Staff Senate Full senate Meeting I.

Staff Senate
Full senate Meeting
June 8, 2011
Senate Chambers
Meeting called to order at 1:20 pm by President Lane. A quorum was present.
Roll Call
Guests: Laura Alexander, Associate Vice President of Human Resources
Senators Present: Aimee Appelhans, Ginny Becker, David Bluemel, Bonnie Botello, Christi
Byers, Lori Dockter, Cheri Frank, Tonya Gerharter, Carolyn Herman, Stacy Lane, Jim Logue,
Ben Marks, Aneesa McDonald, Christy Nordmann, Katie Ogden, Heather Patterson, Jauque
Schuman, Tod Scott, Linda Waggener, Maureena Walker, Kathi Zubrod
Senators Absent: Rebecca Ashley, Beverly Bell, Mark Davidson, Al Emmons, Farrell Graf,
Jamie LeJambre, Kelly McMicheal
Proxies: Leo Clymer for Cyndi Cowardin, Laura Barton for Winter Hansen, Marvin Perry for
Thyra Page
Approve May Minutes
a. VP Franks moved table the May minutes due to not being circulated. Senator Ogden 2nd.
Motion passed.
b. Approve June Agenda
c. Remove Item III sec A. Senator Appelhans moved, Senator Logue seconded. Motion
Administration Reports
a. Vice President of Administration, Doug Vinzant- Removed from Agenda
b. Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Laura Alexander
i. State committee Benefit report- cutting the benefits to generous. Need to look
at state governments, k-12 and other Universities. Recommendations:
Orthodontics and 80% of Dental for restorative benefits. Dental$4.80 ind/$9.00
Fam., Ortho added $9.57/mo. Collapse deductible into 1 instead of $350/$750.
High deductible health plan, consumer driven health care. $1500/$2000. Health
Savings Account accounts allows employer to funnel into account, HSA would
carry over from year to year. Would not go away like the Health Reimbursement
accounts. Effective date of January 1, 2013. $200 annual for the HSA for the
lower pay percentile. All dependent on what the Governor’s office and
legislature do with the recommendations. Ralph Hayes should have all the info
on the hays group report.
ii. Employee Evals 87%. She will get the numbers for the July meeting. Email what
we want. If the numbers are over 90% they will run the numbers.
iii. Bill Mai-Head of Legislative offices, Chris Boswell-Admin & information, 3rd no
iv. HSA are transportable funds. (Move to employer or cash out, not sure of details
as it is a Fed program).
v. Smoking / Chewing differential. Premium differential would be for rates. ADA
risks for Alcohol.
vi. Salary conversations: Very Dynamic conversation on looking at salary ranges.
HR has regional, local data in HR office. Request for Quote (RFQ) is out for
consultants who may have more info on best practices. Want the study done by
mid-August so that it can go into the budget request.
vii. Staff Wellness resolution, info was sent to the president’s office.
Officer Reports
a. President, Stacy Lane
i. Thank you from winner of staff recognition, other one is a thank you card for
First Interstate Bank for donating sandwich meat for our retreat.
ii. Committee work, 5 bills voted on, 5 resolutions, 3 senators, R&P, Finance policy.
b. Vice President, Cheri Frank
i. Cheri was invited to test upgrade to posting & application system. Significant
improvements made and continuing to work on it. Staff Senate shirts, will bring
to July meeting. Senator Logue will run next month’s meeting as incoming Vice
Old Business
a. Bill # 40- Staff Senate Communications and Compensation Committees Update- Second
i. Do pass with amendments, Change List serve to email lists
ii. Senator Appelhans moved to pass, Senator Logue seconded. Bill # 40 passed.
New Business
a. Confirm Jon Kelly, University Scheduling, Seat # 32
i. Senator Scott moved, Senator McDonald. Motion Passed.
b. Bill # 41 – Credentials and Elections Committee Update- First reading
c. Moved Appelhans, Suspend reading of addendums. Senator McDonald seconded.
Motion passed.
d. Senator Franks moved to suspend rules for second reading, Senator Nordmann
seconded. Motion passed.
e. Senator Appelhans moved to suspend actual second reading of bill # 41, senator Scott
seconded. Move through or start again in July. Motion passed.
f. Senator Appelhans moved to pass bill # 41 Senator Logue seconded. Motion passed by
roll call vote
Liaison Reports
a. ASUW Rep- Senator Aimee Appelhans- Will keep in discussions
b. Faculty Senate Rep- Senator Stacy Lane- April meeting, Cheri will take over meetings in
Committee Reports
a. Communications Committee- Senator Aimee Appelhans- Working on cleaning folder on
warehouse, paper folder and complete year end report. New chair Rebecca Ashley.
Meeting will happen as scheduled.
i. Meeting- 6/21 11-12 in the Skylight Lounge
b. Compensation Committee- Senator Christi Byers
i. Meeting 6/15 4-5 in Coe Library, Room 504
ii. Cancel meeting and will rap up via email
c. Credentials and Elections Committee- Senator Christy Nordmann
i. Finished bill #41. Senator Nordmann will clean out
d. Finance Committee- Senator Lori Dockter
i. Finance committee report will be done.
e. Recognition committee- Senator Tonya Gerharter
f. EOQ 2nd qtr closed on June 10 @ 5 pm, 6 complete, 2 incompletes
Open Forum
A brief open forum followed the regular business of the Staff Senate.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm by President Lane.
Respectfully submitted by Lori Dockter, Secretary-elect