UW did get money during the last legislative session for the Biological Safety
Lab in Laramie and Cheyenne and for Level III planning for a new Fine Arts
building. UW also got $1.4 million for purchase of the south shuttle lot.
VP Collins also noted:  The Campus Sustainability Committee will be reformulated so that it will become
more task-oriented – in part because of President Buchanan’s signing on the
University Presidents’ Climate Agreement.
 The UW Police will move into the old UNIWYO Credit Union building in midMay. UW has also hired two new women police officers, a first for UW.
 Mobilization is underway for the new Berry Building which will be set in the area
now occupied by the old Cowboy Dorm and the metal sheds behind Western
Research Institute (WRI). The old power plant will be demolished this summer.
 The Grand Opening of the Cheney Plaza will take place in the fall.
 The speed limit on the streets surrounding the west campus, (i.e. Lewis, Ivinson,
Ninth and Fifteenth Streets) has been reduced to 20 mph, or, in the case of
Fifteenth, remains at 20. Please obey the limit and watch out for student, faculty,
and staff walking, bicycling, or skateboarding to campus.
 The UW cookbooks are now on sale at the bookstore for $10.
Joe Montelongo, interim Director of Human Resources, reported that HR has put together
the policy, based on input from Staff Senate, for nursing mothers. This will be submitted
to President Buchanan for review. The Employee Assistance Program has been put on
hold since the bids that came in were 2 ½ to 3 ½ times the anticipated cost. HR is
working on updating the Employee Handbook to clarify some of the language.
Old Business
President Schuman gave an update of the bike air stations. The unit has been ordered and
is on the way.
President Schuman stated Staff Senate is working on a draft of the budget white paper
that is due March 13th. Please email your comments to Jauque as soon as possible.
Jauque passed out maps from the Long Range Development Planning meeting. These are
also available on the website at:
Jauque mentioned at the February President’s brown bag lunch the discussion was mainly
the budget plan. The next brown bag lunch will be Wed. March 25th.
New Business
Senator Pam Mathewson made the motion to nominate Ginny Becker to Seat #2. Senator
Rachel Martin seconded and the motion carried. Welcome Ginny!
Committee Reports
ASUW Representative – Senator LeJambre stated they are working on the election of
officers and organizing a summer class where Robert’s Rules and leadership skills will be
Faculty Senate Representative – No report. Please see website for February 23rd
Communications Committee – Senator Chris Clements stated the committee is working
on the next issue of the Lariat. The deadline is April 5th. If you have any articles, please
email Chris at
Compensation Committee – Senator Jamie LeJambre stated the committee has set up a
WyoWeb group. Senator LeJambre thanked Lori Lewis and Mary Ann Stout for all their
work on the committee. The Relay for Life will be June 19th-20th at the Laramie
Community Ice Arena. If anyone has any ideas for the team name or would like to help,
please email Jamie. The theme this year is “Back to the Future.”
Credentials & Elections Committee – The committee is working on getting ready for the
upcoming general election and will use the survey tool to get nominations for vacant
seats. A senator can serve two consecutive full terms.
Employee of the Qtr – Senator Angie Bules stated the Employee of the First Quarter
forms are due Friday March 13th by 5 p.m. Please email Angie if you have any ideas how
to better advertise this award.
Ad Hoc Budget and Fundraising Committee – Senator Tod Scott stated the committee
will be sending out a poster to all senators with the raffle information. Senator Kara
Bobbitt handed out 20 tickets for each senator to try to sell. The committee purchased a
Trek bicycle Model 820 from All Terrain Sports. The drawing will be Thursday, April
23rd. The committee has not yet decided on a 50/50 raffle or a trip to be raffled off during
Staff Recognition Day. Senators are not eligible to purchase tickets but family members
Ad Hoc Presidency Position – Senator Tammy Scott stated the committee is on hold at
the moment to help with the budget white paper.
Policy and Procedures Committee – President Schuman confirmed with Janet Lowe that
the proceeds from fund raisers can be used for Staff Senate expenses but additional funds
left over would then have to be deposited into the endowment fund. The committee will
work on rewriting Bill #33.
Recognition Committee – Senator Carrie Hesco handed out a poster for Staff
Recognition Day and asked everyone to please put the poster up in their area. She then
explained the gifts for the different years of service. The guest speaker will be First Lady
Nancy Freudenthal. Alice Freeman will play her harp this year.
Ad Hoc Wellness Committee – No report
President’s Report
Jauque stated he attended the Board of Trustees meeting last week. He also had materials
he was using for the budget white paper.
Open Forum
Senator Janean Forsyth stated the March paychecks will reflect the tax breaks which are
part of the stimulus package.
The next Staff Senate meeting will be April 8th in the Senate Chambers in the Student
The meeting was adjourned by President Schuman at 2:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by L. A. Chakmakian and Pam Mathewson