Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting August 11, 2010 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
August 11, 2010
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:18 p.m. by President Lane. A quorum was present.
Roll Call
Guests: Doug Vinzant, Vice-President of Administration, Laura Alexander, Associate Vice
President of Human Resources, Mary Petroski, Manager of Human Resources
Senators Present: Aimee Appelhans, Rebecca Ashley, Ginny Becker, Beverly Bell,
Bonnie Botello, Christi Byers, Cyndi Cowardin, Mark Davidson, Cheri Frank, Tonya
Gerharter, Farrell Graf, Winter Hansen, Carolyn Herman, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre,
James Logue, Rachel Martin, Christy Nordmann, Thyra Page, Heather Patterson,
Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Brandy Vialpando, Linda Waggener, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Amber Blough, Al Emmons, Kelly McMicheal, David McCoy,
Maureena Walker, Tina Walrath
Proxies: none
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
A motion to approve the July minutes was made and seconded by Senators Martin and
Nordmann. Motion passed. A motion to approve the August agenda was made and seconded
by Senators Scott and Waggener. Motion passed.
Administrative Reports
Vice President of Administration, Doug Vinzant, declared UW is moving to conclusion of the
Supplemental Budget Request for BY12, which is due August 27, 2010. A meeting is to be
scheduled with the Board of Trustees likely around the 23-25 of August.
VP Vinzant has a list of projects and initiatives with a strong drive to complete them. President
Lane has received a copy of the list. Many items were completed last year.
Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Laura Alexander, and Manager of Human
Resources, Mary Petroski, brought forward the changes to the Performance Management
System. A committee was developed with representation from every major division (6) and Staff
Senate, Senator Scott, from individuals with broad backgrounds. Feedback is requested from
now until September 1, 2010. The committee will reconvene and incorporate feedback into a
written report of the themes received and what will be accomplished with that feedback. The
report will be posted on WyoWeb, under the Groups Area, Performance Management. The
Performance Management Form (Attachment 1) will be on WyoWeb in the next week for the
whole campus to view and provide feedback. Deans, Directors, Staff Senate, and the Executive
Council were able to view the form prior to posting on WyoWeb. VP Alexander hopes to use the
new form and process this year. Extensive training will be offered during October, continuing
until the forms are available for use.
Mary Petroski stated that an announcement to campus will go out when the form is available on
WyoWeb. It will be online in the electronic version so employees can put in numbers and
experiment, to then provide feedback.
Form Details:
 Currently in Word document format.
 In 2012, the document will be a part of PeopleSoft.
 Employee ID: in 2012, everything will populate when the employee ID is input in
the PeopleSoft form, so then input is only required for the rating, weighting, and
 Employee status is a dropdown box, must select 1 of 3 options.
 Overall performance rating is on the front of page 1 (Attachment 1A).
 Page 2 (Attachment 1B) includes duties and responsibilities. In 2012, this
information will automatically be drawn from the PDQ (PDQ’s will need to be up
to date and accurate). This allows the employee to be evaluated from job duties.
 Only whole numbers can be used, the form will not accept any others.
 Citizenship is being replaced by Job-Related Performance Factors
 Goals and Objectives should be worked on with the employee and supervisor.
These go beyond job duties and performance factors.
 If goals carry over from year to year there is a spot for them.
 Each section has its own rating. The ratings are automatically calculated through
the form.
 Page 3 (Attachment 1C) includes Supervisor’s Overall Comments and a
Performance Enhancement Plan which is required for those employees with a
score below 3. In 2012, the Performance Enhancement Plan section will only
appear if the score is below 3. For 2011, it will be on everyone’s form.
 Corrected PDQ’s must be attached if out of date.
Senator Ogden questioned, assuming a PDQ is needed to be corrected will that make an audit?
VP Alexander responded that it can and PDQ’s need to be up to date, this is a good way to get
them evaluated.
President Lane questioned, if some departments may not have updated PDQ’s if an employee’s
duties are more than what the current description is because of pay? VP Alexander clarified that
UW is obligated to pay according to duties.
President Lane questioned, if there will be training? Mary Petroski responded that training is
highly and strongly recommended.
Senator Frank questioned, if the PDQ is updated are job descriptions going to continue? VP
Alexander explained the PDQ is the job description, if the PDQ is up to date we don’t need a
second structure.
Senator Frank questioned, if the Perform Enhance Plan will continue to go through the VP?
Mary Petroski answered yes.
Senator Martin questioned, why it is not mandatory for management to train? Mary Petroski
clarified that she does not have authority to make it mandatory.
Senator Martin also expressed concern that if the depart is not judging an employee fairly then it
can cause issues. VP Alexander confirmed that online training will be offered for those who
cannot make it to a face to face training and suggested if Staff Senate wants to pursue
mandatory training to make a recommendation to President Buchanan.
Mary Petroski added that if a form is not completed satisfactorily, it will be returned.
Senator Botello expressed concern about if a department emphasizes that no 4 is given, only 3.
Mary Petroski responded that the 1-5 system is a push to be fair and accurate. She also
continued that a 1 or 5 rating would require some kind of comment. There is always going to be
some subjectivity, but hopefully training will help. VP Alexander stated that the process is trying
to break mindset of 3=C, instead 3 is satisfactory.
Mary Petroski confirmed the email address,, is functional for comments and
Senator LeJambre inquired if Staff Senate can receive supporting data to help support a
resolution. Mary Petroski will look at training data and possible percentages.
Senator Appelhans questioned if supervisors are still printing the form. Mary Petroski responded
yes, for another year or so. In 2012, the process will be electronic and submitted online.
President Lane will forward any further Performance Appraisal questions anonymously, if
President Lane inquired if the HireRight contract is still with Legal. VP Alexander ended her
report that the contract is off Legal’s desk this week, there were more questions with the
contract, and then it will continue to VP Vinzant.
Officer reports
President: President Lane, confirmed that the VP of Finance, Doug Vinzant, had list of action
items she can share to those interested. Staff Senate business cards were ordered and
Vice President: Senator Frank reported the Box Tops for Education boxes are available. ResLife
has agreed to put in residence halls, Outreach will receive boxes for districts, and Senator
Appelhans needs to be informed of where they go in order for them to be picked up.
Move in volunteers are needed, this is an opportunity for recognition of Staff Senate. Additional
volunteers are needed to be ushers at the President’s Welcome starting at 6pm, the event
begins at 7pm.
Old business
Committee chairs can take the Committee Notes Form (Attachment 2) to meetings to keep on
track and moving forward. The report will go to Lou Ann Chakmakian the Monday before Staff
Senate to be distributed to full Senate. This will help keep attendance, record, and committee
progress. The form is only a recommendation and can be changed.
New business
President Lane informed Staff Senate that Rebecca Adair, ResLife, has volunteered to sit with
the Student Publications Board. Senator LeJambre served and mentioned they might be
involved in the student radio station and commented that Senate should try to fill seats where
we have them. Senator Scott asked if Staff Senate does appoint her, will she report to President
Lane? President Lane confirmed yes.
Senator Davidson moved to appoint Rebecca Adair to the Student Publications Board.
Seconded by Senator Nordmann. Motion passed.
Confirm seat 39. Katie Ogden, Risk Management, appreciates an opportunity to be more
involved and have a voice. She stated that with some issues identified, her office may be of
assistance in managing. Moved and seconded by Senators Martin and Frank. Motion passed.
Senator Zubrod was reviewing the list of vacant seats and showed VP Vinzant that there are 3
vacant seats for his office. Senator LeJambre had previously brought that up at a Brown Bag,
where confirmation was provided of awareness. However, very few of their staff are eligible
because of their status. There has been discussion of making those At-large seats, but the
Unireg would need to be revised. President Lane is waiting on the list of numbers from HR on
September 1. Senator Martin suggested we may need to reevaluate the Unireg. Senator
LeJambre added that the specific status in the Unireg serves a purpose.
Senate Bill 37 (Attachment 3) was read by Secretary Hansen.
Senators McMicheal and Nordmann. Motion passed.
Liaison reports
ASUW Representative: Senator LeJambre will begin attending on Tuesdays. She
welcomed anyone to attend as well and would appreciate if someone is interested in
splitting the duty to help build more relationships. The ex-eficio member only has to go to
8 meetings and not every week. For questions or interest, contact Senator LeJambre.
Faculty Senate: President Lane met with Cindy Price and talked about doing resolutions
together. She was invited to Faculty Senate’s retreat. Cindy is open to ideas of how to
work together. President Lane will attend the meetings, with flexibility given by Cindy.
Committee Reports
Communications Committee: Senator Appelhans is the new chair.
Compensation Committee: Senator Byers stated the committee will meet next week.
Emails and suggestions, will be brought to committee at the meeting. President Lane
met with VP Alexander who is open to meet but the committee will first pass ideas to
President Lane then to VP Alexander.
Credentials and Elections Committee: Senator Nordmann. No report.
Finances Committee: Senator Walrath is on a 9 month contract.
Recognition Committee: Senator McMicheal is absent. Senator Martin reported the
committee is rewriting the awards and hope to bring changes to Executive Council next
month. The committee is also working on a bill.
President Lane reminded committee chairs to use the Outlook calendar of events, but continue
to use emails for communication for awhile.
Open Forum
A brief open forum followed the regular business of the Senate. The bike dismount zones were
included in this discussion.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m. by President Lane.
Respectfully submitted by Winter Hansen, Staff Senate Secretary
Attachment 1
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Attachment 1A
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Attachment 1B
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Attachment 1C
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Attachment 3
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Attachment 3 Addendum
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