Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting November 10, 2010 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
November 10, 2010
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:16 p.m. by President Lane. A quorum was present.
Roll Call
Guests: Doug Vinzant, Vice-President of Administration, Laura Alexander, Associate Vice
President of Human Resources
Senators Present: Aimee Appelhans, Rebecca Ashley, Ginny Becker, Beverly Bell, Cyndi
Cowardin, Mark Davidson, Lori Dockter, Al Emmons, Cheri Frank, Tonya Gerharter,
Farrell Graf, Winter Hansen, Carolyn Herman, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre, James
Logue, Rachel Martin, Kelly McMicheal, Katie Ogden, Thyra Page, Heather Patterson,
Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Bonnie Botello, David McCoy, Maureena Walker
Proxies: Pam Mathewson for Christy Byers, Laura Barton for Christy Nordmann, Burmma
Hardy for Linda Waggener
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
A motion to approve the October minutes was made and seconded by Senators Appelhans
and Frank. Motion passed. A motion to approve the November agenda was made and
seconded by Senators McMicheal and Emmons. Motion passed.
Administrative Reports
Vice President of Administration, Doug Vinzant, discussed the article (Attachment 1) in the
November 9, 2010, Boomerang about the supplemental budget request. The BOT approved
the request for $6 million from the State to cover the employers’ share of benefit increases
associated with the health insurance for the remainder of the 2011-2012 biennium. The
Governor will be making recommendations the early part of December. Also, there is still a
chance of a compensation program in the current biennium, July 1, 2011, which is the start of
Senator Scott asked if other State employees/agencies have the same budget concern. VP
Vinzant stated UW is different because it has a block grant appropriation, which is an
advantage because of the flexibility to move resources to resolve issues when necessary. This
is instead of line items, specific to certain programs. UW is the only agency that has a block
grant, others may have funding issues to cover the premium increase. The Governor is very
supportive of UW.
Senator LeJambre inquired with the new governor, spending views may differ, is there concern
that UW may not receive the money? She also expressed concerned about the article where
VP Vinzant was quoted about 50 positions being eliminated. VP Vinzant responded that the
last 8 years has been consistent with the block grant appropriation. Allegation from budget
division which arises from new interpretation has not been reflected in emails, budget
instruction or memorandums. UW has never reverted funds because we have the authority to
spend those funds in other ways. The purpose of the article was such to help the Board to
understand that all funds have been allocated and this has serious implications for UW.
Senator Martin questioned about an Apple and Dell store being incorporated through the UW
Bookstore. She wondered if there will be a payroll option for staff to buy equipment with no
interest. VP Vinzant has talked with Apple and IT about a retail entity on campus. Apple wants
the location in a retail area (i.e. UW Bookstore). The idea of the retail entity is moving closer to
a real possibility; however, they are working through particular aspects of how it would work.
Senator Emmons questioned the earlier topic of the article stating that the 50 people to cover
the decrease was based on $75,000 salaries, pointing out that most of staff do not come near
that. VP Vinzant stated that the numbers were only used to be illustrative; a mix of positions
would make a difference to the number of positions. Also, there would more likely be a hiring
squeeze of positions that are already vacant, not positions that people occupy. This is not in
the works and hopefully not going to come to pass, and VP Vinzant declared he would not
speculate on the topic.
Senator LeJambre commented on the state of the cross walks as serious problem particularly
during winter because of the ice and cars going through crosswalk, she posed the suggestion
of crossing guards. VP Vinzant stated this is the first time the question has been raised and he
can ask the Public Safety Committee for some thought on improving enforcement. Additionally,
the sidewalks are trying to be made as ice-free as possible.
Senator Page disclosed she was close to being hit by a bike and raised the concern of safety
when Dismount Zones are being ignored, even where the new sign has been put. VP Vinzant
responded that every campus with pedestrian/bicycle/vehicle traffic the majority of people try to
abide by rules, but always have a few who are too busy; however, he will see about
enforcement and there has been talk about bike paths.
Senator Emmons disclosed he was hit by a bike when putting up a sign and questioned why
bikes are allowed on Prexy’s Pasture. VP Vinzant is unsure of the policy when the Dismount
Zones were made; the question is to how to enforce and to come up with a solution for those
who need to get around campus.
VP Vinzant stated he appreciates hearing the issues and feedback because he is on design
side of the topics.
Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Laura Alexander, commented on the push to
get online job applications live which is scheduled for Monday, November 15, 2010.
Applications and hiring will all be paperless. Some jobs currently in the pipeline will be paper
until they close; therefore, there will be both paper and paperless during the transition. The HR
Training Department is busy training supervisors to accurately complete the Performance
Evaluations. President Lane interjected that in the next few weeks a letter will come back with a
written decision from President Buchanan concerning Resolution 195, to mandate training for
all supervisors, including Academic departments. Associate VP Alexander added, that the
sooner the better.
Associate VP Alexander informed that the Benefit Fair will go until 3pm today, and to please try
to go. There are high quality vendors in attendance and there is a plan to continue the fair
every year. President Lane added that the 1 hour Release Time Notice came in the mail today.
Senator McMicheal voiced issues of the online training regarding when he signed up and now
can’t get in. He said he called HR, then IT for a mandated training required by certain date,
Conflict Resolution. Associate VP Alexander suggested to talk to James in HR, but if it is a sign
in problem to call IT. She pointed out that they are all new programs, and unfortunately HR can
only control the content, and IT controls all infrastructures. Let Mary Petroski know issues and
she can check back.
President Lane inquired about a project for next month pertaining to educating all staff on the
hiring steps, hiring/selection/references, so staff has a better understanding of the process.
Associate VP Alexander stated that the system online was built to do the manual process
already happening. A new application, and supplemental documents, for every position applied
for is required. Minimum qualifications screened by HR only include Education and Experience.
After the screen by HR a group of applicants get referred to the department and a group does
not. The department takes it from there, do further screening, interview, let HR know rationale
of who they are/aren’t and why, selected someone, check back to HR, give rationale why
selected and why not for those interviewed, valid job related reasons, final candidate,
references checked (not all 3 need to have references checked, only top candidate, references
checked for only one at a time) and if the reference is good the department head will make an
offer contingent on a successful background review (2-3days for review). The person can start,
but the offer can be revoked if the background review is not successful.
Senator Appelhans asked if the notes made by the search committee need to be turned in to
HR. Associate VP Alexander replied that the do and they will be kept for 3 years.
Senator Scott questioned if HR would be completing the reference checks. Associate VP
Alexander stated that is not necessary; however, they do provide a list of standard questions,
and HR will complete the check if needed. The responses must be submitted back to HR.
Senator Appelhans asked if Exempt staff reporting when they are out of the office can hurt their
exempt status. Associate VP Alexander clarified that salaried employees are paid by the day,
and the public sector deemed a half day deduction, not deducting here and there of hourly sick
and vacation. On the other hand, non-exempt report time to 15 minutes. Exempt: paid annual
salary regardless. Non-exempt: hourly and eligible for overtime. An Exempt employee can take
an hour off and not reported, because they are generally staying late, so it should work in the
wash. There may be a performance management issue if they are taking hours and not
working over 40 hours per week. Supervisors need to know how to monitor this and only an
exceptional responsible exempt employee should do this. Nancy Olson, HR, and Melissa
Mason, Payroll, are going around campus giving a presentation on accurate time reporting.
Senator Martin question if an exempt employee had reported taking 1-2 hours is HR going to
back track to reimburse the time? Associate VP Alexander reported no.
Senator LeJambre asked for clarification on the pre-screen process performed by HR and is
there going to be a checklist or is it a manual process. Associate VP Alexander responded that
the pre-screen is manual, but the system does ask specific requirements, example “Do you
have a Bachelor’s”. She recommended an applicant not use the same resume and cover letter
for each job, and look specifically through the KSA’s and address each of them; as a result, this
will help insure success.
President Lane asked for additional confirmation on the requirements pre-screened. Associate
VP Alexander stated the pre-screen is just off education and experience.
Senator Gerharter questioned how experience is pre-screened. Associate VP Alexander again
stated that only degree and years experience are pre-screened. The term “Related” experience
is used to allow for a more broad and inclusive interpretation of years experience, if questioned
HR will call the department.
Senator Hansen inquired if a rejection letter is sent to those who do not make it past the prescreen. Associate VP Alexander responded HR does not.
Senator LeJambre question if the department will realize HR may have pre-screened on
something they didn’t want. Associate VP Alexander stated that will not happen, only education
and experience are pre-screened.
Associate VP Alexander offered to come back with Nancy Olson and Melissa Mason to clarify
time keeping issues.
Officer reports
President: President Lane reminded senators to let constituents know about the December
insurance increases, approximating 20%. An email template is available.
Does Staff Senate want to participate in Daffodil day? It is a community holiday program
looking for those to donate time, purchase gifts, and/or give food. Does Staff Senate want to
adopt a family, and/or participate in manual labor? A sign-up sheet was passed around.
During the Brown Bag Luncheon with President Buchanan there was discussion regarding staff
receiving pay increases. President Buchanan is open for discussion and ideas concerning
Comp time balances and requested Staff Senate run some numbers, come up with ideas and a
Vice President: Senator Frank announced the boxes for the Holiday Food Drive are in Knight
Hall 150, Admissions. Please pick up a box and let her know where they are. Food will be
sorted at noon, November 19, 2010, in the Senate Chambers. Boxes will be delivered as food
is distributed. Sorting of food and gifts will also take place on December 17, 2010 will in the
Senate Chambers. Nominations are needed of who to give the food to. Staff Senate will be part
of the process determining who receives the food.
Orr Hall is getting competitive with Box Tops. The campaign will continue through January.
Senator Appelhans needs the Box Top box locations for when they will be picked up,collection
can start anytime.
Holiday Market sign-up to work the table was passed around. Donation commitment is needed
as soon as possible to get a picture and campaign. Send Senator Dockter an email with
donation item then the form when it’s completed.
Old business
New business
Senator Appelhans moved to suspend the rules so that the reading doesn’t include the
addendum. Senator Martin seconded. Motion passed.
Resolution # 196, Conflict of Interest, (Attachment 2) first reading by Senator Hansen.
Liaison reports
ASUW Representative: Senator LeJambre stressed the importance for someone to be at the
meetings, only once per month. The students are excited and helpful, who also question and
care. Senator LeJambre will not be able to attend Tuesday meetings anymore. Anyone
interested please try to make the meetings. President Lane will go November 16, 2010.
Faculty Senate: President Lane gave the update about the Staff Senate bills, resolutions, R&P,
and food drive. She was asked to attend a meeting from noon-1pm on the November 22, 2010,
about needs for childcare on campus. Senator Martin volunteered to attend, please give needs
to Senator Martin to bring up at the meeting. It seems the Administration is interested in kids
not in school full time.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee: Senator Appelhans discussed the UW Bookstore donating gift
certificate(s) for the photo contest. The first photo contest on FaceBook is coming up. To vote,
someone must become a fan of UW Staff Senate and the photo with the most “likes” wins the
gift certificate. If this selection process doesn’t work, the committee will try another avenue next
quarter. There has been discussion about the design for the monthly emails going out to all
staff from President Lane and also about legislation concerning adding a historian. Sentator
Cowardin inquired about the amount of the gift certificate. Senator Appelhans reported that $25
was requested.
Next meeting will be November 16, 2010, 11 am - noon in the Skylight Lounge.
View full report: Attachment 3
Compensation Committee: Senator Byers is absent.
Next meeting will be November 17, 2010, 4-5pm in Coe Library, Room 504.
View full report: Attachment 4
Credentials and Elections Committee: Senator Nordmann is absent.
Next meeting will likely be in December.
Finances Committee: Senator Dockter is going to get ASUW’s information.
Next meeting will likely be in December.
View Budget report: Attachment 5
Recognition Committee: Senator Gerharter reported that the Staff Recognition date is set for
Wednesday, April 20th, 2011, in the Crane-Hill dining hall from 10am-noon. Employee of the 4th
Quarter deadline is December 10, 2010. A WyoWeb announcement sent out, and received with
a great response (49!), attributed to possibly the online format/announcements/talking,
regardless, keep it up!
Next meeting will be November 17, 2010, 1:15-2:15pm in Knight Hall, Room 228.
View full report: Attachment 6
Open Forum
A brief open forum followed the regular business of the Senate.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m. by President Lane.
Respectfully submitted by Winter Hansen, Staff Senate Secretary, and Lou Ann Chakmakian
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