Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
December 8, 2010
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Lane. A quorum was present.
Roll Call
Guests: Mark Collins, Associate Vice-President Operations, Laura Alexander, Associate Vice
President of Human Resources, Troy Lane, Chief of Police, UWPD, Milton Ontiveroz, University
Public Relations
Senators Present: Aimee Appelhans, Rebecca Ashley, Ginny Becker, Beverly Bell,
Bonnie Botello, Christi Byers, Cyndi Cowardin, Mark Davidson, Lori Dockter, Cheri Frank,
Tonya Gerharter, Farrell Graf, Carolyn Herman, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre, James
Logue, Rachel Martin, Kelly McMicheal, Christy Nordmann, Katie Ogden, Thyra Page,
Heather Patterson, Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Linda Waggener, Maureena Walker
Senators Absent: Al Emmons, Winter Hansen, David McCoy, Kathi Zubrod
Proxies: None
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
A motion to approve the November minutes was made and seconded by Senators McMicheal and Appelhans. Motion passed. A motion was made by Senator Dockter to approve the
December agenda, second by Senator Nordmann. Motion passed.
Administrative Reports
Associate Vice President Collins presented information to Staff Senate regarding the concerns and questions with pedestrian and bicycle safety on campus. A couple of years ago a
Transportation Report for campus was completed. As a result of this report many recommendations have been implemented.
Lower speed limits around campus from 30-20 mph.
Placement of pedestrian safety cones around campus during the day and picked up at night. However, there has been some difficulty keeping them out during winter weather conditions.
Crossing zones identified with better paint material and reflective adhesive to keep them identified longer.
Physical plant is working to improve sidewalk curb and gutter for ADA accessibility improvements and enhancements. Limited based on funding.
15th and Ivinson improvement of countdown, audio signals and marking.
UW has created a Bicycle Safety Committee, headed by Matt Caires, with representation in the organization by ASUW, Chief Lane and Physical Plant. The purpose of this committee is to improve safety on campus. The committee put together brochures of rules and regulations that apply to the campus community. The brochures were distributed to students during fall semester, along with providing bike tune up tables for repairs and maintenance.
One of the next major projects this group will be looking at is improvements to the area north of the College of Business and Coe Library to reduce congestion by moving bikes off of the sidewalk and into the road. This project will also work on improving road safety in accommodating the bus routes.
Chief Lane provided Staff Senate a written response to the questions provided ahead of time
( Attachment 1 ). He went on to elaborate more regarding the steps taken by UWPD to increase
campus safety. 3 years ago the push began for lowering the speed limit and cross walk awareness. UWPD staff has been encouraged to enforce safety issues. The State of Wyoming has provided UWPD with $75,000 to fund overtime for DUI and speed enforcement. There has also been funding available to place radar units, video cameras and breathalyzer units in the
UWPD vehicles.
Chief Lane also reported that UWPD performed 1879 traffic stops and estimates that 1/3-1/2 of those stops resulted in citation. Statistics are gathered based on these stops and reported so
UW is able to present results from the funding to remain eligible for future funding.
Officers, including Chief Lane, have addressed the dismount issues on Prexy’s. UWPD has created a UW Campus Resource Officer position with a primary focus in dealing with many of these community type issues.
Senator McMicheal expressed concern regarding operating UW vehicles on the interior of campus and bicycle safety. Associate VP Collins responded that the safety committee takes observations into consideration to increase safety, for example the mirror added at the Berry
Building and Sciences. Ivinson adjacent to campus is the next major project in the queue for the City of Laramie to increase safety. This will be similar to the ninth street project in leveling out the street and improving curb and gutter.
Senator LeJambre thanked Associate VP Collins and Chief Lane for coming in to speak today.
She also voiced concerns regarding what appears to be limited enforcement. Marked PD cars’ presence in areas seems to increase safety awareness. She also mentioned that limited lighting on Ivinson and Lewis with the congestion of parked cars makes this a very difficult situation for pedestrians to be visible when entering cross walks. Senator LeJambre also commented on the concern of bike and vehicular traffic in regards to campus safety. Last item on Senator
LeJambre’s list was to bring up constituent concern with regards to the build-up of ice on campus. Associate VP Collins thanked Senator LeJambre for her comments and added that in
regards to ice concerns a new policy has been implemented that UWPD will call in for snow removal when accumulation levels reach two inches.
Senator Page asked if the inner core area of Prexy’s is a dismount, walk only, area, why do we allow bikes there at all. Associate VP Collins responded that there are recommended bike paths and that the map included on the brochure marks the more desirable routes for bikes to maximize the traffic flow. Chief Lane added that vehicular regulations only apply to bicycles when they are on a roadway not on private property. The Safety Committee conducted surveys and received comments on plans for bicycles on campus and this was the plan that was chosen.
Senator Frank received kudos to pass on from a constituent comment regarding the promoting of safe bicycles on campus and this constituent would also like to see additional bike racks on campus. Regarding Chief Lane’s comment regarding vehicular regulations is there any practical solution to providing the UW community additional education to be more responsible “drivers”.
Chief Lane doesn’t want to discourage bicycles on campus and is trying to promote a more educational process in lieu of enforcement for bicycles. $5.00 fee for registering bikes provided funding to purchase additional registration stickers, bike racks and the safety brochures.
Senator LeJambre followed that comment with the question of what is the registration sticker.
Chief Lane responded that the registration sticker is a numerical registration number to identify bicycle ownership to aid in theft recovery and identifying bikes with parking issues. Bicycles that are not registered and “illegally” parked (chained to a rail not a rack) receive a UWPD bicycle boot chain and a note of how to get their bike released.
President Lane followed up on the earlier ice concerns by relaying to Staff Senate that the
Physical Plant Service Desk will receive and respond to reports of ice concerns on campus.
Phone number: 6-6225. E-mail:
Senator Martin asked if there was any possibility in the future of the campus for a tunnel system for transportation issues. Associate VP Collins reported that a tunnel crossing option was investigated but that would be a major expense in capital funding and is cost prohibitive. A long term plan is to encourage Lewis street to be closed off to vehicle traffic.
Associate Vice President of Human Resources Laura Alexander presented HR updates to Staff
Senate. There is not a lot of new information to report. HR is currently immersed in the training for e-recruitment. Mary Petroski continues to provide evaluation training with supervisors. The topic regarding time reporting for exempt and non-exempt was again mentioned as a follow up to last month’s discussion. President Lane updated Associate VP
Alexander that she is working with Senator Byers on an educational piece for reporting and basic definitions. A draft will be presented to HR for review and recommendations before full staff disbursement. The time reporting topic was mentioned in the November Staff Senate minutes and that may be some cause if HR receives a lot of phone calls on the subject.
Senator LeJambre relayed kudos on the open enrollment information being available in selfserve. Many of her constituents found this to be a helpful resource. She also asked if HR could keep Staff Senate up to date on the process of the Presidential Directive and how it is progressing. Some constituents across campus have come with concerns that Staff Senate rewrote the evaluation document; would it be possible for training to inform of the committee and evaluation creation process? Associate VP Alexander had not heard that rumor but will recommend that during training the committee be recognized as the supervisors that were involved.
Officer reports
President: President Buchanan hosted two Staff Senate brown bag lunches, the most recent
Monday the 6 th . The topics and questions brought forward were “good questions”.
Staff Senate is moving into WyoHall, room 225, the second week of January. There is no storage coming with this space, we will need to fit into all four walls. Anyone that would like to help pack and unpack the office is welcome, call Lou Ann Chakmakian to coordinate. Faculty
Senate will be our next door neighbor, they too are downsizing considerably.
Daffodil Days ACS has approached Staff Senate for support. We will purchase some daffodils to have delivered to cancer survivors but will not be participating in this activity.
President Buchanan sent a letter in support of Resolution 195 ( Attachment 2 ).
Compensation meeting is Monday, 12/6/10, afternoon regarding compensatory time and information to pass on to Vice President of Administration Doug Vinzant prior to Friday’s,
12/10/10, compensation meeting.
It has come to President Lane’s attention that some senators are not attending committee meetings. Meeting information will be added to the regular Staff Senate meeting agenda and the Staff Senate Outlook Calendar. Senators NEED to attend. Please let President Lane know if you need to change to a new committee, a lot of action is coming up and full commitment and cooperation is needed. Coordinate and correspond with your committee chairs.
Vice President: Senator Frank reported from the Board of Trustees meeting, attended in place of President Lane, that new information was presented concerning the audits being completed, so far three of five are complete. UP3 Plan implementation is progressing; a report card shows
109 action items to be completed in a five year schedule, 33 items were completed this year.
Vice President of Student Affairs, Sara Axelson, and UWPD Chief Lane presented a report on campus safety. A new energy project was presented which will take place in the Rock Springs area.
Holiday Market resulted in approximately $650 for Staff Senate.
There will be a Winter Racquet Ball tournament to benefit the Staff Senate Holiday Basket project. Baskets will be organized and distributed Friday, December 17, 2010. If you would like to volunteer please come to the Union Senate Chambers after 1:00 pm on the 17 th .
Vice President Frank turned the floor to Milton Ontiveroz to report on Holiday Baskets. This is the 13 th year for the Holiday Food Basket project. Each year Milton and Staff Senate work together setting out collection boxes for the holidays. Food items collected include nonperishable food items, turkeys and cash. Nominations are due before December 8 th . Milton and President Lane will review the nominations and select families to receive the donated goods. Staff Senators and constituents may nominate a family by contacting Milton at
or 766-6709. As of the time of the report, six families have been selected and verification of employee status is underway. A release of anonymous information for additional gift donations will be made by Friday, December 10, 2010. Senator Scott will begin box pick up at noon Friday, December 17, if anyone would like to assist please contact him.
Old business
Resolution #196
Senator LeJambre motioned to skip reading of the Addendum, second by Senator Martin.
Senator Appelhans expressed a point of order that addendums are not read on a second reading. Motion withdrawn.
2 nd
reading of Resolution #196 ( Attachment 3 w/o Addendum)
Senator Ogden moved to approve as read, second by Senator McMicheal.
Discussion: Senator LeJambre heard positive feedback from faculty members having Staff
Senate’s support on the Conflict of Interest policy. Senator Appelhans motioned to remove quotations, seconded by Senator Martin, motion passed. Senator Appelhans called for question, motion passed by voice majority.
New business
Bill #38
Senator Appelhans motioned to dispense reading of Addendum B, seconded by Senator Ogden.
This motion would require 2/3 vote of attending senators. Discussion: Senator Appelhans asked for senators who read Addendum B to raise their hands. Senator LeJambre stated she was happy to see the majority had reviewed the document and reminded Senate that the 2 nd reading will be open to discussion for any changes. Motion to dispense with reading of
Addendum B passed with more than 2/3 show of hands, no one voted against the motion.
First reading of Bill #38 ( Attachment 4 w/o Addendum B).
Liaison reports
ASUW Representative: Senator LeJambre reported that no one from Staff Senate has stepped forward to replace her and due to a schedule conflict she is unable to attend the Tuesday night meetings for the remainder of the academic year. She is coordinating with ASUW President and Vice President on upcoming items and events of mutual interest.
Faculty Senate: President Lane missed the December meeting due to a schedule conflict.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee: Senator Appelhans reported that the committee has not received a response from the Bookstore regarding gift card donations for the photo contest. The Committee has been charged to work with President Lane to produce a
Staff Senate Logo. It was recommended that they work with the graphics design group on campus. If anyone has recommendations please forward them to Senator
Appelhans. Logo deadline is February 1, 2011.
The next meeting will be 12/21/10 from 11:00 am – noon in the Union Skylight Lounge.
View full report: Attachment 5
Compensation Committee: Senator Byers reported the committee has created a survey to distribute in January. Currently there are less than 25 questions. Senator LeJambre suggested the committee consider looking at previous surveys on the shared drive if they would like additional questions.
The next meeting will be 12/15/10 from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm in Coe, room 504.
Credentials and Elections Committee: Senator Nordmann reported that the Credentials and Elections Committee has not set a date for their next meeting. The committee has requested that nominations for President be submitted by December 31, 2010.
Presidential nominations should come from someone other than the candidate.
Finances Committee: Senator Dockter reported the next meeting will be 12/16/10 and the time has changed from 10:00 am to 11:00 am in Wyo Hall, room 312.
Recognition Committee: Senator Gerharter stated the Years of Service report is ready to post on the Staff Senate website. Once the constituents’ list is updated we will ask for them to double check names.
There has been an invitation extended to Governor Elect Matt Mead to be our guest speaker at Recognition Day. This year the theme is “Going Green”. Guests confirmed at this point include Pete Simpson, EG Meyer, Pepsi, UniWyo and Cindy Price. In January the committee will begin collecting door prizes and could use additional volunteers. The format last year received a lot of positive feedback so we plan on using the same
ceremony, social, and games time. If there are any games suggestions please forward them to Senator Gerharter or President Lane.
Employee of the Quarter deadline is Friday December 10, 2010. There have been 14 completed nominations as of 12/7/10. The nomination could potentially use some work on clarifying confusing terms. President Lane has requested the winner be determined prior to break.
The next meeting will be held 1/4/11 at 1:15pm in Knight Hall 228.
View full report: Attachment 6
Budget Officer: Budget Officer Martin reported that the money from Holiday Market will bring our Section 2 account back up to $5,000.
View Budget report: Attachment 7
Open Forum
A brief open forum followed the regular business of the Staff Senate.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 pm by President Lane.
Respectfully submitted by Cheri Frank, Staff Senate Vice President, and Lou Ann Chakmakian
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4.1
Attachment 4.2
Attachment 5
Attachment 6
Attachment 7