Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting April 14, 2010 Senate Chambers

Staff Senate
Full Senate Meeting
April 14, 2010
Senate Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Scott. A quorum was present.
Roll Call
Guests: Doug Vinzant, Vice-President of Administration, Laura Alexander, Associate Vice
President of Human Resources, Don Richards, Deputy Director of Government Relations and
Community Affairs
Senators Present: Christi Byers, Cyndi Cowardin, Avery Cowardin, Al Emmons, James
Fuerholzer, Janean Forsyth Lefevre, Cheri Frank, Winter Hansen, Carolyn Herman,
Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre, Lori Lewis, Rachel Martin, Kelly McMicheal, Thyra Page,
Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Diana Waggener, Linda Waggener, Maureena Walker
Senators Absent: Tina Walrath
Proxies: Kathleen Bertoncelj for Ginny Becker, Kristen Rigoni for Tonya Gerharter, Ann
Jessup for James Logue, Laura Barton for Christy Nordmann, Valerie Vasquez for Kathi
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
A motion to approve the March minutes and April agenda was made and seconded by Senators
LeJambre and Forsyth Lefevre. Motion passed. A motion to table approval of the March budget
report was made and seconded by Senators Martin and LeJambre. Motion passed.
Administrative Reports
Vice President of Administration, Doug Vinzant, reported that his office is working on FY 2011
budget allocations. He indicated that the budget reduction plan is progressing very well; in fact,
the plan is being converted from a three-year to a two-year plan. The third-year reductions will
be absorbed in the second year (with one exception).
Two major capital projects on campus (Fine Arts and Downey Hall) will be financed with bonds.
A portion of the existing debt revenue stream will be used to support the projects. UW will have
to allocate $1.6-1.9 million from Federal Mineral Royalties to the Physical Plant to cover the
amount of the revenue stream reallocated to the projects. The final amount allocated will
depend on the value and type of bonds utilized for the debt financing.
There are several new facilities coming on line; incremental budget adjustments will be made to
compensate for these. The final budget will be presented to the Board of Trustees at their May
2010 meeting. At this meeting, FY11 allocations will be approved, but FY12 allocations will also
be reviewed.
Senator McMicheal asked if the maintenance budget allocated for new facilities included
manpower costs. VP Vinzant indicated that it includes custodial staffing for the facilities. Senator
McMicheal noted that there are also trades staff that will be affected. VP Vinzant has met with
Physical Plant Administrators, and they plan to set a benchmark for ratio staffing levels that can
be used as a guide for managing staff levels in the midst of the current hiring squeeze. Once
budget reduction obligations are met, President Buchanan will have more flexibility in
determining whether to continue the squeeze.
President Scott asked how the State was doing on its budget reductions, and wondered if they
would also compress their plan into two years. Deputy Director Richards noted that UW is the
only State agency that he was aware of that had a three-year cushion in which to absorb the
Senator LeJambre inquired about the process that will be utilized for determining staffing needs
when the hiring squeeze is over. VP Vinzant responded that UW is aligning its operating budget
with University Plan III, which influences the decision of what staff positions are currently filled.
This is likely to continue. Senator LeJambre questioned the communication process in place to
accurately reflect what staff are doing in their positions and whether they are necessary for the
University mission. VP Vinzant noted that the administration relies on the people who make
staffing requests to provide evidence of the need to refill the position. Associate VP Alexander
noted that a form must accompany each request; the form includes questions about how the
position relates to the University mission (See Attachment A; also available online at
VP Vinzant noted that going forward, he will actively include Faculty Senate, Staff Senate,
department/unit budget officers, etc. in the budget allocation process. A proposed budget
planning calendar has been crafted to guide the process (See Attachment B).
Senator LeJambre asked if the statement made in the Memorandum of February 19, 2010,
about no more staff reductions will still stand, given the change from a three-year to a two-year
plan. VP Vinzant confirmed that no positions would be cut this year.
Senator Martin inquired if the departments who were on line to make budget re-allocations in
FYs 11 and 12 are still going to have these allocations. They will, and discussions have been
had with the departments. These positions account for approximately $300,000-400,000 in staff
salary dollars.
VP Vinzant closed his comments by stating that he hoped that his attendance at Staff Senate
meetings is helpful. If Senators have suggestions, direct them through President Scott.
Associate VP Alexander provided an update on the Human Resources Department. First, Taimi
Kuiva will be moving to the training area full-time. New training offerings will be coming soon,
including more online and Web-based trainings to allow flexibility. Second, the Payroll Office will
be merging with HR. Associate VP Alexander indicated she would prefer that they were housed
in the same building, but there is not a space at this time. This change will take effect July 1,
2010. Thirdly, a working group is getting underway this month to address an overhaul of the
performance management system. It is hoped that by January 2011, a new system will be in
place. A preliminary tool should be in place by the end of the summer so that departments/units
can provide feedback. Associate VP Alexander noted that President Scott had requested a Staff
Senate representative on the working group; she indicated that she has provided President
Scott with instructions for selecting a representative.
Senator Forsyth Lefevre asked if the Payroll/HR merge will affect any positions (in terms of
employment status or the number of hours worked per week). Associate VP Alexander
responded that no positions would be eliminated. She does not anticipate any significant
changes in hours worked, either.
Deputy Director Richards provided information about how University employee retirement is
affected by recent changes to State and employee contribution levels. According to Deputy
Director Richards, the University will receive an increased appropriation for employer
contributions to both the Wyoming Retirement System (WRS) and TIAA-CREF plans (1.44%
increase). Employees will be required to contribute 1.43%, effective September 2010. The
Spring Faculty Meeting Packet contains additional documentation on comparisons of State
retirement plan solvency. The new statute aimed to support WRS solvency. In the statute, UW
employees are NOT listed as State employees; this means that UW has the option of absorbing
the employee’s portion of retirement contribution. UW does not currently have the money to do
this, but it does not mean that the employee contribution will not eventually go away.
Senator LeJambre asked how the State’s paying more into TIAA-CREF (private retirement)
accounts will make the WRS stronger? Deputy Director Richards acknowledged that it does not
accomplish this. He stated that approximately 70% of UW employees are not in the WRS; he
urged the State Legislators to include TIAA-CREF in the statute to ensure equity among UW
employees. Senator LeJambre noted that it is not possible to create equity between two plans
that are fundamentally different (TIAA-CREF is a defined contribution plan, while WRS is a
defined benefit plan).
Senator Lane asked if new employees will be given the opportunity to see contribution options
for both plans. Both plans will be presented to new employees, but they will not be allowed to
choose their contribution level. Associate VP Alexander indicated that allowing variations in
contributions could have been a legal liability for the University, since retirement benefits are
part of the total compensation plan.
Senator LeJambre noted that many staff constituents are concerned that their contributions will
continue to increase, while salaries remain flat. Deputy Director Richards indicated that an
increase is not impossible, but he did not anticipate one. Senator LeJambre noted that staff with
lower salaries are impacted more in this system. She inquired if comparisons were made
against private retirement systems, not just state retirement systems. Associate VP Alexander
indicated that such a comparison would have been very difficult, because they are very different
Senator-elect Campbell asked if the administration had considered allowing employees to
change their plan. Associate VP Alexander indicated that State regulations do not allow
More information on WRS solvency can be found online at the Wyoming Retirement System
site. Deputy Director Richards’ presentation can be found in Attachment C of this document.
Old Business
Senator Lane reported that she needs nominations for officers by tomorrow (Thursday, April 15,
2010). Nominees will be contacted, and asked to submit a write-up by April 30, 2010. Officers
will be elected at the May meeting.
Senator Forsyth Lefevre asked for volunteers for Staff Recognition Day. All University staff have
been granted two hours of leave to attend the event. Senator LeJambre suggested the
committee acquire a day parking permit to aid in running last-minute errands and
New Business
Senator McMicheal inquired about when the terms expire for the seats up for confirmation.
Senator Lane reported that Seats 9 and 10 expire in 2012; seats 23, 25, and 36 expire in 2010.
Senator McMicheal proposed asking the Senators-elect for seats 23, 25, and 36 if they plan to
run in 2011. Senator Lane indicated that this is not a decision that has to be made today.
A motion was made and seconded by Senators Martin and LeJambre to confirm Bonnie Botello
to Seat #9, Aimee Appelhans to Seat #10, John Campbell to Seat #23, Amber Blough to Seat
#24, and Linda Waggener to Seat #36. Motion passed.
Tammy Scott, EAP Committee representative, presented information to the Senate about a new
campus initiative, called Weight Watchers at Work. Ms. Scott requested Senators’ help in
disseminating information about the program.
The program would offer meetings on campus where people can come weigh in and support
one another. The hope is to save time by not making people leave campus, to make it more
accessible, and to build a cohort of support. VP Vinzant has agreed to sponsor rental of Knight
Hall 74 for six months. UW and Weight Watchers are in the process of finalizing a contract.
Once finalized, 20 people are required for an informational meeting. If anyone is interested in
the program, they can contact Ms. Scott via e-mail ( or telephone (6-2878).
Each Senator was also provided with a sign-up sheet that can be posted for their constituents.
Senator LeJambre inquired when the new program had been developed, since the EAP
Committee has not met during the Spring semester. Ms. Scott indicated that the process began
last summer and committee work took place last fall. The EAP Committee chairmanship will be
transferred to Associate VP Alexander in the near future.
Senator LeJambre asked if Weight Watchers will assume payment of the room rental fee after
six months. Ms. Scott indicated that VP Vinzant has agreed to reevaluate at the end of six
months, and may waive the fee if there is enough participation.
Senator Lewis asked if any other vendors were contacted about providing this service; Ms. Scott
indicated that there were none. Weight Watchers is the only service provider of this kind in
Ms. Bertoncelj, proxy for Senator Becker, inquired about program costs. The cost will vary
according to the structure of program members choose.
Senator Forsyth Lefevre asked if non-UW employees could participate. The program is open to
all people of the community, including students.
Senator LeJambre offered to write a resolution supporting the initiative, and Ms. Scott
expressed her appreciation.
Senator Lane reported that Staff Senate has teamed with UW Human Resources to form a
Relay for Life team. Last year, Staff Senate paid the registration fee; Senator Lane inquired if
the Senate would be willing to do so, again. Senator LeJambre suggested that perhaps HR
could pay half. Senator Lane stated that if neither Staff Senate or HR pay the fee, then the first
$100 in donations raised will go to pay for it. Senator Martin indicated that Staff Senate’s budget
could support the cost. A motion was made and seconded to pay the fee by Senators
McMicheal and Forsyth Lefevre. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
ASUW: Senator LeJambre reported that she has not attended the most recent ASUW
meetings due to a conflict of interest. She is aware of the fact that new officers have
been elected, and a brand new Senate will convene next Tuesday.
Faculty Senate: No report.
Communications Committee: No report.
Compensation Committee: Senator LeJambre reported that Senator Martin has raised a
concern before the committee that they will take to their monthly HR meeting next
Tuesday. The topic will be posted on Senate’s WyoWeb group; Senator LeJambre
encouraged Senators to look it over and provide feedback. The issue focuses on hiring
procedures and apparent inconsistencies. The committee will also address data
requests with HR.
Credentials and Elections: Senator Lane reported that the committee is working on
Employee of the Quarter: Senator C. Cowardin reported that the new deadline for
submitting nominations is June 18, 2010.
Finances: Senator Lane reported that the committee is in possession of a bike to raffle
off for Earth day. A booth will be in the Union next Thursday; if anyone wants to sit at the
booth, let Senator Lane know. The bike winner will be drawn at Staff Recognition Day.
The bike is a girls model, but can be traded in for a boys model.
Recognition Day Committee: Senator Forsyth Lefevre thanked everyone for signing up
to help with the event. She will send out a reminder of who signed up for what. The SRD
Committee is meeting every two weeks. They have procured a lot of door prizes to
award, and the decorations will be great. TransPark will not offer special transportation
to Crane/Hill, but if anyone needs ParaTransit, they can make a reservation for
President’s Report: President Scott noted that the Brown Bag with President Buchanan
set for tomorrow has been cancelled. The next brown bag will be May 13. Senators need
to let Lou Ann know if they plan to attend this meeting.
President Scott informed the Senate that he had originally been nominated to serve on
the Performance Management Committee mentioned earlier by Associate VP Alexander.
He was not selected, however. Associate VP Alexander has indicated that if the Senate
can offer a representative to the group that has supervisory experience similar to those
already appointed to the committee, then s/he can be considered for inclusion on the
committee. President Scott noted that it will be a fast-paced environment. He said that
he has the required supervisory experience, and is willing to offer his name to serve.
Senator Blough also has this experience; she asked how often the committee will meet.
No additional information was provided, but President Scott is sure that they will be
moving quickly, so they will likely meet often. Senator LeJambre thanked President Scott
for offering to serve. She made a motion to nominate President Scott to be Staff
Senate’s representative for the duration of the committee; Senator D. Waggener
seconded the motion. Senator Martin expressed concern about the task overloading
President Scott. Senator Lane suggested that Senator Blough remain informed about
the committee’s proceedings, since she also has supervisory experience. Motion
The UW Board of Trustees will be meeting next month before the full Senate meeting. If
there are issues that the Senate wishes to bring to the Trustees’ attention, let President
Scott know
President Scott thanked those who served as proxies at the meeting. He also welcomed
Senator Lewis back and also welcomed the newly-elected Senators.
Open Forum
Senator Martin inquired as to whether the Senate Executive Committee meeting for May should
be moved so as to not interfere with the Board of Trustees meeting. It is important that the
Executive Committee meet to discuss the upcoming Senate retreat. President Scott indicated
that he would begin an e-mail discourse about making a scheduling change.
Senator Lane noted that the Staff Senate retreat is May 26, 2010. More details on the event will
follow at the regular May meeting.
Senator Herman asked if UW will be sending out information about natural gas choices. Senator
Campbell noted that the utilities director is still in negotiations with suppliers. Information will
probably come out next week at the latest; staff can look for the information on the listserv.
The meeting was adjourned by President Scott at 2:40pm
Respectfully submitted by Lori J. Lewis, Staff Senate Secretary and Lou Ann Chakmakian
Attachment A
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Attachment B
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Attachment C
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